Gun control is coming

This works for all forms of Bullshit and is great for climate change arguments too. For those confused and misled by the arguments of others I present for your perusal:
Carl Sagan’s “Baloney Detection Kit”: A Toolkit That Can Help You Scientifically Separate Sense from Nonsense (also called the Bullshit detection kit)

In the essay, a chapter from his 1995 book The Demon-Haunted World, Sagan proposes a rigorous but comprehensible “baloney detection kit” to separate sense from nonsense.

Wherever possible there must be independent confirmation of the “facts.”

Encourage substantive debate on the evidence by knowledgeable proponents of all points of view.

Arguments from authority carry little weight — “authorities” have made mistakes in the past. They will do so again in the future. Perhaps a better way to say it is that in science there are no authorities; at most, there are experts.

Spin more than one hypothesis. If there’s something to be explained, think of all the different ways in which it could be explained. Then think of tests by which you might systematically disprove each of the alternatives.

Try not to get overly attached to a hypothesis just because it’s yours. It’s only a way station in the pursuit of knowledge. Ask yourself why you like the idea. Compare it fairly with the alternatives. See if you can find reasons for rejecting it. If you don’t, others will.

If whatever it is you’re explaining has some measure, some numerical quantity attached to it, you’ll be much better able to discriminate among competing hypotheses. What is vague and qualitative is open to many explanations.

If there’s a chain of argument, every link in the chain must work (including the premise) — not just most of them.

Occam’s Razor. This convenient rule-of-thumb urges us when faced with two hypotheses that explain the data equally well to choose the simpler. Always ask whether the hypothesis can be, at least in principle, falsified…. You must be able to check assertions out. Inveterate skeptics must be given the chance to follow your reasoning, to duplicate your experiments and see if they get the same result.
I'd have to actually take you seriously for you to have "owned me", and belittling people is not a characteristic I would be proud of.
That's nice. But really you've lost the point.

Should I be nice to morons who say: "it (reducing gun violence) isn't possible"? Personally, I've lost patience with them. They are wrong and in the way of saving lives.
I'd have to actually take you seriously for you to have "owned me", and belittling people is not a characteristic I would be proud of.

And you can have the same level of gun crime as Canada, you just have to work on your social programs.
Nope. We have hate speech laws, anti discrimination laws and human rights councils too, nip bullshit in the bud. Unfortunately Americans are forced to wallow in the shit and sometimes it gets into their mouths and fucks up their thinking.
That's nice. But really you've lost the point.

Should I be nice to morons who say: "it (reducing gun violence) isn't possible"? Personally, I've lost patience with them. They are wrong and in the way of saving lives.

I can see losing your patience, but it's possible to be right and still be an asshole. That, in fact, is the perfect way for your point to be lost, and all they remember is someone who disagrees with them is an asshole.

Remember, you're dealing with "morons".
Dunno, different system and there isn't a whole lot of public debate, nobody cares much because there are not too many problems. People are generally happy about the approach too, we can do things in the law that you can't and I figured I'd post some work arounds.

Many Americans feel hopeless about gun violence and think the 2nd amendment is absolute, not so, much can be done within the framework of the US constitution and with the blessing of the SCOTUS. The list I posted exemplifies what might be tried and I hope more add to it or remove the impractical. Saving Americans lives is not such a bad intention or goal, it's something a friend should try to do, "Put down the needle Sam, yer gonna killer yer self with that shit"!
There is a huge debate taking place in Ontario re the banning of handguns and other types. People that are stakeholders are involved but not the general public or the mainstream press.
I can see losing your patience, but it's possible to be right and still be an asshole. That, in fact, is the perfect way for your point to be lost, and all they remember is someone who disagrees with them is an asshole.

