George Zimmerman rescues man from over turned truck

After being WRONGLY prosecuted by overmatched prosecutors, and being denounced by our first minority president, he SHOULD be compensated...

I'm not familiar with American law but would that set an unwelcome precedent whereby everyone charged with a crime, tried and found not guilty could expect compensation?
I was just wondering whether he had a right to expect protection because is it not a fair assumption that he could become a target for revenge attacks.
I'm not familiar with American law but would that set an unwelcome precedent whereby everyone charged with a crime, tried and found not guilty could expect compensation?
I was just wondering whether he had a right to expect protection because is it not a fair assumption that he could become a target for revenge attacks.

He was prosecuted only because the black community (and our Muslim-sympathizing black president) stirred the pot and shook the hornet's nest against him...making a racist case against a fellow minority (Zimmerman is a Hispanic)...

Unfortunately, after such a railroad case against him, unjustified as it was, he now needs (and deserves) police protection...
More propaganda.

I never said that. Moreover, no black is capable of thanking anybody for such, and no living person is capable of asking for, or accepting such a "thank you" if it were offered. No living black person was brought to America as a slave.

Transparent bullshit is transparent.

lol, now he's trying to backtrack.

silly racist.
Lacerations? Why dont you just call it what it was, a cut that was under an inch, the same kind of cut I just got from accidentally bumping into the corner of a wooden table.

Comparison of a small cut under an inch to an abrasion / leg torn off - to a flesh wound.. , yea I think we can see who reached farther here.

Eh, back into lurking I go. No point in arguing or debating with feeble minded individuals who've already shown an propensity for racial bias.

Most of those four years were spent sifting through garbage like this thread and countless others to find the valuable gems of RIU.

I made a mistake and got involved in a discussion with mostly fools, (if you are offended by that statement, perhaps you are one of the fools)-

I click "NEW POSTS" and painstakingly skim through all the bullshit to find threads that are relative to my goals. I dont go into individual forums purposely, they are all shown as separate threads. I noticed there were STILL new threads being made about this case, and attempted to inject some reason into a gene pool of degenerative neanderthals. Turns out, the gene pool is resistant to reason- WHO'DA THUNK!?

You said you knew the facts, but then demonstrated that you did not. Your opinion is of very little value when it is made from ignorance.

You speak of reason, but then do not recognize it when it is used.

lac·er·a·tion (l
n)n. A jagged wound or cut.

a·bra·sion (
n)n.1. The process of wearing down or rubbing away by means of friction.
2. a. A scraped or worn area.
b. A scraped area on the skin or on a mucous membrane, resulting from injury or irritation.

You said he was CUT, apparently you know what that word means, but fail to know the others.

Lets not forget about the broken nose either. Ever had your nose broken?
Lets not forget about the broken nose either. Ever had your nose broken?

zimm sure hasn't.

FOLGATE: Bruising noted to the nasolabial folds bilateral was welling. The nasolabial folds would be the folds between the nose and the mouth. And there was some swelling noted there and some bruising, so darkening of the skin. No evidence of septal deviation on visual inspection meaning the septum, which is the center part of your nose appeared to be straight and in alignment. No bleeding noted in the nares, which means there is no blood in the nose itself. No hemotempanums of the bilateral ears, which means there's no blood behind the eardrums and no evidence of tonsilar stones, which was a complaint that he had outside of the current reason that he was there.

RIONDA: So let talk about the nose itself, no evidence of septal deviation. What does that mean?

FOLGATE: Septal deviation again would mean is the alignment of the nose correct?

RIONDA: So his nose is straight in other words?

FOLGATE: Correct.

RIONDA: It is not crooked or in any way damage to that extent?

FOLGATE: Not on visual inspection, no.

and about his "lacerations"?


about as small as modrama's penis.
zimm sure hasn't.

