word, respek. yeah they lie, thats why you look at their history and see if they are truly sticking to their beliefs or changing to suit their audience. Ron Paul has been very unpopular for years due to his beliefs but he is steadfast in his values and thoughs. thats why hes the man. he really does stand up for the rights of Americans...shitbrick
she's never told me NO.i heard she likes anal? is that true? Name one thing he did wrong other than the bj. he was the first one in history to balance the budget. The economy the the best its ever been .Gas wasn't 3.00 a gal. No one was trying to blow us up,or at war.One good reason to oppose Hillary? Bill Clinton.
thats the most ignorant shit ive heard in awhile. he didnt get to choose his fucking name asshole. and a name is only a name, it doesnt mean he is one way or another. as for bill clinton, he ignored threats that have been mounting for decades. he left us incredibly vulnerable for 9/11. hillary is a puppet for bill. its another clinton/bush machine just perpetuating the system for the last 20 years. lets end this bullshit. its all money and ties to money and power. these fools dont have our interest in mind. RONPAUL2008.comummm u want a female to run our world ..??? what a bad idea ,, look what happened to michigan when jennifer Granholm became governer ,,this state is FUCKED now thanks to her ,, we dont need this whole country to be messed up any worse than it is ... and as far as barack obama goes ,,, who the fuck even let him enter the race ... barack hussien obama ... sounds to me like bagdad & iraq = barack ,.. hussien= we all know what a dumfuck he was ,, & obama ,, sounds like osamma to me ,, o yeah he came from one of those countries also .. so fuck him & fuck her too .... cheech for president in 09
your very angry..............................well fuck you than. do your research. this is in the politics section btw. i dont know if you saw that
In a way, you are sort of correct. The debate last night explained your point pretty well.ron paul is starting to sound like religion to me. the more he's pushed down my throat the less interest i seem to have. weird.