Fascism and the Republican Party

Not just Bundy is targeted in this lawsuit. It's the financial records of his political group, the People's Rights Network, a militant group with 65,000 members. Bundy is its leader but the PRN were the gang that surrounded the hospital and threatened its employees. They continue to do so to this day. Bundy would be nothing if not for the threat of this faction conducting another action like they did at Malheur Wildlife Sanctuary and his father's ranch that was mostly publicly held lands that Cliven was squatting on.

As can be seen in that article, they are causing quite a problem for Boise. The way they act as if they are above the law and their threats of violence, mostly directed at people who speak out against them but also to the community is what fascists do.
Perhaps the DOJ should investigate them for criminal conspiracy? It sounds like a conspiracy to me, and they are often easier to prove in court and carry serious penalties. I'm thinking the feds are as guilty in this matter as the local sheriff, perhaps after the civil case when they show his supporters as suckers and more evidence comes out during discovery. Meanwhile let him dig his hole deeper with each missed court date for him and other witnesses, like where he did his banking and fundraising. This super individual was supported by a social and financial network, others are targets of legal action too. When the court comes to seize his house as part of the settlement, he will have an armed last stand I suppose.

I wonder how he will feel about being placed on a future domestic terrorist watch list with not guns allowed for those on it and regular checks to see if they are armed?
Not just Bundy is targeted in this lawsuit. It's the financial records of his political group, the People's Rights Network, a militant group with 65,000 members. Bundy is its leader but the PRN were the gang that surrounded the hospital and threatened its employees. They continue to do so to this day. Bundy would be nothing if not for the threat of this faction conducting another action like they did at Malheur Wildlife Sanctuary and his father's ranch that was mostly publicly held lands that Cliven was squatting on.

As can be seen in that article, they are causing quite a problem for Boise. The way they act as if they are above the law and their threats of violence, mostly directed at people who speak out against them but also to the community is what fascists do.

fbi agents should know better than that, i hope they give him the longest sentence yet...
Fascist house cleaning at the FBI and DOJ, these guys are gonna end up being treated like the commies were in the 50's, both are aligned with Russia and support them. It has already begun in the US government and military, if they support Trump, they are enemies of the US constitution and Trump makes no secret of distain for it and his attempts to get rid of it or wipe his ass with it. I don't care how they try to square the circle; they are full of shit when they claim to be patriots, they are the opposite of what a patriot is. It's the same for many so called "Christians", who are anything but Christain and put on the white hood or MAGA hat on when they walked out of a fake Christian church.
This will be a mistake on my part haha.

I consider myself a conservative but tend to agree with liberals on certain issues as well. With that being said I'm not tribal I will not defend any politicians of either party when they fuck up. I think that's what drives me nutty about both sides is their ability to turn an obvious fuck up and defend it. Trump is a shady pos, doesn't change my personal "conservative values just means I'm a conversative and trump is a fuck. Afghan withdrawal was a joke, you can say it, doesn't make you less of a liberal but for some reason people feel the need to defend either side at all cost. For some reason people seem to think their political party actual cares about them haha.

If it's acceptable on one side it must be acceptable on the other, if its criminal on one side it must be criminal on the other and I think that's what we're is people reverting back to tribe mentality to make excuses for their "Side". The yeah well trump did this, well Biden did that. Cruz said this, yeah well what about what Maxine said? How about all parties can be "wrong" and held accountable?

Long story short, what's a guy like me supposed to do when it comes to voting? I'm guessing most here would say don't vote this time around or vote blue. Unless there is some sort of moderate democrat, I just don't see it. Just too much on the left that I strongly disagree with that overshadow the things I agree with.

Sigh. Wish there was another option.

Take it easy on me! Just looking for a normal conversation with my friends on the other side of the aisle.
This will be a mistake on my part haha.

I consider myself a conservative but tend to agree with liberals on certain issues as well. With that being said I'm not tribal I will not defend any politicians of either party when they fuck up. I think that's what drives me nutty about both sides is their ability to turn an obvious fuck up and defend it. Trump is a shady pos, doesn't change my personal "conservative values just means I'm a conversative and trump is a fuck. Afghan withdrawal was a joke, you can say it, doesn't make you less of a liberal but for some reason people feel the need to defend either side at all cost. For some reason people seem to think their political party actual cares about them haha.

If it's acceptable on one side it must be acceptable on the other, if its criminal on one side it must be criminal on the other and I think that's what we're is people reverting back to tribe mentality to make excuses for their "Side". The yeah well trump did this, well Biden did that. Cruz said this, yeah well what about what Maxine said? How about all parties can be "wrong" and held accountable?

Long story short, what's a guy like me supposed to do when it comes to voting? I'm guessing most here would say don't vote this time around or vote blue. Unless there is some sort of moderate democrat, I just don't see it. Just too much on the left that I strongly disagree with that overshadow the things I agree with.

Sigh. Wish there was another option.