FOLGATE: Bruising noted to the nasolabial folds bilateral was welling. The nasolabial folds would be the folds between the nose and the mouth. And there was some swelling noted there and some bruising, so darkening of the skin. No evidence of septal deviation on visual inspection meaning the septum, which is the center part of your nose appeared to be straight and in alignment. No bleeding noted in the nares, which means there is no blood in the nose itself. No hemotempanums of the bilateral ears, which means there's no blood behind the eardrums and no evidence of tonsilar stones, which was a complaint that he had outside of the current reason that he was there.

RIONDA: So let talk about the nose itself, no evidence of septal deviation. What does that mean?

FOLGATE: Septal deviation again would mean is the alignment of the nose correct?

RIONDA: So his nose is straight in other words?

FOLGATE: Correct.

RIONDA: It is not crooked or in any way damage to that extent?

FOLGATE: Not on visual inspection, no.

and about his "lacerations"?


about as small as modrama's penis.
zimm sure hasn't.

FOLGATE: Bruising noted to the nasolabial folds bilateral was welling. The nasolabial folds would be the folds between the nose and the mouth. And there was some swelling noted there and some bruising, so darkening of the skin. No evidence of septal deviation on visual inspection meaning the septum, which is the center part of your nose appeared to be straight and in alignment. No bleeding noted in the nares, which means there is no blood in the nose itself. No hemotempanums of the bilateral ears, which means there's no blood behind the eardrums and no evidence of tonsilar stones, which was a complaint that he had outside of the current reason that he was there.

RIONDA: So let talk about the nose itself, no evidence of septal deviation. What does that mean?

FOLGATE: Septal deviation again would mean is the alignment of the nose correct?

RIONDA: So his nose is straight in other words?

FOLGATE: Correct.

RIONDA: It is not crooked or in any way damage to that extent?

FOLGATE: Not on visual inspection, no.

and about his "lacerations"?


about as small as modrama's penis.

5:00 p.m.

She says sutures were not necessary for the lacerations. She describes one as 2mm and the other as much smaller.

She says she noted there was skin discoloration under the eyes, or black eyes.

Swelling and bruising noted around the nose, no septum deviation, and other observations, she lists.

She gave an anti-inflammatory for the “SI joint pain.”

She says his nose was likely broken, but there were no x-rays to confirm. She can’t say definitively one way or the other, but clinically, it appeared to be broken, she says.

Folgate says she recommended Zimmerman see an ears, nose and throat specialist to check his nose, but he said he wasn’t going to.

Folgate says he has been treated before for back pain related to constipation.

Folgate explains that a scalp laceration can bleed more than other parts of the body.
De la Rionda finishes questioning. O'Mara begins cross-examination.

Awwww your whole diatribe just went completely up in smoke.

too bad sooo sad.

Its funny when you lose like that.

Notice in your little quotes there that no where does it say that the nose wasn't broken.

Of course if you had actually put the whole interview in there we would have seen things like this:

RIONDA: Based on your examination of his nose, can you say the nose was broken?

FOLGATE: I would say likely broken. It's hard to say definitively based of -- the fact that there were no x-rays to show the break itself. However most of the time a broken nose can be made clinically as well and that's based off of the black eyes that we saw, the nasolabial swelling, and the bruising.

RIONDA: So you can say, it is or isn't or you don't know or --

FOLGATE: I couldn't say definitively one way or the other because I have no direct x-ray saying this is exactly where the fractured occurred, but clinically appearing, it appeared to be, yes.
Awwww your whole diatribe just went completely up in smoke.

too bad sooo sad.

Its funny when you lose like that.

Notice in your little quotes there that no where does it say that the nose wasn't broken.

Of course if you had actually put the whole interview in there we would have seen things like this:
Turns out the family he saved are black too...

But he's a total black-hater.
Zimmerman FALSELY arrested for assault. Clearly his girlfriend is lying because we all know Zim is a fucking superhero that saved a family of twelve from a burning van using nothing more than the power of his mind.

God bless Sanford Florida and the men she propagates.

Anyone heard where I can donate money to his defense fund?