I'm going to be a daddy!

So how's this for a kicker...my wife's expected due date is December 21st, 2012. The world is not ending...it's just a new beginning.
So how's this for a kicker...my wife's expected due date is December 21st, 2012. The world is not ending...it's just a new beginning.

Haha my daughters b'day! she was due on 24th December but the missus couldn't hold out.. we were gonna call here Beth had she been born on the 24th..
Haha my daughters b'day! she was due on 24th December but the missus couldn't hold out.. we were gonna call here Beth had she been born on the 24th..

Lol, too funny! We haven't even gotten to names yet. We already agreed the first name will be an American sounding name and the middle name will be Xiao, a Chinese name because we want to keep as much cultural identity as we can.
Lol, too funny! We haven't even gotten to names yet. We already agreed the first name will be an American sounding name and the middle name will be Xiao, a Chinese name because we want to keep as much cultural identity as we can.

Mad!.. obviously conceived on roughly the same day of the year too lol... nice thinking for the names too :) any preference for boy or girl?
Mad!.. obviously conceived on roughly the same day of the year too lol... nice thinking for the names too :) any preference for boy or girl?

Not sure which way to go on the gender. A boy I think would be more fun and less problems but a girl would take my responsibilities down alittle bit. Birds and bees and whatnot. I think having a girl would make me worry more. It really doesn't matter though as long as they're healthy, I'll love 'em all the same.
Not sure which way to go on the gender. A boy I think would be more fun and less problems but a girl would take my responsibilities down alittle bit. Birds and bees and whatnot. I think having a girl would make me worry more. It really doesn't matter though as long as they're healthy, I'll love 'em all the same.

Good answer ;) I wanted a girl & we got one, then the missus fell pregnant again 4 months later & we had a boy (13 months apart in age), I wanted another girl as she was a joy to bring up as a baby, but we got a boy & he was a NIGHTMARE!!.. But, as long as their healthy like you say, it doesn't matter. You'll love being a Dad :)


And watch out 4 this!


The girls where a breeze until hormones started then OMG, all I can say is OMG the drama. :shock:

The boy was a great kid and stayed that way.
They're all fun in their own way. My children all have very strong but very different personalities, which is nice because none of them are "lost in the crowd". All of them make their mama proud.
My wife thought she felt kind of strange so we got some pregnancy tests and all 3 of them says there's a bun in the oven! Pretty excited and scared. Tis the first child for either of us. Haven't told a single soul yet, just you folks. My interwebz fam. Got her a doctor's appointment for tomorrow. Got to get ready for work but needed to tell somebody! Have a great day world!

Congrats buddy, i could dish out many harvests in those 9 months!