Is China a threat?

China can only win if there is no conflict. If everything continues as it is, learn Mandarin.

If they fuck up and join battle, especially in Taiwan, they will decline. The only kind of war they can win is if any country attempts to invade their mainland with boots on the ground. In fact they have a long history replete with catastrophic military defeat. They have been losing wars for literally thousands of years. With the exception of Tibet (maybe the most peaceful country in the world) their current military incarnation has never tasted victory. They claim to have defeated some remnant of Japanese forces but that's preposterous.

In fact, I hereby challenge any two members of the PLA, along with Jackie Chan to unarmed combat.

the Chinese navy has outnumbered us going on three years and most all there ships are modern as in made in the last 15 years
Even the US Army has more boats than the US Navy. Doesn't mean there's a military force anywhere that can match the US Navy's power projection and firepower. Number of surface combatants isn't a good measure of much. Furthermore, being powerful on paper is just about all the People's Subjugation Army strive for. Meanwhile, US forces always lose wargames, constantly find their weanesses and train for interoperability while publishing mistakes.

When we deploy to target rich environments, we invariably find that those not smart enough to surrender vastly underestimate us.
Even the US Army has more boats than the US Navy. Doesn't mean there's a military force anywhere that can match the US Navy's power projection and firepower. Number of surface combatants isn't a good measure of much. Furthermore, being powerful on paper is just about all the People's Subjugation Army strive for. Meanwhile, US forces always lose wargames, constantly find their weanesses and train for interoperability while publishing mistakes.

When we deploy to target rich environments, we invariably find that those not smart enough to surrender vastly underestimate us.
Four new American bases in the northern Philippines means they are very close by and the number hulls in the water is like the number of T72s on the battlefield, it's not the hulls but what is in them in terms of technology and people that counts. The largest air force in the world is the USAF and the second largest is the USN. Putin's disastrous fiasco in Ukraine has given Xi pause and his advisors must be dancing on his desk about the opportunities in Asia with a declining Russian empire. The path of least resistance is to the east in Asia, an invasion of Taiwan would be disaster, everybody's advanced microprocessors are made there, and America, Asian allies and the EU won't let that happen without a fight.
Four new American bases in the northern Philippines means they are very close by and the number hulls in the water is like the number of T72s on the battlefield, it's not the hulls but what is in them in terms of technology and people that counts. The largest air force in the world is the USAF and the second largest is the USN. Putin's disastrous fiasco in Ukraine has given Xi pause and his advisors must be dancing on his desk about the opportunities in Asia with a declining Russian empire. The path of least resistance is to the east in Asia, an invasion of Taiwan would be disaster, everybody's advanced microprocessors are made there, and America, Asian allies and the EU won't let that happen without a fight.
Hope you're correct,world does NOT need a China/USA war,the worry is Xi is now surrounded by pychophants and yes men having purged anyone w/balls to talk truth to power. Communication between US/China is at all time low and chances of miscalculation are pretty high,Xi has painted himself into a corner over Tawain w/all his tough talk and may act solely to redeem his reputation. If he decides to meddle in Russia's neglected territory's let's hope Ukraine has a spectacularly successful counter off. to help that along,otherwise a stalemate and more yrs. of conflict or heaven forbid Russia gaining the upper hand thru attrition or Western indifference/fatigue may yet still persuade Xi.