I'm going to be a daddy!

My wife thought she felt kind of strange so we got some pregnancy tests and all 3 of them says there's a bun in the oven! Pretty excited and scared. Tis the first child for either of us. Haven't told a single soul yet, just you folks. My interwebz fam. Got her a doctor's appointment for tomorrow. Got to get ready for work but needed to tell somebody! Have a great day world!

is it yours?
Eep! You have a talent for choosing names that don't sound at all good in my ancestral German and Russian. My fav' girl names are Helen and Susan. Classic, feminine, neither trite nor foofy. Jmo.
A second name of Xiao practically begs for a polysyllabic and rhythmic counterpoint, like Penelope or Elizabeth.

The two most unfortunate names for girls of which I can think at the moment would be Astarte and Dorcas. Although the spate of last names as first names (Madison, Taylor et al., usually former Presidents!) has to be a contender. cn
Eep! You have a talent for choosing names that don't sound at all good in my ancestral German and Russian. My fav' girl names are Helen and Susan. Classic, feminine, neither trite nor foofy. Jmo.
A second name of Xiao practically begs for a polysyllabic and rhythmic counterpoint, like Penelope or Elizabeth.

The two most unfortunate names for girls of which I can think at the moment would be Astarte and Dorcas. Although the spate of last names as first names (Madison, Taylor et al., usually former Presidents!) has to be a contender. cn

I actually like different forms of the names you do, Helena and Susanna.
I prefer longer names, but I was going for what he asked for.
For example, if I could, Id offer up: Judith, Juliette, Justine, Maxine, Georgia, Theodora, Helena, Susanna, Oceania, Violet, Evangeline, Josephine, etc.
oh and totally agree on the names like madison and taylor. also hate little girls with boy names. Like Dylan, Sawyer, Harper, etc...
I went out with this chick who's middle name was Faye too, does ur cousin live in Santa Barbara now? Lolz. What bout Louise, if she turns out to be an awesome tom boy who kicks ass in softball u can call her Lou for short.

Lolz Neer I used to know this chick named Deidra but everyone called her DeeDee, u think it was a nickname her dad gave her and it just stuck.
"So he started a label,just for dylan.......you know why? cuz I spit hot fire"LOL...I remember watching this show when it first aired,I think I was in middle school,the funniest shit on T.V
Thanks for the opinions everybody. I take a little solace in the fact that I still got 3 months to make a decision. One thing that I can't stop doing is associating names to past peers and present customers. That's why I picked the names I did because I know absolutely no one with those names. Zoe is out as the consensus in the real world and here seems to be unanimous. Well thanks for caring anyway.
Holy hell in a handbasket I'm a daddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bout to head back to the hospital, ran home to shovel snow/feed ladies and had to share with y'all the good news. My wife and I welcomed a beautiful baby girl into our lives at 9:09 last night. 7lbs 8oz, 20 1/2" long and scored a 9/9 on the APGAR!!!! 10 fingers 10 toes so fucking overwhelmed right now but in an amazing way that I've never experienced before. This shit is thoroughly good! My mind is racing. Gotta go be a dad and a husband but wanted to share with y'all the good news!! Hope y'all are just as content as I am!!! Have a wonderful day!!!!