Hillary Clinton

Someone, around here, posted the Judicial Watch 10 Worst list. That says alot to me. But, only a senseless fool, would support Hillary. She and her useless husband are traitors. They make me sick.

and how does this explain anything?

except that your curtain is still open...



BTW - dave letterman has some great top 10 lists too
:mrgreen: You guyz crack me up.

And the take on Hannity is exactly right. I can't stand the guy anymore. He continually interrupts his guest just as they are ready to make their points. Hannity is a pompous ass.

At one time I thought Hannity was a good guy. But, he is the definition of self-absorbed. His ego has pushed him into serious narcissistic levels. He has lost credibility.

While I am not at the point where I would endorse what you said, I am beginning to think that things are headed in that direction for Hannity. He's beginning to look like the conservative version of Al Gore.

No body takes me CEREAL! manbear pig is REAL!
While I am not at the point where I would endorse what you said, I am beginning to think that things are headed in that direction for Hannity. He's beginning to look like the conservative version of Al Gore.

No body takes me CEREAL! manbear pig is REAL!
Oh, I think he is much more self absorbed than Al.
Wow, Hillary and Obamma really impressed me this past couple weeks It is amazing how fatigue brings out the true essence in people... when exhausted, the veneer drops and the real faces show.. What beatuitful people!

Wow, Hillary and Obamma really impressed me this past couple weeks It is amazing how fatigue brings out the true essence in people... when exhausted, the veneer drops and the real faces show.. What beatuitful people!


You are kidding, right? Hillary beautiful? Remember, she and her despicable next-of-kin committed treason.

As for Obama, I think he may fulfill the last known prophecy of Nostradamus. Where IS his blue turban?

You are kidding, right? Hillary beautiful? Remember, she and her despicable next-of-kin committed treason.

As for Obama, I think he may fulfill the last known prophecy of Nostradamus. Where IS his blue turban?

Treason, treason you, say, Well that about sums it up:
Whatever Happened to the Plame Investigation? An Act of Treason by the Bush Administration Gets Buried Alive. - BuzzFlash Guest Commentary

Recs: 5
Bush commits treason
I know, I know its not the first time but yesterday he spoke about the CIA secret prisons in a televised news conference! Remember the attacks on the press when they announced the existence of these? TREASON!!!!! said those on the right. Or that they did not exist. Lies on both counts. Again.

"Conservative blowhard and CNN talking head William Bennett gave America's top newspaper reporters a backhanded compliment on Tuesday when he complained that three 2006 Pulitzer Prize winners were "worthy of jail."

Bennett was venting over the fact that Dana Priest of the Washington Post and the New York Times' James Risen and Eric Lichtblau employed classified data to expose administration malfeasance. (Priest broke the story of the CIA's network of "secret prisons" in Europe, and Risen and Eric Lichtblau exposed the story of the NSA's secret domestic wiretapping program--a subject Risen treated at length in his book "State of War : The Secret History of the C.I.A. and the Bush Administration.) Even worse than employing classified data, Bennett said, was that these reporters had the temerity to publish their stories "against the wishes of the president, against the request of the president and others, that they not release it. They not only released it, they publicized it--they put it on the front page, and it damaged us, it hurt us." "
As a result are they punished, are they in shame, are they embarrassed, are they arrested? No...I think what they did is worthy of jail." For all this bluster, Bennett does (again, inadvertently), manage to make a point--one which some other commentators took to be a sign of good reporting, rather than Bennett's silly suggestion of treason. But Bennett isn't alone. Other conservatives, such as the Powerline blog (who called the Risen and Lichtblau piece "treasonous" and columnist Mark Steyn, who says that even though he's ineligible to win a Pulitzer, he "wouldn't want the thing in the house" anyway), rail against the awards because they feel the reporters have hurt national security. Unsurprisingly, none of these conservative attackers felt compelled to explain why these leaks should be punishable by prison while, say, leaks lovingly dealt out to administration-friendly reporters like the Post's Bob Woodward or the Times' Judith Miller that dealt with no less secretive or sensitive matters should be celebrated."

Maybe you should check out the treasonous acts of the Bush regime.
"Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird"
Hillary has my vote!

I don't know what to say about that Treasonous BJ Bill got but, more tax dollars went into that investigation than went into the investigation of 911.
Someone has got their priorities in the wrong place.