Remember, you're dealing with "morons".
Ya got a point Burt
There is a huge debate taking place in Ontario re the banning of handguns and other types. People that are stakeholders are involved but not the general public or the mainstream press.
Never heard of it and that's good, no public interest and no media interest because of it. They should consult with stake holders, victims too, though many are dead.
Biden has it right, no compromise with Trump and his lackey McConnell or the NRA, a complete ban on assault type weapons.
It was in effect for 10 years and it worked until the Pukes shut it down in 2004.
Now what do we have?
Oh that's right!
Carnage on a monthly timeline, the vast majority using AR 15's.
What the fuck is the problem here?
No one needs AR 15's or 30 round clips unless they want to kill people, and that is a simple fact.
I own guns and like them (hunting/target shooting), but there is no need for murder machines in this fucked up society that is America today, and I'll bet my dick on it that there will another mass shooting in the US within the next 60 day's using assault weapons.
Wanna bet on it?
I'll take your money, no prob.
There is a huge debate taking place in Ontario re the banning of handguns and other types. People that are stakeholders are involved but not the general public or the mainstream press.

IMO, there is no need for anyone to own a handgun in Canada. All you can do with them is carry them back and forth to the range in the trunk of your car, in a locked box.

A buddy got his handgun license 20 years ago, it was ridiculously hard to get and entailed months of waiting, background checks, I believe he had a psyche evaluation as well. All he could do with it was take it to the range, I mean directly to the range, not even stop for gas or groceries, and had to notify authorities when he left and when he arrived. Seems kinda pointless.
Biden has it right, no compromise with Trump and his lackey McConnell or the NRA, a complete ban on assault type weapons.
It was in effect for 10 years and it worked until the Pukes shut it down in 2004.
Now what do we have?
Oh that's right!
Carnage on a monthly timeline, the vast majority using AR 15's.
What the fuck is the problem here?
No one needs AR 15's or 30 round clips unless they want to kill people, and that is a simple fact.
I own guns and like them (hunting/target shooting), but there is no need for murder machines in this fucked up society that is America today, and I'll bet my dick on it that there will another mass shooting in the US within the next 60 day's using assault weapons.
Wanna bet on it?
I'll take your money, no prob.
Ya bet yer dick Jimmy, not money, but yer pecker is pretty safe!
IMO, there is no need for anyone to own a handgun in Canada. All you can do with them is carry them back and forth to the range in the trunk of your car, in a locked box.

A buddy got his handgun license 20 years ago, it was ridiculously hard to get and entailed months of waiting, background checks, I believe he had a psyche evaluation as well. All he could do with it was take it to the range, I mean directly to the range, not even stop for gas or groceries, and had to notify authorities when he left and when he arrived. Seems kinda pointless.
Yep, owning a hand gun in Canada, entails spending some "quality time" talking to a Mountie, and self defense is not a valid reason for ownership, you also need an FAC (Fire Arms Acquisition Certificate) to buy a gun or ammo of any kind. Most provinces have mandatory hunter safety laws too that include firearms training. It's much the same across the entire English speaking world, America being the exception (everybody went metric too, but that's another story) US gun ownership rates in the states sky rocked in the seventies around the same time many people got cable TV and started locking their doors at night because of it, local news became regional and the perceived threat level went up too. Before the seventies gun ownership rates were much the same in Canada as they were in the states. We have a much lower per capita gun death rate as a reflection of our policy choices over the years, so do the other the English speaking counties I mentioned.

Evidence based policy driven by data and honest analysis is the answer.
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IMO, there is no need for anyone to own a handgun in Canada. All you can do with them is carry them back and forth to the range in the trunk of your car, in a locked box.

