Fascism and the Republican Party

I think you might be making the mistake of imbuing That Man with some causality. Imo he is an effect, and the chaos/psychosis caucus has held sway for a decade-plus. What I read as an appeal to reason, or at least common sense, does not align with recent history.

The biggest mistake moderate Republicans and centrists driven from the party can make now is to believe “oh good; things are gonna normalize”. Fascism is the GOP’s new normal, a fact they will try to resubmerge.
No, he did not cause it, he revealed it and brought it to a head and is a big public player in all this shit. Mitch will have trouble "civilizing" that bunch. Senators are elected state-wide and the gerrymandering that helps bring you the house is not a factor, incumbency is though. The GOP has been poisoned from the bottom up and from the top down, almost all the decent people have been driven out and replaced by white trash. The slide has been going on for decades and with Trump they slipped over the edge and are in freefall.
No, he did not cause it, he revealed it and brought it to a head and is a big public player in all this shit. Mitch will have trouble "civilizing" that bunch. Senators are elected state-wide and the gerrymandering that helps bring you the house is not a factor, incumbency is though. The GOP has been poisoned from the bottom up and from the top down, almost all the decent people have been driven out and replaced by white trash. The slide has been going on for decades and with Trump they slipped over the edge and are in freefall.
I’ll believe they are in free fall only when there is a big splat sound coming from them. Imprisoning him won’t qualify.
I’ll believe they are in free fall only when there is a big splat sound coming from them. Imprisoning him won’t qualify.
You will never be rid of them, but you can disempower them until demographic and generational changes take hold more, and legislative changes like HR-1 and voting rights can level the playing field too, if you get the seats in the house to pass it over the next couple of cycles. There are other things that can change the political dynamic too, like social media regulation, increased FCC powers to regulate and moderate, domestic terrorism laws and a domestic terrorist watch list etc.
I'm just jumpin' in the middle here, but the fascism started way back ...
matter of fact USA is and always has been fascists. But Nixon tried it
and failed, making the GOP vengeful ever since. Then Reagan came
along with Newt and the rest of the propagandists and liars, and that
is when fascism really took hold. I have always said that what Trump
et al are doing is Reagan's dream. They run on greed and fear, and
there's nobody you can't buy when you pander to those two sins. And
now it's all turned to hate, demonizing the other party or anybody who
doesn't believe their lies. It's horrific what has happened. I used to go to
political chats 10 or so years ago, and I'd blame voters, and ppl from
both sides in those chat rooms would get mad as hell at me for doing
that. There's good reason for that, but still, it's uniformed, and now
with social media, mis- and mal-informed people making the choices
for us. The outlook is very dim for democracy in the world for a long time.

Oops, fergot my meme: 1670081298114.png
And the hating reptilican can't even hold the Bible right side up.
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the US has never been a fascist country, we just have a lot of fascist fucks that we aren't allowed to expel from the country, and we have laws that protect free speech, so they can say anything within certain legal limits that they want to say, and there is nothing anyone can do about it.
what people can do something about is making sure the people they vote for aren't fascist fucks, because contrary to popular belief, all politicians are not the same. some of them actually want to make the country a better place. they want their children, and yours, to have at least the same amount of freedom in their lives that we had in ours...which i will admit, was less than it should have been, but republicans are working to make it less, while democrats are working to make it much more. so to say they're just the other side of the same coin is short sighted, bigoted, hypocritical, and wrong.
If the democrats win political power, you'll have a lot less to worry about and they will have more. Trump was the center and to break them apart, first smash the center. We are already seeing signs of them coming apart since Trump was glue that held it together. They won't go away, but they need not coalesce around an asshole like Trump and be united with other lunatics with other causes. Don't be afraid to go for the throat with these assholes and a domestic terrorist watch list would discourage of a lot of them or mark them and take their guns way. If you had the right laws, ALL members of the oath keepers would be on the domestic terrorist watch list, have their guns seized and their bank accounts subject to seizure too, once the leaders were convicted of seditious conspiracy.

If the democrats win political power, you'll have a lot less to worry about and they will have more. Trump was the center and to break them apart, first smash the center. We are already seeing signs of them coming apart since Trump was glue that held it together. They won't go away, but they need not coalesce around an asshole like Trump and be united with other lunatics with other causes. Don't be afraid to go for the throat with these assholes and a domestic terrorist watch list would discourage of a lot of them or mark them and take their guns way. If you had the right laws, ALL members of the oath keepers would be on the domestic terrorist watch list, have their guns seized and their bank accounts subject to seizure too, once the leaders were convicted of seditious conspiracy.

rhodes's conviction is a good start to stopping domestic terrorism...it's the foot in the door that lets real action be taken.
militia groups should all be observed closely by the government, which is just delicious irony to me...they not only invite the scrutiny they complain about, they make it mandatory with their own actions.
any time a group of them heads to a city to start some shit, they should be allowed to get themselves in place, and then arrested, and charged with everything, EVERYTHING that they possibly can be charged with...any weapons in their possession confiscated, their vehicles checked out for "safety" , any outstanding warrants dealt with...make their lives so fucking miserable that they'll run back to their compounds in the woods to hide. let them know that no one wants them around. anywhere. ever. if you catch them in some kind of plot to do ANY FUCKING THING ILLEGAL, nail the entire group to the wall with 16 penny spikes, and EVERY member shares the same sentence...they're all "brothers in arms" according to them, and brothers share.
Let's see, Thomas, Alito.... Vs the liberal minority plus who else?

