Well-Known Member
ummm u want a female to run our world ..??? what a bad idea ,, look what happened to michigan when jennifer Granholm became governer ,,this state is FUCKED now thanks to her ,, we dont need this whole country to be messed up any worse than it is ... and as far as barack obama goes ,,, who the fuck even let him enter the race ... barack hussien obama ... sounds to me like bagdad & iraq = barack ,.. hussien= we all know what a dumfuck he was ,, & obama ,, sounds like osamma to me ,, o yeah he came from one of those countries also .. so fuck him & fuck her too .... cheech for president in 09
Pure genius, You must be a graduate of Harvard, because I can tell you have a high IQ........................."o yeah he came from one of those countries also"....... Barack Obama is from America genius........ ha Ha Ha your a joke ........How does it feel to be a rock............are you proud that you have pea sized brain.............Your going places in life ha ha lol