First Grow And Box Design


Well-Known Member
Bad ass dude well done. Imagine your 150 hanging between the ufo's.
That purple is pretty damn sexy when it's full of plants.


Well-Known Member
Thanks chainseeker. Thats alot of light in that box. its funny watching people at the store open it and havin to squint their eye. Cuz when the door is close their is zero evidence that a light is on. they said they are going to switch out from the LED to a 400 watt hps air cooled tube, to show people the difference.


Well-Known Member
do you have a scope? I would wait for 50/50. I harvested mine while most were milky and although it was kick ass, it could have been better if i would have waited.


Well-Known Member
I cannot say with 100% without a scope, but if your seeing alot of amber then its time for at least one bud to come off and dry it. see how you like the effects then harvest the whole lot once your happy.



Well-Known Member
I cannot say with 100% without a scope, but if your seeing alot of amber then its time for at least one bud to come off and dry it. see how you like the effects then harvest the whole lot once your happy.

I chopped the soil ak a week ago and i felt like i was glued to the bed. That was easily the best high i have ever had off of pot. i have been letting this one go because i want the seeds to be good


Well-Known Member
She looks done to me. I think I saw one white hair in all those photos. If I didn't have a scope I would chop her. You let her go too long and the high can start degrading. Becomes more of a stupid inducing pot.


Well-Known Member
its chopped. i didn't weight the soil plant because i have been takin off of it for a while. but the hydro i finished completely gave me 1 oz when dried. It is some bomb ass smoke.


Well-Known Member
wow. that seems like forever ago. Ended up keepin about a quarter and sold the rest. shit went for 20 a gram. couldn't pass that up. That pretty much paid for all my cost and some leftover. It was fun but took too long and my little girl is commin up on a year old. don't want that stuff around her. I just always wanted to grow one and now i have. Sold the box, light, pump. I figured it would be a good time to quit. It was the best bud i ever smoked and i grew it. :)


Well-Known Member
Congrats Brandon. I was wondering what happened to you :) I understand not wanting to keep growing though. Risk vs. reward and all that, especially with a child. I hope to see you back here someday though, maybe when medical marijuana is available in you state :)


Well-Known Member
Congrats Brandon. I was wondering what happened to you :) I understand not wanting to keep growing though. Risk vs. reward and all that, especially with a child. I hope to see you back here someday though, maybe when medical marijuana is available in you state :)
if i could grow it legally then hell yeah. Those auto flowers are easy. And you know what. i thought i had hermied the ak47 but i hadn't. just straight bud.


Well-Known Member
actually i quit everything. I had a baby girl and bought a house. starting the whole family thing. It was fun, but would be worth goin back to prison or loosing the house if i got caught.