This is a good teaching story and it will show ya how I operate.
I have a friend who is sacred by a truly horrible childhood, that I will leave to your imagination and empathy. I put a spare plant in the yard using soil and air pruning grow bag (this is a pot forum), it's around 3 1/2 ft and suffering from low temps and a bit of frost bite, nice little buds on it. So about an hour ago, I was looking out the kitchen widow at the plant, while it awaited slaying tomorrow by scissor, I was moved by compassion, for the plant and my buddy!
I had a brain fart! An idea!

Sometimes folks have shitty ideas, like Donald does.
I figure we should move the barbie put a rod across the top over the plant, hang a spare DIY 350? watt lamp (label in a pic on another thread) over the fucker, about a foot and a half high over it (wait for the responses!). It will be on during day light light only and go out an hour before dusk and dawn. It will have a small ceramic heater for night time temps (own thermostat) and cover the whole thing in vapor barrier plastic and scrape plywood (I am aware of the fire hazard and will take reasonable precautions, my lamps are in metal boxes and are built well, argue with me). The lawn mower cord powers it for a month max ( a solution that might interest some Canadian's! Right now!) Daylight photo period shrinks, so adjust! Also we are gonna spread and lower the plant height by training.
Ya think pot heads are stupid?
I smoked a joint before doing this, my buddies problem is solved, it's his plant, I'm here to help. We start the MBSR together on Monday week one, prepping all week and gardening, he is now my gardening partner and is in training now, both as a path walker and a gardener, who likes to have a puff too, but has a big heart and knows how to use it, he needs to harness it's power with in him, so do you. Other before one's self, compassion, not concentration my friend, that is the real secret to happiness, it's all about me and you, mindfulness.
Security is by PIR alarm and baseball bat, they have a choice (on the ground). It's my buddy's plant, he needs it, if it were mine, I'd let the poor fucker take it!
Nothing goes back in my grow after being outdoors. I had spider mites (in February!) not any more, it takes a break and cleaning everything for eradication,
so far so good. Only leave clones and used bug spray too, right up to young plants 3 inches high stage, then I stopped, did it with the first generation only.
Recommended by me, a friend on the path and a professional, a man of honorable intent.
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Online MBSR/Mindfulness (Free)
Here is the problem... Advice welcome, PLANT ONLY 

Yeah, I'm a slob, no old lady to whip my ass, typical man...
Sativa dominate unstabilized, Tangerine Dream , put it out late, didn't want a monster in the 18 hour days of June