First Grow 400W HPS/MH in 3 x 3 tent.


Active Member
Things are coming along nicely bro. Lookin great I wish I could just smell those ladies good work keep it up (i know u will) mmm!!!:clap:
oh yeah ive update my journal u should check it out.


Active Member

I know I just had an update yesterday.. but thought I'd post a pic of my vegging area.

I've add a little seedling area and started some veggies.

I've got, 4 different kinds of lettuce, arugula, sage, basil, spinach, chives and bell peppers. I've already got a little bit of arugula and basil started (in the larger red pots)

Also I've got my crispy clones in here too.. they are probably ready for a transplant to a 1.5 gallon pot soon.

jan14 002.jpg

As a little experiment I planted two containers of mesclun mix. One I used mycorhizzae with the seeds and seeding area and the other I did not. I've labelled them and will post the results in a week or two to show (hopefully) the difference in growth.

I also added a little bit of my compost tea to these seedling, veggies and clones,

The Compost tea will be ready for my MMJ plants in the tent tomorrow.. Other than the fish smell (from the GO BioMarine) it smells earthy and delicious. I picked up some kelp and added a little bit more molasses and oats for the tea today. I'm hoping that it has a lot of fungals in it (as opposed to a bacterial dominant tea) as I want more fungal in flowering.

jan14 001.jpg

Some Shots of the Flowers, apologies for the HPS photos:

jan14 007.jpgjan14 004.jpg


Well-Known Member
Plants are looking great! Congrats on going organic. Dunno how I've been missing your thread - sorry bout that.


Active Member
Nice pictures they look really healthy. Ill be following from here :)

Im in a similar small tent with a 400 and about 2 weeks ahead of you maybe.

Hope you see some color soon.


Well-Known Member
congrats on goin veggie :)

my bell pepper plant is doing awesome right now and i just planted a BEAN, yes a real bean garden bean i think they are called also know as green beans :)


Active Member
Plants are looking great! Congrats on going organic. Dunno how I've been missing your thread - sorry bout that.
Thanks Gastanker... glad to have you along.

It was either you or Jack Herrer that mentioned Teaming with Microbes. I've read the whole book almost (2 or 3 more chapters to go) and it just seems to make sense to me. If it was you.. thanks!
I'm anxious to see the difference in the mesclun with and without the myco inoculation.


Active Member
congrats on goin veggie :)

my bell pepper plant is doing awesome right now and i just planted a BEAN, yes a real bean garden bean i think they are called also know as green beans :)
I bought some bean seeds too.. but I figure I'll start them outside in 3 months :D

Or start them inside in a month or two and then transplant to outside


Well-Known Member
I bought some bean seeds too.. but I figure I'll start them outside in 3 months :D

Or start them inside in a month or two and then transplant to outside

beans are a verry hearty plant unlike pepper, extremely easy to grow

heres my bell pepper plant its doing great



Active Member
it certainly smells organic :D

I gave a little taste to all my other veggies too to help introduce all the microbes to the soil.

Added a little mycorhizzae mix to the tea just before pouring over the plants. Hopefully this gives them an additional boost

The only plant that didn't get the mycorhizzae was the arugula that is my control/test to see how the myco affects the growth and establishment from seed


Well-Known Member
cant wait to see the results!!!

one of my beans is pushing up and trying to beak free from the seed....yay.

these seeds are in my new soil that is composed of happy frog organic fertilizer, pro mix (wich i believe is all organic), organic perilite, organic hyponex potting soil a small amount of lime for added cal/mag and to increase the PH a little(hopefully this is not a bad choice but i didnt use much at all) and all of them were watered with my homeade tea from my verm compost bin wich i just water it like it was a plant and catch the runoff in the bottom tote. im sure this stuff has some microbes in it. my tent and light will be here today and my beans should be here soon its going to be really hard to not get something started but im going to try and wait to see the results of my new "super soil" (hehe) before i go planting a bunch of new plants.


Active Member
cant wait to see the results!!!

one of my beans is pushing up and trying to beak free from the seed....yay.

these seeds are in my new soil that is composed of happy frog organic fertilizer, pro mix (wich i believe is all organic), organic perilite, organic hyponex potting soil a small amount of lime for added cal/mag and to increase the PH a little(hopefully this is not a bad choice but i didnt use much at all) and all of them were watered with my homeade tea from my verm compost bin wich i just water it like it was a plant and catch the runoff in the bottom tote. im sure this stuff has some microbes in it. my tent and light will be here today and my beans should be here soon its going to be really hard to not get something started but im going to try and wait to see the results of my new "super soil" (hehe) before i go planting a bunch of new plants.
Can't wait to see an update with your new tent and light..

I heard that leachates (run off from composts) are not that high in microbes. What you really want your vermicomposter for his the actual compost that you get. Once you start mixing that in with your soils you should see some nice results.

I'm sure its got some good stuff in it (the leachate) but you've also got a lot of other good stuff in your soil and I'm sure it is better than watering with water and is helping to drive the up your colony populations.

I've been adding a little dolomite lime to all my soil mixes and so far so good.. I've also been supplementing with my bottle of GO Cal-Mg+ every 2nd or 3rd feed to prevent any deficiency