George Zimmerman rescues man from over turned truck

Zimmerman is becoming quite a hero, he is a role model for the young, maybe the white house should invite him to give a speech to encourage heroic behavior

BarryO is more than likely too busy talking to glassy eyed school kids ...He wouldn't want a real hero stealing the show...imo
I am pretty apathetic about the whole thing.

Zimmerman is not a hero, he is just a good guy that helps out when he can.

I believe that some of these vehicle rescues in the past by hollywood celebrities might have been staged but this was a rollover with kids in the car so I think the incident is believable.
"Professor of African American Studies shows rapier-like wit with her counter argument to an ideological opponent: "Dr. Perry wrote back to me and said, “I will be reporting you to the police for harassment.”

Wow, that is quite an intense blog...I agree with most of it...good points of FACT.

BTW, that prof should be the poster child for the anti tenure crowd...holy cow.

Here is some background some of you would prefer not to know anything about.

From the start the facts seemed to be of little importance to the prosecution of George Zimmerman, whether at the State’s table in Florida’s 18th Circuit Court or in the court of public opinion.
The forces lined up against Zimmerman worked diligently to bury the background to his confrontation with Travyon Martin in February of 2012 — namely, the rampant crime, frequently committed by black males, that had put his neighborhood on edge. As the “conversation” about the Zimmerman case and about race in America continues, these widely neglected facts should be exhumed.
Full article
NBC released the video. Jorje is the one in green t-shirt and white hard hat
So the guy murdered a guy cuzz he was too black, then he saved someone from a truck? wow ok, but was the person he rescued a white person or black person? Because if it was a white person, then one can begin to understand why he might save them, but if it was a black person, then the question that I have is, would he have saved the person if they were black? That's the real news.

Shit, if they found him guilty of murder, but the official verdict is that it is in self defence, then if he really did it, he probably shouldn't be let to just live his life freely. We live in a society, right? Fuck letting a murderer walk around scot free. Make him do so post murder program or something. jail time is dumb.
I hate seeing how people cannot seem to empathize in a situation like this, but instead choose to make jokes over and over like an dragging SNL skit.

Just imagine being in the shoes of a parent of a slain child, (which is what he was, a child) who did NOT deserve to be murdered being subjected to this kind of arrogance and cruelty regarding their son.

Could you people sit in the same room as them and say this shit? I highly doubt it. The verdict was reached, whats the point of stoking the fire?

Stop with all this "TrayTray" shit, or baby gangster stuff. Its so easy to extrapolate a few negative things from someones WHOLE LIFE and summarize a gross mischaracterization.

Sad thing is, some of you are over 30 years old.. acting like a 12 year old on a playground making fun of shit that he just doesnt know any better about- ... but some of you are over 30!

Grow up.
he waited 4 years to make that post, folks.

4 years.

simply impressive.

I agree, that is pretty damn impressive, and it was not an incoherent bag of babble as one would expect from somebody who is a member for four years with never a peep and then to wade into the politics forum.

Completely wrong with "murdered", of course, and completely blind to the left milking every drop of Trayvon's blood to stir up the low information voters they tend in their garden of hatred. Zimmerman was acquitted because he acted in simple self defense.

The only good things to come out of this incident are Z's acquittal and the pledge of multiple lefty Hollywood types to "never perform again in any state that allows self defense". Hooray for those small favors!
I hate seeing how people cannot seem to empathize in a situation like this, but instead choose to make jokes over and over like an dragging SNL skit.

Just imagine being in the shoes of a parent of a slain child, (which is what he was, a child) who did NOT deserve to be murdered being subjected to this kind of arrogance and cruelty regarding their son.

Could you people sit in the same room as them and say this shit? I highly doubt it. The verdict was reached, whats the point of stoking the fire?

Stop with all this "TrayTray" shit, or baby gangster stuff. Its so easy to extrapolate a few negative things from someones WHOLE LIFE and summarize a gross mischaracterization.

