Is China a threat?

They're a threat to this forum. Ban all chinese IPs, fucking sick of them spamming their garbage here every day.
theyre not using chinese ip's obviously. , i get youre upset but know that forum spam happens and were working on it.
the majority of spam is caught in the filter.
This may have been covered in another thread... but don't you think it's strange that Biden makes a "surprise" visit to UKR right after we shoot down a Chinese spy ballon?
This is what I hear 24/7.... as a matter of fact, I can't even hear the playback because Im already hearing it. It's just damaged cochlea hairs that constantly sends this signal to my brain. . and it never stops. It can get maddening in the Fall and Winter for some reason.. Summer, it eases up a bit, but I still hear it.

Thought you were joking, I could here it once the volume got to 100%.
Thought you were joking, I could here it once the volume got to 100%.
Yeah... it's maddening. If you had to turn it up to 100% to hear it, you have hearing damage in that frequency. .. I can't hear it at all no matter how loud because im already hearing it. ... When my sales guys (when I used to work at a Dealership) had pissed me off, I'd put that frequency on the PA system.... they would be searching all over the place trying to figure out the source. They were about to pull thier hair out.
This is what I hear 24/7.... as a matter of fact, I can't even hear the playback because Im already hearing it. It's just damaged cochlea hairs that constantly sends this signal to my brain. . and it never stops. It can get maddening in the Fall and Winter for some reason.. Summer, it eases up a bit, but I still hear it.

I have a tiny bit of that but it's not bad. I could hear that tone easily even on low. I was kinda surprised.