• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

DYI - Ethics, Morality, Politics Patriotism and society


Active Member
Looks like yer just a Buckfuck and deserved it too, mister sock, if we had the data and post history's available in a special section of the forum, yer socks would have a really have an early death, with a mere half dozen pairs of eyeballs watching, and a plan, rules (approved by the Lord himself) and "Band of Brothers", peers and adults, is what is required here, not my lone efforts, a team effort. Yer socially and emotionally retarded, how can I prove it?

Show contrition and apologize sincerely to everybody (the rest of your life and more), big egos are hard to swallow and you'll choke on yours. Great opportunity to make a fool out of me right here and now, Say yer sorry to all the adults like a good little boy or your daddy will spank you again son, mean it too, make me believe you, try real fucking hard boy! Gonna make a fool out of yeself instead?

Bet ya don't have the balls.
: :razz: :razz: :razz: :razz: :razz: :razz: :razz:

Master Buck 101, eat it up boy.
I sure hope you don't expire anytime soon. I don't know if this forum can survive without you. I hope you don't kill yourself. Hang in there.



Well-Known Member
It’s beautiful!
Look what I did to this sock already, just getting stared, if you pity him PM me, I won't. You've got a bigger heart than me here, your call Ma'am. ;-)
Glovelove Member Joined Jan 13, 2019

Why I even put him ahead of my boy Dongle. Others before one's self, Ma'am, that includes you too, say hello to yer husband fer me, if ya think he's worth it.;-) (let him respond to that!):lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Like I said, doing the Lord's work, puts the wind at my back and fills my heart with joy....

Spreading good old fashioned family values, don't ya know. "Ya got something against morals and guts, son? Let daddy show ya what a man does boy..."
"Don't make me tell ya go cut yer own switch, make it a thick one, cause I'm'ma gonna skin yer arse fur disrespecting a fine lady and a credit to her community. Wait in the wood shed till I'm done work'n, daddy is a come'm soon, loosen yer belt and drop yer drawers and, bend over now ya hear... Ya had it com'm fur a long time...." I shoot varmints (Ask Rob Roy:spew:). Heal hearts and souls too. Maybe I'm just a grumpy old man though....

Glad to be of service, seriously! Call on me any time or not, I might just get pissed off on my own, like a normal man would, one with a big heart.

“War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen, and I say let us give them all they want.”

― William Tecumseh Sherman, Wisdom too.--- DYI, @potroast doesn't like formatting :razz:
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Well-Known Member
Now ya don't need to go nuts and shave yer head these days folks, to gain wisdom and happiness, but you will none the less. Listen to this wise lady a female Buddhist nun. She gave up attachment to her real name, Same core message I teach, mine is for the world you live in though, while just trying to be happy and content, teacher's who understand, can adapt the teaching to many environments and have and are doing so. We are an energetic and creative bunch, with lot's of good friends, I happen to like a lot of good enemies too, but what I find here will do for practice....

Uncle Cuck is at it again, Dongle, look what yer missing son, this is the wood shed, I figure you'll miss it...
Hearts won't, they will be waiting inside feeling like shit, you'll runoff like a yellow dog son, into suffering and unhappiness, with yer heavy ego chain dragging a buck load of socks around, no true friends, yer running wild like an animal, except they have hearts, you don't, convince me otherwise now?.

Don't figure I can talk anybody in to a practice around here, yer all too smart fur that. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Motivation, job one.
Stick poking 101 DYI

Just look at the difference between this angel of a lady, and an old gutter snipe like me.

I'm happy though, content too, also joyful, well something must be working, good enough fur me, I'm selfish though...
Don't mind getting pissed either, at the right things, not people though, just social stuff and suffering of course. Bad manners too.
Maybe some of it is instinctual, like defending you friends and family, I can be more than at peace with that, the difference between an angel and a warrior. Same message though, you'll know if ya train, some do though, all on there own, but it takes guts and hearts, brains don't hurt either.

Come at me with logical inconsistencies, your answers will be paradoxes, different part of yer brain, yer retarded, but that can change, with training, intention, skill and assiduous practice. No free rides here, work required, but not the kind you might like, that's where the guts comes in.

