George Zimmerman rescues man from over turned truck

The 911denier.

He boldly ignores the advice of telemarketers and skulks around in the dark, safe guarding truth, justice and the American way.

Pretty weak. I suck at this sort of thing.
Is it paranoid to think that the family Z saved must be black?

If the family was white MSNBC would run with, "Zimmerman tramples young black child to save Aryan family!"
Is it paranoid to think that the family Z saved must be black?

If the family was white MSNBC would run with, "Zimmerman tramples young black child to save Aryan family!"

It was paranoia. They are actually astronauts visiting from another planet. Their faces don't grow in until after puberty on their home planet, CAC.

The Ghost. Lives with what TrayTray & Georgie did. He therefore only saves crackers in need. Whenever he sees a black child in a hoodhe goes in a rage and waves his gun around, then dissapears like a ghost. The stormfront lauds him. Al Sharpton is his nemesis and calls him a racist ghost. When The Ghost saves, both Z and Al are both debating on live TV. Making you wonder, who really is The G man.
Good Samaritan in my opinion. Don't forget the whole situation with trayvon came to be, because he was on the neighborhood watch. If he did not give a fuck about others, he would have not elected to spend his time trying to serve his community. Did he make a mistake? Who could know what was said or done that night. But he is most defiantly not the face of evil the angry mob's have tried to paint him as.
Zimmerman is becoming quite a hero, he is a role model for the young, maybe the white house should invite him to give a speech to encourage heroic behavior
Zimmerman is becoming quite a hero, he is a role model for the young, maybe the white house should invite him to give a speech to encourage heroic behavior

I'd agree with that...what about you Buck?

George did a heroic deed...he eliminated a future gang member...and all the black community is up in arms about it...which is an indictment of the black community...fuck them least the ones who are lamenting the treatment of "Baby Tray"...he was treated fairly...more fairly than I would have treated him...and I'm a certified anti-racist...just ask my wife and children...good riddance "Baby Tray"...
I'd agree with that...what about you Buck?

George did a heroic deed...he eliminated a future gang member...and all the black community is up in arms about it...which is an indictment of the black community...fuck them least the ones who are lamenting the treatment of "Baby Tray"...he was treated fairly...more fairly than I would have treated him...and I'm a certified anti-racist...just ask my wife and children...good riddance "Baby Tray"...

that was the most contradictory post, possibly ever.

even desert dud has warmed up to and started owning his racism. why not you?