I'm going to be a daddy!

Man, how do parents of infants find the time to sleep. Oh, they don't. :-P

Well, my 2 girls got the go ahead to leave the hospital earlier today, so we're at home chilling. Natural high. The wife and babe are napping. Or I wouldn't be here. ;-)

Had to stay an extra day cuz the wifey had to get the c slice. Induction kept making the baby's bpm drop. So they sliced her open. She doing good though. Doctors suck at reassuring you. Nurses are awesome though. The baby is fucking gorgeous. Gets that from the wifey I guess. My wife's tits are huge. :-P Just some musings. Thanks for all the congrats! Hope y'all are enjoying life.
Congrats neo! I've got 2 little boys and it was the best time of my life. They keep my own my toes.

They know what they do lol. Get ready for long sleepless nights :D
Man, how do parents of infants find the time to sleep. Oh, they don't. :-P

Well, my 2 girls got the go ahead to leave the hospital earlier today, so we're at home chilling. Natural high. The wife and babe are napping. Or I wouldn't be here. ;-)

Had to stay an extra day cuz the wifey had to get the c slice. Induction kept making the baby's bpm drop. So they sliced her open. She doing good though. Doctors suck at reassuring you. Nurses are awesome though. The baby is fucking gorgeous. Gets that from the wifey I guess. My wife's tits are huge. :-P Just some musings. Thanks for all the congrats! Hope y'all are enjoying life.

With our second, my ex had to get the slice on a sort of emergency basis. Number 2 was so big his head kept bouncing off her pelvis. I got some great video of her, cheerful as can be above the sheet ... and looking like an exploded microwave burrito below it. Whgen I showed it to her after she came home, she almost popped a staple.

Also, a cautionary tale.

"You know, son ... you were delivered by Caesarean section", spoke Mother to Nigel.

"Oh Mum, that explains so much!" replied Nigel as he left through the kitchen window.

With our second, my ex had to get the slice on a sort of emergency basis. Number 2 was so big his head kept bouncing off her pelvis. I got some great video of her, cheerful as can be above the sheet ... and looking like an exploded microwave burrito below it. Whgen I showed it to her after she came home, she almost popped a staple.

Also, a cautionary tale.

"You know, son ... you were delivered by Caesarean section", spoke Mother to Nigel.

"Oh Mum, that explains so much!" replied Nigel as he left through the kitchen window.


I was in the room holding her hand just behind her right shoulder but they had a sheet in front of us separating us from the sterile-ness. We both just stared at the nice clean green sheet the whole time. Then near the end came the hollywood slasher blood splatter all over the sheet. Some actually made it over the sheet and splattered alittle on both of us. It was like right outta a movie. I guess that was the umbilical cord cutting? All things considered I think it was the best route. My wife's tiny and the thought of pushing a baby out of there scared the bejesus out of her.

The last reference somewhat eludes me? Steven Wright?