I dont post something unless I have something WORTH saying. Murdered, is an opinion- as neither you "Desert Dude" or I, know EXACTLY what happened and how it happened during the confrontation that ended Trayvons life.
Therefore, neither you or I can say with 100% certainty that he was murdered or that George Z. was acting in complete self defense at the moment of the shooting. Conflicting witness reports, from who screamed help to who was on top, there is NO DEFINITIVE FACTS about the confrontation other than G. Zimmerman having abrasions and Trayvon having lost his life.
Why play either side? It was an unfortunate event that resulted in the life of a young boy, in any case - that couldve been avoided with some common sense from T/M or G/Z.
I didnt mention left or right because I dont too much care for that dog and pony show, its a waste of energy.