Hillary Clinton


Well-Known Member
ummm u want a female to run our world ..??? what a bad idea ,, look what happened to michigan when jennifer Granholm became governer ,,this state is FUCKED now thanks to her ,, we dont need this whole country to be messed up any worse than it is ... and as far as barack obama goes ,,, who the fuck even let him enter the race ... barack hussien obama ... sounds to me like bagdad & iraq = barack ,.. hussien= we all know what a dumfuck he was ,, & obama ,, sounds like osamma to me ,, o yeah he came from one of those countries also .. so fuck him & fuck her too .... cheech for president in 09
Pure genius, You must be a graduate of Harvard, because I can tell you have a high IQ........................."o yeah he came from one of those countries also"....... Barack Obama is from America genius........ ha Ha Ha your a joke ........How does it feel to be a rock............are you proud that you have pea sized brain.............Your going places in life ha ha lol


Well-Known Member
I pity all you americans and your bullshit political climate you live in of lies, money and greed. Move to Canada where you truely are free and people are equal. Yeah right.


New Member
I pity all you americans and your bullshit political climate you live in of lies, money and greed. Move to Canada where you truely are free and people are equal. Yeah right.
Too cold. I'll have to wait a few years. Then we can bask in the sun on the tropical beaches in Vancouver. You may as well start planting palm trees now.


Well-Known Member
In a way, you are sort of correct. The debate last night explained your point pretty well.

As every question was ask, the talking heads gave a glib and smiley answers. Ron Paul attempted to bring the focus back to basic economics; which is where he believes the discussion should begin. A true economist believes almost every problem has a suitable economic solution. That idea flew over the heads of most people in the room.

Which gets us back to the original criticism of libertarians. You have to be educated to understand what libertarians are talking about. Libertarianism is a mantra.

this is THE first ron paul post that i've seen that actually carries some sort of "fact". thank you, that's what i need to hear.

give me something to work with here people. RON PAUL!!!!! yeah, great, now back it with something and i may pay attention. :mrgreen::peace:

i missed the debate. i would have liked to see that.


Well-Known Member
this is THE first ron paul post that i've seen that actually carries some sort of "fact". thank you, that's what i need to hear.

give me something to work with here people. RON PAUL!!!!! yeah, great, now back it with something and i may pay attention. :mrgreen::peace:

i missed the debate. i would have liked to see that.
It is really hard to state facts and leave opinions out. Because as you develope a fact-list you sound like you are delivering opinons. So from where I sit the Ron Paul fact list is this:

Go back to the basic Constitution.
Develope economics solutions to problems.
All issues which are not clearly defined as national issues go back to states-rights issues.

There are discrete plans for each of the issues. But you get the idea.


Well-Known Member
In a way, you are sort of correct. The debate last night explained your point pretty well.

As every question was ask, the talking heads gave a glib and smiley answers. Ron Paul attempted to bring the focus back to basic economics; which is where he believes the discussion should begin. A true economist believes almost every problem has a suitable economic solution. That idea flew over the heads of most people in the room.

Which gets us back to the original criticism of libertarians. You have to be educated to understand what libertarians are talking about. Libertarianism is a mantra.
Sounds like religion, hehe.

Well, you gotta consider time and place. If your talking on rollitup.org, you'll get alot of RP action. Step outside, you'll get less of it. He isn't the mainstream candidate, so to say you hear too much of him shows that you are in a circle that believes in him. Wrong associations? Maby. But don't think for one second he is overhyped by most. Pretty underrated, in general actually.


New Member
I pity all you americans and your bullshit political climate you live in of lies, money and greed. Move to Canada where you truely are free and people are equal. Yeah right.
People are equal? Who the fork wants to be equal? If all people are equal, there is no freedom. And by the way ... if we all move to Canada, how will you compete? Or, has your socialist government eliminated, through regulations, competition so the citizens won't get their self images shattered?



Well-Known Member
I suspect that this is a tad premature, however it still gladdens my heart!!!!

Mon Jan 07 2008 09:46:28 ET

Facing a double-digit defeat in New Hampshire, a sudden collapse in national polls and an expected fund-raising drought, Senator Hillary Clinton is preparing for a tough decision: Does she get out of the race? And when?!