Velshi: Democracy Is On The Line In This Upcoming SCOTUS Case

14,941 views Dec 3, 2022
What began as a dispute over a heavily gerrymandered congressional map in North Carolina has brought the fringe Independent State Legislature theory to the Supreme Court in a case called Moore V. Harper. The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments for that case this week, on Wednesday. And if the Supreme Court embraces ISL, it could have dire consequences for the integrity of future elections. It could give elected state representatives and legislators the authority to redraw districts without court oversight, ending protections against gerrymandering. It could allow state legislators to ignore their own state’s voting laws, subvert their constitutions, even hand pick electors.
Let's see, Thomas, Alito.... Vs the liberal minority plus who else?

Velshi: Democracy Is On The Line In This Upcoming SCOTUS Case

14,941 views Dec 3, 2022
What began as a dispute over a heavily gerrymandered congressional map in North Carolina has brought the fringe Independent State Legislature theory to the Supreme Court in a case called Moore V. Harper. The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments for that case this week, on Wednesday. And if the Supreme Court embraces ISL, it could have dire consequences for the integrity of future elections. It could give elected state representatives and legislators the authority to redraw districts without court oversight, ending protections against gerrymandering. It could allow state legislators to ignore their own state’s voting laws, subvert their constitutions, even hand pick electors.
it could also cause the general public to storm the supreme court and drag trump's asskissing fucking puppets the fuck off the bench and lynch them from the statue of justice's scales...JUST SAYIN...
Without Trump these antisocial assholes will fly off in different directions and fight among themselves.

MAGA Republicans CANNIBALIZING MAGA Republicans

51,927 views Dec 4, 2022
MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on the bizarre attacks by MAGA Republicans against each other as the Republican Party is in complete and utter and chaos.
I'm sure they will feel better when Donald joins his fans there.

drag them motherfuckers out back and stomp on their fucking heads till they get a new fucking attitude. no chance you'll do more than cosmetic damage, if you stick to hitting them in the head.
but seriously, this should just be pointed out to the judge, who can take it all into account when he sentences them...i believe he not only has latitude about sentence lengths, but also where they'll serve those sentences...i'm sure there are places he can put them where they'll have plenty of people to play their games with.
see, look, all these fine gentlemen are passing the time playing cards, chess, and dominoes, i'm sure they would welcome some white nationalists to their games.
drag them motherfuckers out back and stomp on their fucking heads till they get a new fucking attitude. no chance you'll do more than cosmetic damage, if you stick to hitting them in the head.
but seriously, this should just be pointed out to the judge, who can take it all into account when he sentences them...i believe he not only has latitude about sentence lengths, but also where they'll serve those sentences...i'm sure there are places he can put them where they'll have plenty of people to play their games with.
View attachment 5233837
see, look, all these fine gentlemen are passing the time playing cards, chess, and dominoes, i'm sure they would welcome some white nationalists to their games.
They need to clean the federal prisons out of non-violent drug offenders and transfer the mentally ill to other facilities. That should make enough room for when the democrats can pass some new laws to deal with such assholes more effectively. People get serious time for crack and walk for powdered coke which needs to change. A much higher percentage of the whites in those places need to be there, than the percentage of blacks serving time and a higher percentage of the blacks are likely actually innocent too.
They need to clean the federal prisons out of non-violent drug offenders and transfer the mentally ill to other facilities. That should make enough room for when the democrats can pass some new laws to deal with such assholes more effectively. People get serious time for crack and walk for powdered coke which needs to change. A much higher percentage of the whites in those places need to be there, than the percentage of blacks serving time and a higher percentage of the blacks are likely actually innocent too.
… that wouldn’t be “pro-business”.
… that wouldn’t be “pro-business”.
Pragmatic and humane, put the people who belong there in there and release the people who don't need to be so you can make more room for more assholes. Put in there by changes in federal law that make civilized behavior more a matter of law and less of preference.
drag them motherfuckers out back and stomp on their fucking heads till they get a new fucking attitude. no chance you'll do more than cosmetic damage, if you stick to hitting them in the head.
but seriously, this should just be pointed out to the judge, who can take it all into account when he sentences them...i believe he not only has latitude about sentence lengths, but also where they'll serve those sentences...i'm sure there are places he can put them where they'll have plenty of people to play their games with.
View attachment 5233837
see, look, all these fine gentlemen are passing the time playing cards, chess, and dominoes, i'm sure they would welcome some white nationalists to their games.
One day these assholes are gonna lose by enough that serious changes in policy can happen, social change can be pent-up, but then change happens rather suddenly and has a revolutionary feel about it, even though no actual revolution took place, except at the polls. Once that happens there are gonna be a lot of things the racist/fascists of America won't like at all when it breaks upon them. The first thing will be HR-1 on steroids and expanded voting rights, packing the court if required and dealing with media regulation. The first step will be to get rid of their built-in advantages as much as possible, level the playing field so the majority has more of a say. Suppress or counter propaganda and disinformation as much as possible, reassign the AM radio band to digital and kill hate radio. There will be many more things too and all of them will make some people very unhappy.

There may be an increase in religion as the con artists of America seek out fertile ground and many of these losers we see in the media will find Jesus, perhaps Q will become his prophet. Cheeto Jesus will soon be crucified so they will need to find a hook into some of his base and republican Jesus is a good one, back to Klan family values, I guess.
Pragmatic and humane, put the people who belong there in there and release the people who don't need to be so you can make more room for more assholes. Put in there by changes in federal law that make civilized behavior more a matter of law and less of preference.
Describe your program for enlisting a solid majority of legislators behind these proposals. Place emphasis on how to to recruit pro-business antitax legislators. Next, sell it to conservative judicial appointees so they don’t simply disable the legislation.

A notionally good idea that does not come with a realistic instruction set for implementation framed within current political reality is completely uninteresting.