First Grow And Box Design


Well-Known Member
Dude I just picked up some AK and wow I can barely even type you are in for a treat. Right when I opened the bag I knew it was something special.
This is how it went ....:blsmoke:....:eyesmoke:....:sleep:


Well-Known Member
Wanna post her right before you chop?
I will do a before, middle, and after. I know it won't be completely done but Those ak's were high dollar seeds and in my eye a little more important.
Dude I just picked up some AK and wow I can barely even type you are in for a treat. Right when I opened the bag I knew it was something special.
This is how it went ....:blsmoke:....:eyesmoke:....:sleep:
SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. Can't wait. can you post a pic of a nug. that plant is growing fast. The Nutrient chart is helping out alot. once again i thought it was way to much but she took it like a champ. this grow is going wayyyy bettter than the last. it seems that the more i leave it alone, the better it does. i am goin to take some pics of the progress.


Well-Known Member
Here are the pics. just took em. I noticed that the leaves on the sativa are goin to shit real fast. is that normal after flushing and using plain water. the water is ph'd. What do yall think about the ak47's. This grow is better so far isn't it??? i am never goin to try bagseed again. those auto's are wayyyy easier in comparison. i just got lucky and the one plant i kept was a female. You can see that the plants are in a closet. thats why the big rush to get em into the box. the hydro plant is growing way faster than what i expected and i want to get em into a more controled environment asap. But the other part of me says just one more week won't hurt. their are still alot of white hairs.



Well-Known Member
Here is pics from less than a month ago and then today (the plant in the lower left side of the old pics was a sativa clone. i trashed it)



Well-Known Member
Yeah if I have some left when I get my camera back. Bomb smoke I'm not kidding and I've been pretty lucky with good smoke rolling around but this is serious shit. Have you checked your soil ph on the sativa? My plants looked the same when the soil ph dropped. I was using 7.2 water and my soil runoff was 5. Not good. Have a look at what it did.


Well-Known Member
I wish i had smell-o-vision. i bet that smells good. I was thinking it was another ph problem also. cuz thats what it looks like with all the different shades of color. but my ph is at 6.0 and its plain hydro water (not soil) i have one soil plant and that is one of the ak47. I did a side by side of soil and hydro to see if the hydro is really worth the effort. both seeds from the same breeder, started at the same time. the hydro plant is twice the size. i am completely impressed. Then i look up and see your pictures of that dank ass weed and i am Depressed. cuz i have none..........yet..........................very soon


Well-Known Member
its not completely ready but im goin to chop it and call it swag. my ak's are starting to get little flowers on em now. i will post pics of all that when i chop it.


Well-Known Member
wet weight is 232.4g that was alot more than i expected. i was hopin for at least an ounce in the beginning. the largest weighed 45.4 second largest 31.3 and the third was 28.7. Now that this one is out of the way, i have the ak's in its place.



Well-Known Member
I was beginnin to wonder about ya lucky. I had my doubts about em cuz it was chopped early. but actually it turned out to be pretty good. Its not the bomb or nothin but good none the less.


Well-Known Member
Hey I just had to do the same thing. I think one of mine was about to hermie so I chopped her. Come take a look. I'm thinking 2 or 3 weeks early on mine. :cry:


Well-Known Member
Hey I just had to do the same thing. I think one of mine was about to hermie so I chopped her. Come take a look. I'm thinking 2 or 3 weeks early on mine. :cry:
just checked it out and man does that suck. but it still looks good. what caused the "possible" hermie????? any clues.????? i swear if it was a light leak.........LOL


Well-Known Member
LOL too funny... My soil ph dropped to 5 it was terrible. Took only one day and it looked like crap. Soil ph is way more important than I ever thought. Check it trust me...