"She can't take multiple double-digit losses in New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada," laments one top campaign insider to the DRUDGE REPORT. "If she gets too badly embarrassed, it will really harm her. She doesn't want the Clinton brand to be damaged with back-to-back-to-back defeats."

Meanwhile, Democrat hopeful John Edwards has confided to senior staff that he is staying in the race because Hillary "could soon be out."

"Her money is going to dry up," Edwards confided, a top source said Monday morning.


Key players in Clinton's inner circle are said to be split. James Carville is urging her to fight it out through at least February and Super Tuesday, where she has a shot at thwarting Barack Obama in a big state. But others close to the former first lady now see no possible road to victory, sources claim.


[The dramatic reversal of fortunes has left the media establishment stunned and racing to keep up with fast-moving changes.

In its final poll before Iowa, CNN showed Clinton with a two-point lead over Obama. Editorial decisions were being made based on an understanding the Democratic primary race would be close, explained a network executive.]


New Member
Hillary (and her advisors) made a huge mistake in taking the "politics of destruction" approach again. They underestimated, or more than likely didn't realize, that the country is sick and tired of divisive politics. Obama is carrying the message, fluffy as it is, of "Hope." His followers don't have a clue as to where he stands on the issues, but for the emotion based leftists, "Hope" is a good enough reason to elect the next leader of the most powerful nation on earth. The Dems do know one thing ... if Hillary is the next president, they will have Bill back in the White House trying to massage his tainted legacy into something presentable to history. Not even the hard-core Dems want that. Look for Obama to be the next Democrat presidential nominee.



Well-Known Member
Hi Vi, I basically agree with your assessment.
But I would not count the smarmy Edwards out of the race quite yet.
In her flailing death throes Hillary may yet critically injure Obama, thereby opening the door for the slip and fall lawyer Edwards.


New Member
Hi Vi, I basically agree with your assessment.
But I would not count the smarmy Edwards out of the race quite yet.
In her flailing death throes Hillary may yet critically injure Obama, thereby opening the door for the slip and fall lawyer Edwards.
Perish the thought, Wavels! Can you imagine Edwards as president? Good Gawd! ... I think that would be the final nail in the coffin for the U.S. He'd make Jimmy (I was attacked by a rabbit) Carter look like Barry Goldwater. With Edwards as president, the ship gets blown to smithereens instantly. With Obama, the ship goes down slowly ... with "Hope." :blsmoke:



New Member
Hillary (and her advisors) made a huge mistake in taking the "politics of destruction" approach again. They underestimated, or more than likely didn't realize, that the country is sick and tired of divisive politics. Obama is carrying the message, fluffy as it is, of "Hope." His followers don't have a clue as to where he stands on the issues, but for the emotion based leftists, "Hope" is a good enough reason to elect the next leader of the most powerful nation on earth. The Dems do know one thing ... if Hillary is the next president, they will have Bill back in the White House trying to massage his tainted legacy into something presentable to history. Not even the hard-core Dems want that. Look for Obama to be the next Democrat presidential nominee.

Having just watched a gathering of intellectuals (Which I can safely say you're not) discuss reason and the cornerstones thereof, Emotion which you seem to so loath is the prime ingrediant for reason. So it is no wonder that your reasoning abilities are so limited. Your wit it limited to sarcasm and lame cut and pastes from the likes of such blunderbusts as Ann Coulter. It's hard to believe that you achieved the 70 year old mark without gathering any wisdom, but there is always the possibility that you may still learn, even though I'm pretty sure your mind is closed tighter than a bulls ass in fly time. Since you are not reading my posts, I don't expect a response, but maybe the other members on this site can glimpse an insight into your caustic and vitriolic attacks on liberals, of which I happen to be. No I am not a commie pinko as you often refer to me but rather a liberal thinker, a progressive if you must. What does that mean you ask? It means that I use my emotions (Which you neo-cons don't obviously posses) to reason out the best possible solutions to complex problems, instead of sticking to some time honored failed policy. So next time you go on a rant about liberals, take the time to actually do some investigation into the area of "Reason".


