First Grow 400W HPS/MH in 3 x 3 tent.


Active Member
I can finally understand why alot of people dont update frequently, its alot of work taking nice pics setting them up and alot the typing im glad its folks that led me in the right way so thanks i wanna try an organic hempy with perlite maybe coco got study more on it but cant say for sure ive ever smkd organic:sad: You know alot and im in need of preschooling so ill ask after i do some of my own research. Did u check the updates i put up today? 4 of em


Active Member
I can finally understand why alot of people dont update frequently, its alot of work taking nice pics setting them up and alot the typing im glad its folks that led me in the right way so thanks i wanna try an organic hempy with perlite maybe coco got study more on it but cant say for sure ive ever smkd organic:sad: You know alot and im in need of preschooling so ill ask after i do some of my own research. Did u check the updates i put up today? 4 of em
Not sure if I ever have either (smoked organic). I'll be sure to check up on your journal later today at the office.

I actually took some shots last night of the arugula and there is a huge difference between the myco and non-myco inoculated pots.

I'll try to take some more shots tonight as well as the difference should be more profound and noticeable.

I hear you on the updates being a pain in the ass.... but the feedback/tips make it worthwhile.


Active Member
Hi All,

Here are the results of my little experiment. I didn't think it would take this long for the results but just 48 hours after planting (Mesclun lettuce mix) the results are phenomenal in my opinion!

48 hours ago I planted two containers with mycorrhizae and one without.

Here are the results after just 48 hours. I realize it is mesclun mix and it sprouts fast to begin with, however imagine the possibilities for your plants!
Mycorrhizae benefits the plant by exchanging nutrients with the plant. It exchanges sugars from the plant in exchange for nutrients and also branches out and has finer filaments than the plant's roots so your plant has access to more nutrients within your medium.

Without Mycorrhiza/Control after 24 hours from planting (notice one tiny sprout bottom left corner and another barely visible bottom right)
Jan17 008.jpg\
With Mycorrhiza Inoculation - 24 hours from planting
Jan17 007.jpg

48 hours from planting Control (no Myco)
Jan17 010.jpg

With Myco 48 hours from planting!

Jan17 009.jpg

Both pots were planted at the same time and were right next to each other under a humidity dome and a 250w MH bulb. This picture is terrible but it gives you a better idea of the height of the growth as well!

Jan17 011.jpg


Active Member
nice, another 24 hours should yeild even better results, not that these arent good!!!!
I think it makes a good case for using myco with any organic grow. Or even without (although a lot of the salts in chemical nutes are going to kill of the delicate thing fungal strands, but at least it would aid in establishment and the first few weeks or until it was killed off)

Also I used a minuscule amount from a large tub that I have that I purchased for 11.99 at my local garden centre. That's less than a bottle of nutrients!


Well-Known Member
Ew wont let me give you more rep. Good job on actually doing a side by side. The scientific half of me says you need to do more run but the organic side of me isn't surprised at all.


Active Member
Ew wont let me give you more rep. Good job on actually doing a side by side. The scientific half of me says you need to do more run but the organic side of me isn't surprised at all.
For your benefit I will do my next run with some MMJ seeds. I placed an order for some 10x Querkle and 20 x Blockhead x Ak47 today!

Won't be doing that for at least 2-3 months however. Try to remind me if you're still following the journal (or my new one) then.


Well-Known Member
Hows that myco test going? I wonder if the effect is becoming more or less pronounced.

So.. had to chop down the chia plants lol they were growing so dense there was a massive mat of mold growing underneath the canopy lol. It's not like you can eat chia anyways so I wasnt too sad. the beats are still going strong though, Next up strawberries and mint.

couldnt see alot of your pictures in the thread, but sounds like a good grow, Ill stay subbed!


Active Member
I wanna know how to make my pictures big like urs instead of thumbnails any info?
Yeah its pretty easy...

when writing a post.. click on the photo button and upload straight from your computer. Then double-click the photo and a dialogue box will open and you can choose different sizes.

Makes posts a lot prettier! :hump:


Active Member
Hows that myco test going? I wonder if the effect is becoming more or less pronounced.

So.. had to chop down the chia plants lol they were growing so dense there was a massive mat of mold growing underneath the canopy lol. It's not like you can eat chia anyways so I wasnt too sad. the beats are still going strong though, Next up strawberries and mint.

couldnt see alot of your pictures in the thread, but sounds like a good grow, Ill stay subbed!
Maybe I'll take another photo in a day or two. THe difference is definitely noticeable and worth the few bucks I paid for the myco (which should last a very very long time if you are just dusting seedlings/clones and during transplants.)

I checked out your journal.. Nice update and that's a pretty serious setup. Are you in N, E, W or S Ontario?


Well-Known Member
Maybe I'll take another photo in a day or two. THe difference is definitely noticeable and worth the few bucks I paid for the myco (which should last a very very long time if you are just dusting seedlings/clones and during transplants.)

