Is China a threat?

Dude... I swear she's a prepper... we literally have 4 "supply huts". We really need to start naming them as 1,2,3, or 4. Me.. "where's the toothpaste"?..... her: "It's in the supply hut"... great, now Im on a scavenger hunt. :bigjoint:
My wife has a data base to tell her where things are. The first year of the pandemic I bought an extra bag of rice and one of dry beans every trip to the store. Now we are eating lots of rice and beans.
@PadawanWarrior We have this weird game that we play of who can get the most, or last usable drop of tooth paste out of a tube. I'll think she had given up one night,.. but the next morning, she's squeezed that tube till it's unrecognizable. I usually still win tho.
The tube of tooth paste at the riverhouse should have been thrown away a couple three months ago. But last night I was still able to get enough out. And I haven't even cut the end off yet.
So zilinsky says publicly, if China helps Russia that will be the start of World War iii. He says this while President Biden is in the Ukraine, in their capital city.
Does anyone think that zielinsky would say this without President Biden's blessing? I would dare say that if he was to say something out of line that President Biden would check him. Since Ukraine owe so much of there well-being to the United States And the citizens.
I for one believe that this was a coordinated effort to time with President Biden's visit with this announcement in an effort to show the United States supporting Ukraine in a World War iii.
Has Canada or any other countries shown the amount of support United States has with Ukraine? I can only hope truly that this isn't the beginning of a World War III like President velensky says it will be.
So zilinsky says publicly, if China helps Russia that will be the start of World War iii. He says this while President Biden is in the Ukraine, in their capital city.
Does anyone think that zielinsky would say this without President Biden's blessing? I would dare say that if he was to say something out of line that President Biden would check him. Since Ukraine owe so much of there well-being to the United States And the citizens.
I for one believe that this was a coordinated effort to time with President Biden's visit with this announcement in an effort to show the United States supporting Ukraine in a World War iii.
Has Canada or any other countries shown the amount of support United States has with Ukraine? I can only hope truly that this isn't the beginning of a World War III like President velensky says it will be.
Well... it can't end with WW2... things progress. With out it, we can't move on to WW4. History and shit.
El finale is to just poke the brush in what's left in the neck of the tube... game over.
Damned polymer tubes.

When they were aluminum, I had a punch the perfect size. Pushed another three days’ worth out that way.

If I knew a machinist, I’d have a steel mandrel and anvil shaped to the angle of the front of the damned polymer tube, then flatten that (bad word) in a vise to recover every milligram of reluctant dentifrice.
Thinking about it.... I'd like to redact my last statement. Just like in a video game (which I do not play)... as you level up, your power comes to a point that in todays technolocical state, we may just end it all with WW3. Our (worldwide) tech had become so advanced, that IF we were to start lobbing ICBM's... it's going be a catastrophic event that may end all of us. WW2.. sure, we had the tech to end a war, but everyone was super shocked at the end game. Today's mindset is more numb. Think about what you see everyday... how would that affect someone in .. let's say the 1960's? What they would see on TV today?... they would prob commit ......... The fact is, we're just too numb to survive this...And you're prob right @PadawanWarrior .. WW4 will prob never happen... WW3?.. Yeah, it's gonna happen.
Thinking about it.... I'd like to redact my last statement. Just like in a video game (which I do not play)... as you level up, your power comes to a point that in todays technolocical state, we may just end it all with WW3. Our (worldwide) tech had become so advanced, that IF we were to start lobbing ICBM's... it's going be a catastrophic event that may end all of us. WW2.. sure, we had the tech to end a war, but everyone was super shocked at the end game. Today's mindset is more numb. Think about what you see everyday... how would that affect someone in .. let's say the 1960's? What they would see on TV today?... they would prob commit ......... The fact is, we're just too numb to survive this...And you're prob right @PadawanWarrior .. WW4 will prob never happen... WW3?.. Yeah, it's gonna happen.
If you don't play video games how do you know about leveling up, :lol:.

From the Big Book of CC, Verse 5:1
Ok Ok... I might have played some Call of Duty (early version)... BUT THAT'S IT!!… my screen name was Private Parts. Never played enough to move myself up in the ranks…. We had Major Boner, Capt Crunch, Col Sanders, etc. it was a work thing on a slow day.
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So zilinsky says publicly, if China helps Russia that will be the start of World War iii. He says this while President Biden is in the Ukraine, in their capital city.
Does anyone think that zielinsky would say this without President Biden's blessing? I would dare say that if he was to say something out of line that President Biden would check him. Since Ukraine owe so much of there well-being to the United States And the citizens.
I for one believe that this was a coordinated effort to time with President Biden's visit with this announcement in an effort to show the United States supporting Ukraine in a World War iii.
Has Canada or any other countries shown the amount of support United States has with Ukraine? I can only hope truly that this isn't the beginning of a World War III like President velensky says it will be.
You believe a lot of things that are bonkers. Why stop with zilinsky/zielinsky/velensky and Biden hatching a plot to something something World War III?

You must miss the days when it was just Republicans selling out to Russians. Things were so simple when there were real conspiracies afoot.