I'm just jumpin' in the middle here, but the fascism started way back ...
matter of fact USA is and always has been fascists. But Nixon tried it
and failed, making the GOP vengeful ever since. Then Reagan came
along with Newt and the rest of the propagandists and liars, and that
is when fascism really took hold. I have always said that what Trump
et al are doing is Reagan's dream. They run on greed and fear, and
there's nobody you can't buy when you pander to those two sins. And
now it's all turned to hate, demonizing the other party or anybody who
doesn't believe their lies. It's horrific what has happened. I used to go to
political chats 10 or so years ago, and I'd blame voters, and ppl from
both sides in those chat rooms would get mad as hell at me for doing
that. There's good reason for that, but still, it's uniformed, and now
with social media, mis- and mal-informed people making the choices
for us. The outlook is very dim for democracy in the world for a long time.
Oops, fergot my meme:

And the hating reptilican can't even hold the Bible right side up.