A buddy got his handgun license 20 years ago, it was ridiculously hard to get and entailed months of waiting, background checks, I believe he had a psyche evaluation as well. All he could do with it was take it to the range, I mean directly to the range, not even stop for gas or groceries, and had to notify authorities when he left and when he arrived. Seems kinda pointless.
He can still always stick it down his pants and massage his dick with it.
That's what they're really good for, that cold steel rubbing your ball sack in the summer :)
Biden has it right,
compromise with Trump and his lackey McConnell or the NRA, a complete ban on assault type weapons.
It was in effect for 10 years and it worked until the Pukes shut it down in 2004.
Now what do we have?
Oh that's right!
Carnage on a monthly timeline, the vast majority using AR 15's.
Excessive Bullshit! 10 year gun ban had absolutely nothing to do with it. There were still numerous assault style weapons available in the country.[/QUOTE]
What the fuck is the problem here?
You're very ignorant.
No one needs AR 15's or 30 round clips unless they want to kill people, and that is a simple fact.
30 round magazines make it easier for the hobbyist. Who the hell wants to have to keep reloading 5 or 3 round mags just because you want to go shoot for an afternoon?
I own guns and like them
I don't and haven't for about three years.

Your entire post is just stupid, (like most of your other posts)!
IMO, there is no need for anyone to own a handgun in Canada. All you can do with them is carry them back and forth to the range in the trunk of your car, in a locked box.

A buddy got his handgun license 20 years ago, it was ridiculously hard to get and entailed months of waiting, background checks, I believe he had a psyche evaluation as well. All he could do with it was take it to the range, I mean directly to the range, not even stop for gas or groceries, and had to notify authorities when he left and when he arrived. Seems kinda pointless.

NYC has the same rules except for the part about notifying law enforcement about going to the range. So yep, only criminals for the most part had handguns.
NYC has the same rules except for the part about notifying law enforcement about going to the range. So yep, only criminals for the most part had handguns.
Federal laws will address the issue, not state laws, you have no border and customs between states, it's a national issue. And if ya think I'm stupid and ignorant we can have a debate about that too. You seem a mite nervous about this issue, I would be too, if I were on the wrong side of history. Guns in America are about white empowerment especial in the south, I saw a video once of the cops pulling over a couple of white guys armed to the teeth, they bowed and scraped and had to apologize in humiliation as they handed the weapons back. A black guy gets pulled over with a gun in the car, bang (you got no right to have that), where is the NRA when black gun owners are killed by the "deep state", they only seem to care about white gun owners.

The NRA got you guys into this shit and this time you ain't getting out with yer gun. You seem intense for a guy with no dog in the fight, if you don't own a gun that is. Was it by choice or did they take it away from you?
Federal laws will address the issue, not state laws, you have no border and customs between states, it's a national issue. And if ya think I'm stupid and ignorant we can have a debate about that too. You seem a mite nervous about this issue, I would be too, if I were on the wrong side of history. Guns in America are about white empowerment especial in the south, I saw a video once of the cops pulling over a couple of white guys armed to the teeth, they bowed and scraped and had to apologize in humiliation as they handed the weapons back. A black guy gets pulled over with a gun in the car, bang (you got no right to have that), where is the NRA when black gun owners are killed by the "deep state", they only seem to care about white gun owners.

The NRA got you guys into this shit and this time you ain't getting out with yer gun. You seem intense for a guy with no dog in the fight, if you don't own a gun that is. Was it by choice or did they take it away from you?

It was both. Colorado has a law on the books that states that if you were convicted of a crime for which you could have spent more than a year in jail for committing, you are no longer able to own or purchase weapons, so I gave them away when I moved here. Didn't matter the conviction was white collar and only resulted in 1 1/2 yrs probation.
It was both. Colorado has a law on the books that states that if you were convicted of a crime for which you could have spent more than a year in jail for committing, you are no longer able to own or purchase weapons, so I gave them away when I moved here. Didn't matter the conviction was white collar and only resulted in 1 1/2 yrs probation.
I commend your honesty
It was both. Colorado has a law on the books that states that if you were convicted of a crime for which you could have spent more than a year in jail for committing, you are no longer able to own or purchase weapons, so I gave them away when I moved here. Didn't matter the conviction was white collar and only resulted in 1 1/2 yrs probation.
Shouldn’t have beat up your girlfriend