It will be a cold day before any Republican gets my vote again.

Hillary has been involved with the running of this country before. I'm sure she has vast knowledge on the ins and outs of the Presidency.
i do like obamma... but i don;t know what his politics are.. LOL... i saw him on 60 minutes and he did not seem very progressive.. not a deep thinker.... not free to really get to the root of some of the issues... on the other hand, maybe these guys know that coming to DIRECT is what looses votes..

If somebody ran for office and said they were going to have
1. health care for everyione
2. cut taxes in half
3. reduce street violence by 80%
4. increase drug awareness and health programs by 1000%
5. end illegal prostituion by legalizing it
6. reduce military deaths by 95%
7. and legalize all drugs
8. fix the welfare and SS programs so they work forever
9. befriend all nations
10. reduce unemplyment

this person would never get elected.. and yet, it is a great plan and it is so easy to implement...
Treason, treason you, say, Well that about sums it up:
Whatever Happened to the Plame Investigation? An Act of Treason by the Bush Administration Gets Buried Alive. - BuzzFlash Guest Commentary

Recs: 5
Bush commits treason
I know, I know its not the first time but yesterday he spoke about the CIA secret prisons in a televised news conference! Remember the attacks on the press when they announced the existence of these? TREASON!!!!! said those on the right. Or that they did not exist. Lies on both counts. Again.

"Conservative blowhard and CNN talking head William Bennett gave America's top newspaper reporters a backhanded compliment on Tuesday when he complained that three 2006 Pulitzer Prize winners were "worthy of jail."
Bennett was venting over the fact that Dana Priest of the Washington Post and the New York Times' James Risen and Eric Lichtblau employed classified data to expose administration malfeasance. (Priest broke the story of the CIA's network of "secret prisons" in Europe, and Risen and Eric Lichtblau exposed the story of the NSA's secret domestic wiretapping program--a subject Risen treated at length in his book "State of War : The Secret History of the C.I.A. and the Bush Administration.) Even worse than employing classified data, Bennett said, was that these reporters had the temerity to publish their stories "against the wishes of the president, against the request of the president and others, that they not release it. They not only released it, they publicized it--they put it on the front page, and it damaged us, it hurt us." "
As a result are they punished, are they in shame, are they embarrassed, are they arrested? No...I think what they did is worthy of jail." For all this bluster, Bennett does (again, inadvertently), manage to make a point--one which some other commentators took to be a sign of good reporting, rather than Bennett's silly suggestion of treason. But Bennett isn't alone. Other conservatives, such as the Powerline blog (who called the Risen and Lichtblau piece "treasonous" and columnist Mark Steyn, who says that even though he's ineligible to win a Pulitzer, he "wouldn't want the thing in the house" anyway), rail against the awards because they feel the reporters have hurt national security. Unsurprisingly, none of these conservative attackers felt compelled to explain why these leaks should be punishable by prison while, say, leaks lovingly dealt out to administration-friendly reporters like the Post's Bob Woodward or the Times' Judith Miller that dealt with no less secretive or sensitive matters should be celebrated."

Maybe you should check out the treasonous acts of the Bush regime.
"Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird"

Medicineman, you and I have ALREADY had this conversation. I agree with you. Did I say something wrong?
cutting taxes is clearly a bad idea. to have that happen right now, it would just mean our country would just print more dollars, more inflation. people all over the country are losing thier homes cant make payments.
cutting taxes will lead to more dept, a temporary fix to make you feel like you got somthing going on. but really just like ron paul said cut spending because its not our job to finance this machine. and anyone in dept knows what a negative balance means. you cant do shit
i do like obamma... but i don;t know what his politics are.. LOL... i saw him on 60 minutes and he did not seem very progressive.. not a deep thinker.... not free to really get to the root of some of the issues... on the other hand, maybe these guys know that coming to DIRECT is what looses votes..

If somebody ran for office and said they were going to have
1. health care for everyione
2. cut taxes in half
3. reduce street violence by 80%
4. increase drug awareness and health programs by 1000%
5. end illegal prostituion by legalizing it
6. reduce military deaths by 95%
7. and legalize all drugs
8. fix the welfare and SS programs so they work forever
9. befriend all nations
10. reduce unemplyment

this person would never get elected.. and yet, it is a great plan and it is so easy to implement...

It's called a utopian communist regime. Your right, she'll never get elected.