I checked out your journal.. Nice update and that's a pretty serious setup. Are you in N, E, W or S Ontario?
Oh its gunna get pretty serious soon as I can afford the updates I have planned. Right now I'm just crossing my fingers I dont get rootbound cause they are onyl in 2 gallons pots...but I dont have the cash atm for perlite/coco/pots lol

I'm Southern Ontario, looking forward to having a go at guerilla gardening in the spring, with this climate I should be able to grow something pretty decent before the frost. Thinking Texada x Skunk will be a good strain.

have you ever tried doing anything outdoor? I remember when I was 15 I tried sticking a couple bagseeds in the ground lol came back 2 weeks later and there was nothing there lol. Now I know so much more I might be able to pull something off


Active Member
Oh its gunna get pretty serious soon as I can afford the updates I have planned. Right now I'm just crossing my fingers I dont get rootbound cause they are onyl in 2 gallons pots...but I dont have the cash atm for perlite/coco/pots lol

I'm Southern Ontario, looking forward to having a go at guerilla gardening in the spring, with this climate I should be able to grow something pretty decent before the frost. Thinking Texada x Skunk will be a good strain.

have you ever tried doing anything outdoor? I remember when I was 15 I tried sticking a couple bagseeds in the ground lol came back 2 weeks later and there was nothing there lol. Now I know so much more I might be able to pull something off
I put mine in 5 gallon pots but I'll probably go smaller next time as my tent is short at 5'3" .. Looks like you have the space to grow some monsters though!


Active Member
Major bummer....

One of my girls (my former pride and joy) is looking Mg+ deficient. At first I thought it was heat stress as I had removed the glass from my AC hood to allow more heat into the grow area... so I adjusted the temps down.. but it got worse instead of better :wall:

Good news is that the other 3 plants (1 biggie and two smallies) are looking nice and lush.

I did a small feed with some concentrated CaMg+ and foliar fed with some more CaMg+ and some Bioweed. Hoping this will help with it to bounce back. Even the pistils started to go brown on me.. Shit

Oh well. I'll post some photos soon


Active Member
I'm really liking your Myco experiment. I've been using Myco & Endo since day1 on all of my plants, so I don't know how growth would compare without using it.

Here's what I've been using...

White Widow
[h=3]Endomycorrhizae:[/h]Glomus clarum……………………..12,500 prop/cc
Glomus aggregatum………………12,100 prop/cc
Glomus intraradices……………….11,300 prop/cc
Glomus mosseae…………………..11,000 prop/cc
Glomus deserticola………………..10,400 prop/cc
Glomus etunicatum………………..10,000 prop/cc
Gigaspora margarita……………….9,900 prop/cc
Glomus brasillanum…………………9,300 prop/cc
Glomus monosporum………………9,000 prop/cc

Myco Madness


Bacillus licheniformis………………….……….…372 million cfu/lb
Bacillus azotoformans……………..…….………372 million cfu/lb
Bacillus megaterium.…………..…..……..….….372 million cfu/lb
Bacillus coagulans,…….…………………………372 million cfu/lb
Bacillus pumilis…………..…….………………….
372 million cfu/lb
Bacillus thuringiensis…………..………………….372 million cfu/lb
Bacillus stearothermiphillis…….………………….372 million cfu/lb
Paenibacillus polymyxa….…………..…………….372 million cfu/lb
Paenibacillus durum…………………..…………….372 million cfu/lb
Paenibacillus florescence..………….………..….372 million cfu/lb
Paenibacillus gordonae…..………….…………….372 million cfu/lb
Azotobacter polymxa………………….………..….372 million cfu/lb
Azotobacter chroococcum……………………..….372 million cfu/lb
Sacchromyces cervisiae………………………..….372 million cfu/lb
Pseudomonas aureofaceans…………………..….372 million cfu/lb


Glomus intraradices……………….……..…1,135 propagules per lb
Glomas mosseae……………………………1,135 propagules per lb
Glomas aggregatum………………………..1,135 propagules per lb
Glomus entunicatum……………..…………1,135 propagules per lb
Glomus clarum………………….………..….1,135 propagules per lb
Glomus deserticola….………………………1,135 propagules per lb
Gigaspora margarita………..………………1,135 propagules per lb
Gigaspora brasilianum………..….…………1,135 propagules per lb
Gigaspora monosporum………….…………1,135 propagules per lb

Trichoderma harzianum……….….150 million propagules per lb
Trichoderma konigii………..……….150 million propagules per lb

9.5% Humic acids (derived from Leonardite)
5% Alaskan humus, 5% worm castings
3% glucose


Active Member
K. I'll have a bunch of updates coming soon.

1. Last Myco Arugula shots
2. Mg deficient shots :wall::dunce:

3. Veg room update and photo journal of how I transplant.

4. My first organic soil mix.

Lots of photos.. stay tuned


Active Member
Here are the last photos that I will upload regarding my little experiment with myco vs non-myco innoculation

Should be obvious which is myco innoculated and which isn't. Approximately the same amount of seeds were planted in each container.

Jan22nd 025.jpgJan22nd 024.jpgJan22nd 023.jpg


Active Member
So here are the shots of what I think is a Mg deficiency in one of my plants:

I think that this was caused by one or a combination of a few things

1. pH/nutrient lockout - my cheap soil pH meter says that I'm around 7
2. for 2-3 feedings/waterings previously, I did not add my CaMg solution (stupid stupid stupid)
3. the compost tea that I added was too bacterial based and I've thrown my rhizosphere outta wack (I didn't really follow a recipe and this could be a good lesson for the future)
4. Perhaps I'm wrong and it is a Phosphorus (P) deficiency.

Anyway, I have fed with CaMg+ (both in waterings and a foliar feed) I've also given the plants a good watering with a complete feed so hopefully if this is a Mg (or P) deficiency they start to get what they need (I just hope I have the right balance in my soil so that the change is quick)

Jan22nd 008.jpgJan22nd 014.jpgJan22nd 001.jpg

My other plants are doing okay so far but I'm starting to see the beginnings on my other big girl:

Jan22nd 015.jpgJan22nd 013.jpg

Any help anyone can provide would be appreciated...

My temps are 62 in the evening and 78-80 during lights on

Humidity is low at 20-35%