George Zimmerman rescues man from over turned truck

the evidence overwhelmingly supports Zimmerman's account.

zimmerman's own account doesn't support zimmerman's own account, you unremitting idiot.

...this simple case of justifiable homicide....

lol, simple case.

yeah, every time a jury takes 16 hours to deliberate on a vigilante chasing down an innocent kid it's always just a simple case.

in fact, this case was so simple, that half the jurors initially wanted to charge zimm with manslaughter/murder 2.

you are an unremitting idiot.

good job on invoking race once again.
tell me how much money they have made from that, you racist twat.

pro tip: the total is $0.00. moron.

some cash cow.

A million bucks, so far. The HOA, or more likely their insurance company, settled for that amount. You knew that but your are the "reimbursement-so-I-owe-no-taxes" king.
zimmerman's own account doesn't support zimmerman's own account, you unremitting idiot.

lol, simple case.

yeah, every time a jury takes 16 hours to deliberate on a vigilante chasing down an innocent kid it's always just a simple case.

in fact, this case was so simple, that half the jurors initially wanted to charge zimm with manslaughter/murder 2.

you are an unremitting idiot.

good job on invoking race once again.

I don't care to rehash it. You are a liar, as usual. You lost, douche bag. Your 15 month long propaganda campaign failed, except with your brain-dead lackeys on RIU. Give it up. Most of us hold you in contempt.
A million bucks, so far. The HOA, or more likely their insurance company, settled for that amount. You knew that but your are the "reimbursement-so-I-owe-no-taxes" king.

Yeah Buck, you knew that but conveniently ignored it...

And PLEASE, get more creative in your name-calling, or quit have a lot of talent and smarts Buck, but NOT in the name-calling or trash-talking department...

Hell, my mother, wife, and son call me worse names than you do...

Do you really think you can make me mad by calling me names?...hahahaha
Heck, the royal family, William and Kate, is so supportive of George Zimmerman that they named their baby after him! ;-)
His mom tried to trademark the phrase "Justice for Trayvon" before her son was even cold in the grave...barely room temperature...but give her some credit...she knew a cash cow when she saw one....

A million bucks, so far. The HOA, or more likely their insurance company, settled for that amount. You knew that but your are the "reimbursement-so-I-owe-no-taxes" king.

this is why you are a fucking idiot.

learn to read before you try to spread your racist smears next time, shit for brains.
Come on are such a novice name-caller...try harder...

there's no need.

i asked how much money was made by trademarking martin's name and your idiot friend answered with something completely irrelevant to that.

and you co-signed, like the idiot you are.

i didn't even need to call any name at all, i could have just left the stupidity stand.
So what's the story with Zimmerman now, his face is known all over America so will he be given police protection funded by the taxpayer and/or is the guy gonna make a fortune selling interviews and writing books?
If your leg is torn off do you call it a flesh wound and ask for a band-aid?

Zimm had LACERATIONS and a BROKEN NOSE. Abrasions? LOL you don't even have a clue do you?

Lacerations? Why dont you just call it what it was, a cut that was under an inch, the same kind of cut I just got from accidentally bumping into the corner of a wooden table.

Comparison of a small cut under an inch to an abrasion / leg torn off - to a flesh wound.. , yea I think we can see who reached farther here.

Eh, back into lurking I go. No point in arguing or debating with feeble minded individuals who've already shown an propensity for racial bias.

Most of those four years were spent sifting through garbage like this thread and countless others to find the valuable gems of RIU.

I made a mistake and got involved in a discussion with mostly fools, (if you are offended by that statement, perhaps you are one of the fools)-

I click "NEW POSTS" and painstakingly skim through all the bullshit to find threads that are relative to my goals. I dont go into individual forums purposely, they are all shown as separate threads. I noticed there were STILL new threads being made about this case, and attempted to inject some reason into a gene pool of degenerative neanderthals. Turns out, the gene pool is resistant to reason- WHO'DA THUNK!?
that's because there are 14+ demonstrable lies in zimmerman's tall tale.

no i'm not. that's you and zimmy zimm.

if i lost, then what did you win?


that's fine if a group of stormfront members and racist, belligerent stoners don't like me, i'm flattered by that.

the funny thing is how many millions and hundreds of millions of other people hold you in contempt for your racist views. views such as 'blacks should be thanking us for bringing them over as slaves!'.

have fun living that one down, ya racist old piece of shit.

More propaganda.

I never said that. Moreover, no black is capable of thanking anybody for such, and no living person is capable of asking for, or accepting such a "thank you" if it were offered. No living black person was brought to America as a slave.

Transparent bullshit is transparent.
So what's the story with Zimmerman now, his face is known all over America so will he be given police protection funded by the taxpayer and/or is the guy gonna make a fortune selling interviews and writing books?

After being WRONGLY prosecuted by overmatched prosecutors, and being denounced by our first minority president, he SHOULD be compensated...
half the jurors initially wanted to charge zimm with manslaughter/murder 2.

Why do you keep repeating that like a broken parrot? Seriously.

"AAHHGH, half the jury! Half the jury! AAHHG! Initially! Manslaughter2. Half the jury!! AAAHGGAHH!"