i do like obamma... but i don;t know what his politics are.. LOL... i saw him on 60 minutes and he did not seem very progressive.. not a deep thinker.... not free to really get to the root of some of the issues... on the other hand, maybe these guys know that coming to DIRECT is what looses votes..
If somebody ran for office and said they were going to have
1. health care for everyione
2. cut taxes in half
3. reduce street violence by 80%
4. increase drug awareness and health programs by 1000%
5. end illegal prostituion by legalizing it
6. reduce military deaths by 95%
7. and legalize all drugs
8. fix the welfare and SS programs so they work forever
9. befriend all nations
10. reduce unemplyment
this person would never get elected.. and yet, it is a great plan and it is so easy to implement...