I'm going to be a daddy!

Well my wife and I aren't against abortions but at this point in the game that option does not suit us.
Well my wife and I aren't against abortions but at this point in the game that option does not suit us.
Good on you my friend, and let me add my heart felt congratulations to the mix.
My wife and I have raised 4 wonderful adults - and to tell you the truth it ain't rocket science, it just take a little common sense and a ton of love.
Welcome to the next facet of the journey (and get some sleep now while you can).
Good on you my friend, and let me add my heart felt congratulations to the mix.
My wife and I have raised 4 wonderful adults - and to tell you the truth it ain't rocket science, it just take a little common sense and a ton of love.
Welcome to the next facet of the journey (and get some sleep now while you can).

Lol, thanks GWN! Words of wisdom! Parenthood is one of those things that I've always felt you can't really speak on, until you've done it. That's kind of how I'm approaching it, another frontier....dundundun!
Lol, thanks GWN! Words of wisdom! Parenthood is one of those things that I've always felt you can't really speak on, until you've done it. That's kind of how I'm approaching it, another frontier....dundundun!

Buddy.....just wait till she starts to show. Then you'll start to actaually freak the fuck out. Oh......lamaze is super fun.....enjoy! LOL! :).
that is freaking AWESOME> you are going to loose a lot of sleep but your life is about to have so much more meaning to it. its crazy how kids change you. for the better !!
congrats,like alot have said sleep comes at a premium when they are babies so do your wife a favor and help feed when you can. its going to be great.welcome to a whole new life perspective.
One thing I wish I had been told about... during delivery, women can rip down there, in order for them not to rip, the doctor will cut her vag, it's called an episiotomy. I wasn't aware of it and they had to do it to my ex... it freaked me out, all i saw was blood, and a lot of it. I guess that's the time to ask for the extra stitch lol... stay high
Realy happy for you and wishing you luck, its an interesting phase for both mommy and daddy.
We have 64 days left until our first daughter is due and I am so excited yet equaly stressed as you never know what can go wrong until everything is said and done.
I have particular issues with any possibilty of male medical personel in the birthing suite... I'd hate to have to go to jail the day my daughter gets born.

The reason most women rip is because they arent given enough time to fully dilate, or even worse, get induced into labour wich brings contractions on suddenly like being hit by a bus. Combine that with an epidural and you can't feel when you should and shouldn't be pushing. We are going for a totaly natural birth with only gas for pain management. No forceps, no episiotomies (cutting)...
My wife is approaching 40 years old. She hasn't had a single side effect from the pregnancy yet, not even a morning sickness. Baby daughter is allready weighing more than my wife did at birth.

P.S. baby prepares you for the sleep disturbances by makeing mommy roll around alot at night, at some point you are gonna want to head to the spare bed, so you both can get some rest and she can stretch her hips.

PPS.. tell people when ever you and mommy want to, fuck this 3 month shit. We were kinda lucky in that we only found out wheb she was allready 16 weeks pregnant :)
rub some olive oil on the area and there will be no tearing or need for cutting...and congratulations! I've found the biggest perk of being a parent is being a GRANDPARENT!
One thing I wish I had been told about... during delivery, women can rip down there, in order for them not to rip, the doctor will cut her vag, it's called an episiotomy. I wasn't aware of it and they had to do it to my ex... it freaked me out, all i saw was blood, and a lot of it. I guess that's the time to ask for the extra stitch lol... stay high
Lol, we are ...erm mature parents, I'd likely be dead long before any grand kids... (thank god I wouldn;t have to live with the thought of some dude boneing my daughter at night).
The reason most women rip is because they arent given enough time to fully dilate, or even worse, get induced into labour wich brings contractions on suddenly like being hit by a bus. Combine that with an epidural and you can't feel when you should and shouldn't be pushing. We are going for a totaly natural birth with only gas for pain management. No forceps, no episiotomies (cutting)...
My wife is approaching 40 years old. She hasn't had a single side effect from the pregnancy yet, not even a morning sickness. Baby daughter is allready weighing more than my wife did at birth.

P.S. baby prepares you for the sleep disturbances by makeing mommy roll around alot at night, at some point you are gonna want to head to the spare bed, so you both can get some rest and she can stretch her hips.

PPS.. tell people when ever you and mommy want to, fuck this 3 month shit. We were kinda lucky in that we only found out wheb she was allready 16 weeks pregnant :)

Props ANC, for both the awesome advice regarding sleeping arrangements and the excellent input on methodology. I'd like to have a similar plan someday when I have kids.
Hey congratulations!!! Im so used to hearing people are pregnant, its refreshing to hear that the people who are expecting are actually married!!
Congratulations :clap:

Remember to take lots and lots of pics and videos in early life. They grow so quick. Don't worry so much about the dad thing. I can tell in your post that you will do a fine job. Believe me when I say it all comes natural and from the heart. Just always remember to teach them well.