First Grow And Box Design

What cycle is it on?

its on the same cycle that i am. i wake up at 5:30 and turn the light on and i turn the light off when i got to bed at 10. so about an 16/8. i really should get a timer today. also i would like to put em under the hps but my other plant is using it up. i guess i could just put the ak on 12/12. i know that it is suppose to be 20/4. but what would it really hurt. anyone???????????
sooo the box is at the store. when i told em 500 for it, the owner looked a little frustrated. he asked his wife how much and she was like 3 or 4 hundred. he said they just got a grow cloner in that was bigger and goes for $289 and i wanted 200 more. ( --------look up cloner (tell me if you can see where the price difference come in). told them well if nobody wants to buy it then at least i tried. cuz i got over 200 in materials and over 20 hours in it. if i can't get that then its really not worth it. i have to drive to and from the shop, go get materials, and do all the designing. its not a remade filing cabinet. so in the end he kept it, its and was already trying to put stuff in it and wants me to make a box the same size for a drying rack and another for his bad ass LED. they already posted it on their website that they got the grow boxes in today and would post pictures as soon as its set up. so it looks like i really wasn't asking toooo much for it. he even said before i left that similar boxes with everything in them go for 2500-3000 and their not built as tough.
that's good news. I really hope this works out for you!

me too. it would kinda be nice to have enough people wanting them that i could quit my job for a while and work at my own pace yet still make the same amount of cash. but i just assume the worst and am supprised if it works out.
me too. it would kinda be nice to have enough people wanting them that i could quit my job for a while and work at my own pace yet still make the same amount of cash. but i just assume the worst and am supprised if it works out.

I believe you have found your calling in life! ;)
i am goin to post pictures of the sativa plant and the two ak's later tonight. the hydro is twice as big as the soil. im sure that someone who knows more about soil could have it alot bigger than what mine is. I just have it in some miracle-gro moisture control soil. i still haven't changed out the nutes on the sativa plant. just been adding fresh water. the buds arent getting taller anymore. they just seem to be getting fatter where the hairs come out. also the hairs are shrivelling up and turning orange. but still quite a few white ones. i am going to change the water tonight. just not sure if its straight water or a little kool bloom. i already changed the water on the hydro ak47 just a sec ago. i am goin to follow the GH schedual that lucky showed me. since it is an auto and it has pistols i wasn't sure if it went from seedling stage to transition or if its went from seedling to mild growth like normal. i went ahead and did it in order of the chart. i used the mild growth. which is 1 tsp micro/gal, 2 tsp grow/gal, and 1tsp bloom/gal. and one more thing. i told the guy at the hydro place that i took the ufo out and explained the wierd stretching of the "flower" and he said that it sounded like the light schedual was screwed up and thats what did it and not the ufo. and it makes sense because i did have it off the timer there for awhile and was manually doing it. its just odd that it happend under the ufo
So here are todays pictures. i noticed that alot of people use a lighter to show the size of their buds so i did the same. also you will notice that i decided to keep the box until my plant is finished. i figured why screw this up. the only problem with the lighter is that my camera kept trying to focus on it. there is a huge difference in the hydro and soil plant. i moved it from the coffee can to a 2.5 gallon bucket. it started soaking up alot of water and the ph was changing quickly so it was time to move to a bigger home. as far as the water change goes on the sativa plant, i decided to go with the ripening suggestion on the GH Schedual. i don't think its in aggressive bloom anymore because just seems like its gettin more sticky and thicker


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i re done the seal around the door of the box i am using now. used the leftover weather strip seal from the demobox. also went and bought a magnetic vent cover for the back exhaust. that is the only possible places for light to come in. i have climbed in there before lookin for a light leak and didn't see anything. however i got to thinkin that maybe my eyes didnt have enough time to adjust. Looks like chainseeker had it nailed this whole time about it being a light issue. don't believe it was a light leak but that i was screwing up the schedual, doing it manually. so after adding more intakes at the bottom, back on timer, resealed with thicker seal, and added a blacked out vent cover, that should help. im ready to be done with this thing. i snipped off a little one last night and quickdried it and was actually suprised at how high i got. it wasn't nothin amazing but it was a nice mild high that made me kind numb from head to toe.
Uh oh got a sample. It's been a struggle not to try just a little bitty sample LOL!

Especially since I have about 10% amber trich's on one of the cola's.

Also if you got pretty high off a quick dried but I bet after a proper cure it will be some quality smoke for ya.

Congrats on making it this far I'm happy for ya. Now it's my turn I just can't wait for that first taste. :weed:
Uh oh got a sample. It's been a struggle not to try just a little bitty sample LOL!

Especially since I have about 10% amber trich's on one of the cola's.

Also if you got pretty high off a quick dried but I bet after a proper cure it will be some quality smoke for ya.

Congrats on making it this far I'm happy for ya. Now it's my turn I just can't wait for that first taste. :weed:

ohhhhh shit!!!!!!! got somethin started. your goin to have to tell me how it turns out. it was an alright high, im hopin that it gets better. the little bud i picked off i wieghed it wet just for fun and it was 1.7g and after i dried it, it was at 0.6. thats alot of water weight. i didn't know they lost that much. but if that little one weight that, i can't wait to see how much the big ones weight.!!!!!!!!!!!! when you quick dry them, do they loose their smell. smelled like wet green grass.
Yeah dude from what I've read the cure is just as important as the grow.

You can still get a good idea of what you have with a fast dry.

I've bought some smoke that was very well grown but you could tell it wasn't cured right. Kind of had a grassy wet taste.
here are todays pics. not to much difference other than a few more orange hairs. the stuff in the jar isn't from this plant, but it sure was some good medication :)


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i put the ufo on ebay so i could turn that money into another hps. its only got an hour left and nobody has bid on it. can't believe nobody wanted a name brand hidhut ufo for 85 bucks.