Attention spans are short and shallow these days, most will miss this, as they rush on by, into the future, head long, blinded to their lives.

"Gen Kelsang Nyema is an American Buddhist nun who believes the gift of happiness truly lies within our own hearts and minds. A resident teacher in the New Kadampa Tradition, Gen Nyema's aim is to help seekers develop inner peace by offering meditation classes and practical Buddhist advice suitable for busy modern life

Simple, profound truths are the realm of this Buddhist nun. Her message? The gift of happiness truly lies within our own hearts and minds. Gen Kelsang Nyema, exuding a peacefulness that immediately connects with the audience, starts by asking three questions: Are you having a good day? Why? Tomorrow, would you rather have a good day or a bad day? She teaches that we cannot put our happiness at the whim of other people and of circumstances. If we want to be happy, we have to "stop outsourcing our happiness to other people" and cultivate a source of inner peace. What happens next is quite astounding. The whole crowd of 350+ people proceeds to meditate with Nyema. There's a little squirming at first, but as she leads the audience through a calm citation of how to rest the mind, audience members feel a collective relaxation flow into the room and through the people. Fascinating! Refreshing."
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Well-Known Member
I sure hope you don't expire anytime soon. I don't know if this forum can survive without you. I hope you don't kill yourself. Hang in there.
Ya just got no real sense of humor, kinda like Donald, malicious only. A sure sign of unhappiness and a tormented soul, it will get worse, much worse in prison... I troll the trolls Dongle. Troll Patrol! :razz: :razz: :shock::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: nite Dongle;-) @potroast :lol:

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
This is a good teaching story and it will show ya how I operate.
I have a friend who is sacred by a truly horrible childhood, that I will leave to your imagination and empathy. I put a spare plant in the yard using soil and air pruning grow bag (this is a pot forum), it's around 3 1/2 ft and suffering from low temps and a bit of frost bite, nice little buds on it. So about an hour ago, I was looking out the kitchen widow at the plant, while it awaited slaying tomorrow by scissor, I was moved by compassion, for the plant and my buddy! I had a brain fart! An idea!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Sometimes folks have shitty ideas, like Donald does.

I figure we should move the barbie put a rod across the top over the plant, hang a spare DIY 350? watt lamp (label in a pic on another thread) over the fucker, about a foot and a half high over it (wait for the responses!). It will be on during day light light only and go out an hour before dusk and dawn. It will have a small ceramic heater for night time temps (own thermostat) and cover the whole thing in vapor barrier plastic and scrape plywood (I am aware of the fire hazard and will take reasonable precautions, my lamps are in metal boxes and are built well, argue with me). The lawn mower cord powers it for a month max ( a solution that might interest some Canadian's! Right now!)
Daylight photo period shrinks, so adjust! Also we are gonna spread and lower the plant height by training.

Ya think pot heads are stupid?

I smoked a joint before doing this, my buddies problem is solved, it's his plant, I'm here to help. We start the MBSR together on Monday week one, prepping all week and gardening, he is now my gardening partner and is in training now, both as a path walker and a gardener, who likes to have a puff too, but has a big heart and knows how to use it, he needs to harness it's power with in him, so do you. Other before one's self, compassion, not concentration my friend, that is the real secret to happiness, it's all about me and you, mindfulness.

Security is by PIR alarm and baseball bat, they have a choice (on the ground). It's my buddy's plant, he needs it, if it were mine, I'd let the poor fucker take it!

Nothing goes back in my grow after being outdoors.
I had spider mites (in February!) not any more, it takes a break and cleaning everything for eradication, so far so good. Only leave clones and used bug spray too, right up to young plants 3 inches high stage, then I stopped, did it with the first generation only.