Take it easy on me! Just looking for a normal conversation with my friends on the other side of the aisle.
Biden is a moderate Democrat. He is a centrist. If you are truly a conservative and not a neofascist claiming the label, that’s not hard to see.

(add) Not voting is abetting the party that is mounting a sustained attack on government of, by and for the people. Republicans are not conservatives any longer.
Really should be the other way around as you claim he is a moderate. But I see where this is headed.

You also said that republicans are not conservatives anymore, so where do I fit? I feel like I'm truly a conservative not a neofascists lol

But either way I see where this is going.
This will be a mistake on my part haha.

I consider myself a conservative but tend to agree with liberals on certain issues as well. With that being said I'm not tribal I will not defend any politicians of either party when they fuck up. I think that's what drives me nutty about both sides is their ability to turn an obvious fuck up and defend it. Trump is a shady pos, doesn't change my personal "conservative values just means I'm a conversative and trump is a fuck. Afghan withdrawal was a joke, you can say it, doesn't make you less of a liberal but for some reason people feel the need to defend either side at all cost. For some reason people seem to think their political party actual cares about them haha.

If it's acceptable on one side it must be acceptable on the other, if its criminal on one side it must be criminal on the other and I think that's what we're is people reverting back to tribe mentality to make excuses for their "Side". The yeah well trump did this, well Biden did that. Cruz said this, yeah well what about what Maxine said? How about all parties can be "wrong" and held accountable?

Long story short, what's a guy like me supposed to do when it comes to voting? I'm guessing most here would say don't vote this time around or vote blue. Unless there is some sort of moderate democrat, I just don't see it. Just too much on the left that I strongly disagree with that overshadow the things I agree with.

Sigh. Wish there was another option.

Take it easy on me! Just looking for a normal conversation with my friends on the other side of the aisle.
When he made his appeal to Republicans to help Democrats prevent right wing radicals finish the coup they attempted on Jan 6, Biden came out and said something like what you are saying. The MAGA GOP are fascist. Not all Republicans are fascist, but those who support MAGA GOP are.

I miss the days when the Republican Party stood with Democrats when it comes to supporting democracy.

The term "liberal" has been used by "conservatives" as akin to communist. For example, when George H Bush accused Mondale of being a "card carrying liberal", he was echoing the red scare of the fifties when people were accused of being "card carrying members of the Communist Party". Historically, to be liberal was to support rule by the people and not a monarch or other absolutist authoritarian rule. So, actually, to be a liberal is to be the opposite of what conservatives have been painting us as. If you look at what the Democratic Party supports, we support the concept that civil rights are inviolable and not just for select groups. That means everybody, whether they are gay, straight, white, Black, brown, men or women. We support the right to collective bargaining, the concept of a social safety net, the right of everyone to pursue happiness and most of all, we support the right to vote.

The term "conservative" has become something other than what it used to mean. The root of the word is to conserve or protect what is already in place. When you say you are conservative, what do you mean by that?
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Really should be the other way around as you claim he is a moderate. But I see where this is headed.

You also said that republicans are not conservatives anymore, so where do I fit? I feel like I'm truly a conservative not a neofascists lol

But either way I see where this is going.
You’re doing a lot of implying and not laying down any defined positions. If you want discussion, commit.

How is President Joe Biden not a centrist? Provide links to text journalism from sober sources to back your statements.
Your right Cannabineer, I think that's fair to say. I'll be honest I immediately went red and got pissed when you questioned if I was a conservative and not a neofascist hiding behind the label.

I think I was more or less looking to understand and see other points of view. @Fogdog reply seemed more of willing to engage in conversation and honestly yours felt like more of an attack. Tulsi Gabbard seemed to fit the moderate description to me. Hiring a confused individual as health secretary comes off as a bit extreme to me at least.
I think I may be in over my head; I will await your response but will be looking for a way to exit this convo haha.
Gabbard turned out to be a fascist tool. Link detailing the claim:

I’m not looking to attack you. But I am waiting for you to bring concrete examples of Biden not being in the political center.

As for Fogdog engaging you differently, I will gladly speak to any specific question or issue you have. Please don’t be ambiguous or suggestive.

You vaguely ridiculed my statement by saying “Biden a moderate, really?” I will sidestep the ridicule and say yes, really. If you know otherwise, it’s on you to show how/why.
Your right Cannabineer, I think that's fair to say. I'll be honest I immediately went red and got pissed when you questioned if I was a conservative and not a neofascist hiding behind the label.

I think I was more or less looking to understand and see other points of view. @Fogdog reply seemed more of willing to engage in conversation and honestly yours felt like more of an attack. Tulsi Gabbard seemed to fit the moderate description to me. Hiring a confused individual as health secretary comes off as a bit extreme to me at least.

I think I may be in over my head; I will await your response but will be looking for a way to exit this convo haha.
I'm still curious what you mean when you say you are conservative. What policies and positions do you support? Not what you are against but what you support.