Congrats Neo - a most exciting time in your life !!
Just got back from the mid-pregnancy ultrasound. The baby is developing perfectly. We also found out we will be the proud parents of a baby girl!! Pretty exciting stuff.
What kind of names do you and your wife like?i think it would be nice for her to have a name that reflects her chinese heritage, since presumably she will have your last name which in my understanding is european last name.
Im sure there are names that can fit both in her chinese side and the white side that sounds beautiful.
Anyway congrats! My cousin just had her baby girl yesterday and is over the moon. Too bad she named the girl Reese, but oh well.
wait arnt you gay?
Man, this baby name picking is hard. I thought we were all set with Charlotte but now the wife decides she doesn't like it. She instead wants a short name to balance out my longer last name. What the hell do you stoners think? What did you name your daughters? Or what would you name your daughters? I'm tossing around Jun, Faye, Maya and Zoe. I never thought this would be so hard.
Good luck dude, tough choices. My wife and I went with Trinity for our little girls name, we call her Trin for short.
I think the name Judith is beautiful.
But out of all your short name choices, I like Faye and Jun. The others are super trendy and over used. Going classic is usually the best way to name a baby. Jun(e) fits both cultures equally, and Faye is soft and delicate. I also really like the name Anna, Alice, etc.... good luck