Well-Known Member
Having just watched a gathering of intellectuals (Which I can safely say you're not) discuss reason and the cornerstones thereof, Emotion which you seem to so loath is the prime ingrediant for reason. So it is no wonder that your reasoning abilities are so limited. Your wit it limited to sarcasm and lame cut and pastes from the likes of such blunderbusts as Ann Coulter. It's hard to believe that you achieved the 70 year old mark without gathering any wisdom, but there is always the possibility that you may still learn, even though I'm pretty sure your mind is closed tighter than a bulls ass in fly time. Since you are not reading my posts, I don't expect a response, but maybe the other members on this site can glimpse an insight into your caustic and vitriolic attacks on liberals, of which I happen to be. No I am not a commie pinko as you often refer to me but rather a liberal thinker, a progressive if you must. What does that mean you ask? It means that I use my emotions (Which you neo-cons don't obviously posses) to reason out the best possible solutions to complex problems, instead of sticking to some time honored failed policy. So next time you go on a rant about liberals, take the time to actually do some investigation into the area of "Reason".
Well, med this certainly explains your inability to think clearly.
Your thought process is clouded by your emotions.
Thinking and feeling are two different things. Emotions by definition are devoid of logic. Feeling is not thinking.
Thanks for explaining the inherent logical fallacy of liberal "thinking".
This is the primary reason liberals embrace demonstrably failed policies, the majority of which are indeed abject failures!

Also, I have never seen you post even one substantive criticism of Ann Coulter; you react with pure emotion, which enables you to do nothing but call her childish names!


New Member
Well, med this certainly explains your inability to think clearly.
Your thought process is clouded by your emotions.
Thinking and feeling are two different things. Emotions by definition are devoid of logic. Feeling is not thinking.
Thanks for explaining the inherent logical fallacy of liberal "thinking".
This is the primary reason liberals embrace demonstrably failed policies, the majority of which are indeed abject failures!

Also, I have never seen you post even one substantive criticism of Ann Coulter; you react with pure emotion, which enables you to do nothing but call her childish names!
Taking reason as an abstract, I see you have infused the insanity of ann cuntler into the conversation. Reason is a process of using all your faculties, including the prime one, emotion. If you are so un-emotional, why do you take such humbridge at my posts. Emotions are the underlying embodiement of every thought process. How you can deny this, just shows your lack of understanding of the primal being. An infusion of reason into any discussion must include emotions or it is just robotic response.


Well-Known Member
Taking reason as an abstract, I see you have infused the insanity of ann cuntler into the conversation. Reason is a process of using all your faculties....

Well, well, med you are the one who mentioned Ann Coulter in the post I responded to...it was your reference.

I realize that your notion of the meaning of reason suits your liberal mindset, but this certainly does not make it valid.


Etymology: Middle English resoun, from Anglo-French raisun, from Latin ration-, ratio reason, computation, from reri to calculate, think; probably akin to Gothic rathjo account, explanation Date: 13th century 1 a: a statement offered in explanation or justification <gave reasons that were quite satisfactory> b: a rational ground or motive <a good reason to act soon> c: a sufficient ground of explanation or of logical defense; especially : something (as a principle or law) that supports a conclusion or explains a fact <the reasons behind her client's action> d: the thing that makes some fact intelligible : cause <the reason for earthquakes> <the real reason why he wanted me to stay &#8212; Graham Greene>2 a (1): the power of comprehending, inferring, or thinking especially in orderly rational ways : intelligence (2): proper exercise of the mind (3): sanity b: the sum of the intellectual powers3archaic : treatment that affords satisfaction


Well-Known Member
Having just watched a gathering of intellectuals (Which I can safely say you're not) discuss reason and the cornerstones thereof, Emotion which you seem to so loath is the prime ingrediant for reason. So it is no wonder that your reasoning abilities are so limited. Your wit it limited to sarcasm and lame cut and pastes from the likes of such blunderbusts as Ann Coulter. It's hard to believe that you achieved the 70 year old mark without gathering any wisdom, but there is always the possibility that you may still learn, even though I'm pretty sure your mind is closed tighter than a bulls ass in fly time. Since you are not reading my posts, I don't expect a response, but maybe the other members on this site can glimpse an insight into your caustic and vitriolic attacks on liberals, of which I happen to be. No I am not a commie pinko as you often refer to me but rather a liberal thinker, a progressive if you must. What does that mean you ask? It means that I use my emotions (Which you neo-cons don't obviously posses) to reason out the best possible solutions to complex problems, instead of sticking to some time honored failed policy. So next time you go on a rant about liberals, take the time to actually do some investigation into the area of "Reason".
Every time a liberal sneezes their vaginas fall out!!! End of discussion.