Is it possible that NASA faked the moon landing?

One little-known fact about the 1969 moon landing is a backup speech by US President Richard Nixon in case the Apollo 11 astronauts would be dead cause of the unsuccessful launch. Recently, the scientific journal Discovery published the full text of this speech.
One little-known fact about the 1969 moon landing is a backup speech by US President Richard Nixon in case the Apollo 11 astronauts would be dead cause of the unsuccessful launch. Recently, the scientific journal Discovery published the full text of this speech.
LOL used to watch it ride piggyback right over my head when I lived in Big Bear. Oh yes that 747 is on display at the air park here.
NO one dose anything for free. It's either deferred financial, sexual or returned favors. Just like to think they did but always an alternative motive
I went to a full moon party in Hat Rin back in the day and drank a litre shroom smoothie. Anyways when it kicked in the moon told me that the US had landed on him but apparently someone was a smart ass (the moon wouldn’t say who to classy to drop names) and to get back at him the moon started a rumour that they were never there.
The 2 hour conversation I had with a palm tree after that was intense.
Well all the images I've seen at the museum and in books or online look like cartoons, I mean the planets not the moon