Fascism and the Republican Party

ANYTHING not specifically mentioned in the constitution is assumed to be under control of the individual states...
a view i have LONG disliked. We're all part of the same nation, Not separate nations like the EU...There SHOULD be strong federal oversight into the states activities, like gerrymandering, and loading state courts with partisan judges, and allowing judge shopping....
Like I said, it is for the SCOTUS justices to decide, that is what they are paid for, when they are not paid by somebody else. It looks like something that could get to them, but first an injunction or some other filling by someone who has standing in a lower court.
I started this video a couple of minutes in and skipped the into about a movie. He draws some interesting historic parallels. It's only a few minutes long.

WAR on America Declared By Our Own People? WTF

2,988 views Apr 17, 2023 #MoreFromThom
The GOP is declaring War on American Democracy, but even scarier than a war at home against Democracy is the secret reason behind the GOP war.
Idk where to post this but it looks like the UN is trying to make it legal for children under 18 to be able to consent to sex with adults.


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Voting for Trump while fighting extremism is like drilling a hole in the bottom of your boat to get the water out.
I didn't know his political affiliation, but if he's a republican, it might be time to jump ship, because there is no excuse anymore and there wasn't any in 2020 for those who voted for Trump. All those he busted were magats.