Well-Known Member
I hear you, man. I hear the aggravation, not just from watching the acts that you list regarding what Trump and his Republican MAGA openly did. But most especially watching them do those things without being held accountable for their criminal acts. Also some of his acts were not criminal but broke social norms. they also were not held accountable for that too. We need to see some accountability.I've been cranky since the day this FKN spoiled,silver spooned brat,who's lived a life without consequence came down that FKN escalator to announce a run for President as a "brand opportunity". Then disregard the decorum of serious politics giving opponents cute ass demeaning nicknames and doing the Charlie Sheen "winning thing" to substitute for "actual policies". Getting to the Oval office in a long shot W aided by the FBI and a "entertained electorate" and looking stunned that he actually WON. Presiding over a aimless administration where chaos ruled and finished w/almost all acting unconfirmed cabinet members that alienated all NATO allies,sucked up to Autocrats,mismanaged a Pandemic,put Iran on FF for a bomb,and hooked up the rich and corps w/a deficit ballooning tax cut,destroyed a somewhat healthy 2 party system turning R's into pandering,alternative fact supporting,anti-democracy tag alongs,and on the way out turned Richard Nixon into a veritable alter boy in comparison,then began the process of doing it all over again w/seemingly no price paid and almost 1/2 my country still in tow w/blinders on. A 7+ yr. odyssey of crankiness that won't go away,the legacy of this peckerhead may not even be expunged w/a Nov. defeat,possibly resembling a case of political herpes in the national psyche.
The GOP leaders have been trying to wear us down with their endless threats and showing the public that their leader, Trump can do whatever he wants without facing consequences. I'm speaking for myself but I think others as well, maybe you too. Rather than the wear causing me to break, I've grown a callus and I think am tougher because if it. So, yes, I'm cranky but it's not helpless anger. I have my back up and going to tough this one out to the end. I'll be there during the demonstrations that I think are inevitable in Portland this year. If Proud Boys have the nerve to show up, we'll stand in their way from waving their neo-Nazi flags in a show of white power and in the faces of the people of Portland. I'm not expecting violence this year because I think the leaders in Portland and especially the Portland police have learned that we are the ones who are on their side. Not the fascists.
It seems that a reckoning is coming.
Trump was finally held accountable for raping E Jean Carroll and then defaming her. Hellooo? Donald Trump? you were there too. You know what you did. A reckoning is coming for Trump in other court trials and I have a strong feeling that a reckoning is coming for Trump at the ballot box too. As we just saw, a reckoning just came for members of the GOP State Senate caucus too. We have a lot of reckoning to visit on people in all 50 states. Unless we visit justice from the federal level all the way down to our neighborhoods, it won't really be over.
So, yeah, I'm cranky and willing to fight over it.