Is China a threat?

Listen to the above sin wave at 8500 hz.... nothing can drown that out... even at a concert, I hear it over and above everything else. The more quiet it is, the more I can hear it. White or brown noise therapy helps when Im having a really loud (level 11) day, but my go to is an App called White Noise. I mix in crickets, Airplane cockpit, rain, and dripping water to calm me down.... but, you get used to it after a few years. You'll have some bad days, and some good... or decent I should say. Maybe the Chinese can come up with a solution LOL... because currently, there is no cure.
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I have to hold the phone right up to my ear. Otherwise there is only a subharmonic (?) not far above 1 kHz.
It can vary from person to person.. some hear low buzzing (wish I had that), some hear mid (4000hz) and rarely up to my 8500hz. Noises can vary from rumblings to high frequency brain piercing levels... Meh.. getting old is a bitch. Currently 54, and have had it for about 12 years now.
I worked with an Audiologist for a couple of months to experiment with trying to feed in a counter frequency that would help with hearing aids, but we never found success. This is one thing I would support the Chinese on is a fix for this...... or anybody for that matter.
Back on subject... I tend to drift onto other things. It's Winter so it's bad at the moment. HOWEVER!... China has stated that would never go fist to cuffs with the US, rather that they would do it though sanctions or supply chain problems (deliberately) that would create higher prices for thier goods or find a way to dismantle our comms or electrical grid and supply via hacking.. It was once said by China that IF they were to try and take us down, not a bullet would be fired. This is modern warfare. It's all a political game of Chess.
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This is what I hear 24/7.... as a matter of fact, I can't even hear the playback because Im already hearing it. It's just damaged cochlea hairs that constantly sends this signal to my brain. . and it never stops. It can get maddening in the Fall and Winter for some reason.. Summer, it eases up a bit, but I still hear it.

I've had a hiss going on for years and have got so used to it I have to pay attention to it to notice it. Too many ear-bleeding rock concerts at the Pacific Coliseum in Vancouver in the early 70s. Hockey arena and had the acoustics of a dumpster with open seating so we always fought to be up front. Deaf for days after Zepplin in '73.

I've had a hiss going on for years and have got so used to it I have to pay attention to it to notice it. Too many ear-bleeding rock concerts at the Pacific Coliseum in Vancouver in the early 70s. Hockey arena and had the acoustics of a dumpster with open seating so we always fought to be up front. Deaf for days after Zepplin in '73.

I played in a band for 10 years, and shot guns without hearing protection... so it's my own fault I suppose.
I played in a band for 10 years, and shot guns without hearing protection... so it's my own fault I suppose.

I worked in a lot of heavy industries in my youth and almost no one wore hearing or eye protection and probably wasn't even on the books as something you should be doing. Drove a forklift in a cabinet factory for a couple years supplying the big ripping saws slings of particle board/plywood and those things fed 50 sheets like it was one long sheet and might have a dozen saw blades in the driveshaft. Screamed like all the demons of hell letting go at once.

Had a hearing test about 5 years ago and tho some high end damage was told pretty good for an old fart of 63 at the time. Got that "can't hear the convo with background noise going on" thing happening tho.

Lots worse shit could be going on at my age so I'm counting my blessings. :)

And oh yeah. China is a huge threat but not in a total war kinda way. I think Xi wants his people to love him and he is treating most better than his predecessors for the most part as long as they are real Chinese. Their expansionism goes ruthlessly ahead without regard of the effects it has on other than Chinese peoples and is mostly unknown or ignored.

But yes China is definitely a threat to not only us militarily but also to our sovereignty they implant spies all over the place and steal our intellectual property constantly and take a lot of our most trusted and guarded knowledge and scientific breakthroughs and backpack them to Asia to be exploited and utilized at the prc’s will

The USA also does the same thing, but they just don't tell us about it. Nothing China has done can't be done by the USA in return.
These are pretty handy.. Not just for keeping the cell phone away from radiating your brain with wall penetrating 5g...

I keep one handy in the grow room (hung on the most receptive wall w/ cell mount next to it), so I can answer any time, even while trimming with sticky fingers.

Back when I still used cell phones anyway...

I don't often spend much time gabbing on the phone but 95% is on my land line. My cell is good old 4G so I'm safer using that and when I do it's often on speaker.

Moved the wifi router into the living room for the ladies so now can barely get a connection with the cell from in the mancave too. Desktop is hardwired for internet. Looking good with a brand new 27" LG monitor too! :)

The USA also does the same thing, but they just don't tell us about it. Nothing China has done can't be done by the USA in return.
I agree concerning espionage, but the US abides by international law,the Chinese have no regard for it when it doesn't suit them,they bully all the smaller countries in the South China Sea and have filled in and augmented rocky atolols in International waters and turned them into bases bristling w/radar and missiles as well as airstrips. The Hague ruled against them on this and they pay it no mind. They have overfished the territorial waters and bully the surrounding countries for the scant amount of fish left in the area(they eat everything the nets drag up and throw nothing back in the spirit of self sustaining fisheries),they are encroaching in the fisheries off Africa sending industrial sized fishing boats to poach the continents fisheries,they get away w/this because many of these countries are now indentured Chinese servants having been conned into Chinese loans for infrastructure improvements under the Belt+Road ponzi scheme,where the Chinese are building deep water ports basically for themselves to confiscate once these poor countries default. They cry about their balloon when truth be told they would go ballistic if the roles were reversed,they intercept our recon flights in international waters w/super aggressive and reckless actions by their pilots as they have pushed out their recognized airspace and territorial waters substantially beyond what internationally recognized norms dictate. Their behavior at the outset of the Covid-19 outbreak was selfish and required a brave Chineses scientist to leak out the genetic sequence to his peers in the international community or we'd have lost precious times to study it and they turned the international investigation into the origins into a tightly controlled Kangaroo court w/restricted access,they then bragged about their gov. superiority in controlling Covid w/their iron fisted /cruel men in white lockdown before Xi did a 180 and now they don't even track the new variants they are spawning. In the West pursuit of cheap products we farmed out our mfg. base in the hopes upward mobility would transform China into a more open democratic state instead we created a big,mean dragon wanting to whip the world w/its powerful tail while threatening to breath fire.