Sad thing is, some of you are over 30 years old.. acting like a 12 year old on a playground making fun of shit that he just doesnt know any better about- ... but some of you are over 30!

Grow up.
Reported as spam.
I agree, that is pretty damn impressive, and it was not an incoherent bag of babble as one would expect from somebody who is a member for four years with never a peep and then to wade into the politics forum.

Completely wrong with "murdered", of course, and completely blind to the left milking every drop of Trayvon's blood to stir up the low information voters they tend in their garden of hatred. Zimmerman was acquitted because he acted in simple self defense.

The only good things to come out of this incident are Z's acquittal and the pledge of multiple lefty Hollywood types to "never perform again in any state that allows self defense". Hooray for those small favors!

I dont post something unless I have something WORTH saying. Murdered, is an opinion- as neither you "Desert Dude" or I, know EXACTLY what happened and how it happened during the confrontation that ended Trayvons life.

Therefore, neither you or I can say with 100% certainty that he was murdered or that George Z. was acting in complete self defense at the moment of the shooting. Conflicting witness reports, from who screamed help to who was on top, there is NO DEFINITIVE FACTS about the confrontation other than G. Zimmerman having abrasions and Trayvon having lost his life.

Why play either side? It was an unfortunate event that resulted in the life of a young boy, in any case - that couldve been avoided with some common sense from T/M or G/Z.

I didnt mention left or right because I dont too much care for that dog and pony show, its a waste of energy.
And they deserve it.
Zimmie will prevail in his libel suit v. NBC.
This will make him wealthy.

Yeah, but then Baby Tray's parents will swarm all over him like vultures to get his money...Baby Tray's parents had this planned all that they can't claim Baby Tray as a dependent any more, they figure they need to get compensation from somewhere...

His mom tried to trademark the phrase "Justice for Trayvon" before her son was even cold in the grave...barely room temperature...but give her some credit...she knew a cash cow when she saw one...

And Baby Tray's father sure is a curious one to figure out...he divorced Baby Tray's mother, ran out on his son, but is now trying to be portrayed as a "caring father"...please...gimme a fucking break...he knows a cash cow when he sees one too...

As bad and pathetic as Baby Tray (the wannabe gang member) was, he deserved better parents...much better...
I dont post something unless I have something WORTH saying. Murdered, is an opinion- as neither you "Desert Dude" or I, know EXACTLY what happened and how it happened during the confrontation that ended Trayvons life.

Therefore, neither you or I can say with 100% certainty that he was murdered or that George Z. was acting in complete self defense at the moment of the shooting. Conflicting witness reports, from who screamed help to who was on top, there is NO DEFINITIVE FACTS about the confrontation other than G. Zimmerman having abrasions and Trayvon having lost his life.

Why play either side? It was an unfortunate event that resulted in the life of a young boy, in any case - that couldve been avoided with some common sense from T/M or G/Z.

I didnt mention left or right because I dont too much care for that dog and pony show, its a waste of energy.

I am honored that your second post is a rebuttal to me.

I disagree with your interpretation of the facts. We don't have a multi-camera video of the fight that took place, but the evidence overwhelmingly supports Zimmerman's account. The best eye witness to the fight was about fifteen feet away and testified that Trayvon was on top. No eye witness contradicted Zimmerman's account. Further, we will almost never have the kind of DEFINITIVE FACTS you mention for ANY fight that results in a death, whether by self defense or murder.

Why play either side? Because of the roar from the left that we need to rework our legal system in the wake of this simple case of justifiable homicide. Should we stand by as the race hustlers fuck up the country even more? I will be happy to stop talking about this when the left does a little introspection and recognizes that they are a bunch of boobs and are on completely the wrong and illogical side of this discussion. I won't hold my breath.
His mom tried to trademark the phrase "Justice for Trayvon" before her son was even cold in the grave...barely room temperature...but give her some credit...she knew a cash cow when she saw one...

tell me how much money they have made from that, you racist twat.

pro tip: the total is $0.00. moron.

some cash cow.