Recommended by me, a friend on the path and a professional, a man of honorable intent.
Online Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
This online MBSR training course is 100% free, created by a fully certified MBSR instructor, and is based on the program founded by Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

Online MBSR/Mindfulness (Free)


Here is the problem... Advice welcome, PLANT ONLY :lol::lol::lol::lol: Yeah, I'm a slob, no old lady to whip my ass, typical man...
Sativa dominate unstabilized, Tangerine Dream , put it out late, didn't want a monster in the 18 hour days of June
What part of the country do you live in? Did I read that you have frost already :o! We’ve been close here in south eastern Ontario but nothing yet. From what I can see you don’t have too far to go but hard to tell really. I’ve pulled a plant last week but have some that will be another 2-3 weeks. It’s the rain and bud rot that I’m more concerned about so I check every day, once it starts it moves quick :(. I’ve had plants in the ground till end of October here but it gets risky from here out. Mine are 7’ tall so it is what it is lol. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Site ans
What part of the country do you live in? Did I read that you have frost already :o! We’ve been close here in south eastern Ontario but nothing yet. From what I can see you don’t have too far to go but hard to tell really. I’ve pulled a plant last week but have some that will be another 2-3 weeks. It’s the rain and bud rot that I’m more concerned about so I check every day, once it starts it moves quick :(. I’ve had plants in the ground till end of October here but it gets risky from here out. Mine are 7’ tall so it is what it is lol. Good luck!
Site and system issues. Cape Breton Nova Scotia lat'46 degrees north, moderating effect of the ocean, long falls, but cool. Raining today but the first fine day... Here is my local Youtube channel (click on it to watch in Youtube) chick on BodhidharmaFPV to see the local scene, you too Dongle, Glovelove too, you'll be interested too, another trolls with vengeance in yer hearts too, no law breaking here!

For others Amber, you too....



Well-Known Member
Here Do
I sure hope you don't expire anytime soon. I don't know if this forum can survive without you. I hope you don't kill yourself. Hang in there.
Here Dongle, my home town, say something nice! Pretty spot Eh! I love the place and that's all that count's ,nothing ya could say would bother me much. I know who I am. Try to react like a normal person, just for practice? I'm on a roll so have a peek behind the curtain and see the wizard in his underwear at least!
This info is on another thread anyway, Crappy mount, using a much better one.

Live and learn, what's the point of doing otherwise?

North Sydney NS Drive Thru Runcam2 image stabilization test


Well-Known Member
New thread idea, "Shitting on Trolls", a one stop fur all my dealings with trolls and Trumpers. I'll copy and crosspost from other threads in chronological order. Good idea fur a thread. Others can drop their "Gems" there too. It will be a funny read, best thread on the forum too, most entertaining. A jail fur the Troll Patrol! Might even narrate the action like football! They won't be able to delete my thread come judgment day!


Well-Known Member
Are ya bored young man (or woman) who craves excitement, adventure and good clean fun? Watch below...
Low and Fast

Lord Bonkey

Well-Known Member
this place is a shit hole full of degenerate scum, half of which are so retarded the probably think a butthole is a sexual organ and the other half are meth survivors, pagans, and wizards

ethics? lol


Well-Known Member
Perhaps we could hear you i
this place is a shit hole full of degenerate scum, half of which are so retarded the probably think a butthole is a sexual organ and the other half are meth survivors, pagans, and wizards

ethics? lol
Perhaps we could hear your ideas on ethical and moral behavior? I don't expect to hear any though, you seem to be made emotionally and socially retarded by and inflated defensive ego.

I believe Brown people and Muslims are just as good as anybody else most are better people than Englishmen and many in England agree too. Do you Agree, disagree? Do you support Donald Trump and what he stands for or disagree? Are you a racist? A neo Nazi? A fucking fool? If you try to weasel out of these questions, yer also a liar, a fool a traitor and coward, a racist and of course and asshole.

See I can be mean too.

Play nice and I will too. First we speak of intentions and motives though.

I've been corresponding with a female Anglican ( Church of England) minister about adapting mindfulness to a christian environment. What did you do to day? Prove to everybody mister lawyer that ya can argue the case, or I might toss some Latin back at you, a words like Movre or even Moveo, Movere, Movi, Motus.

What was your intention with this comment?
Why are you here?
Start at the top of the thread?
Were you looking to make friends?
Perhaps you could be more specific in your criticism of my approach?

Act like an adult and I at least will treat you as one, with in limits of course.

Too complicated a concept to grasp?

The Latin Dictionary
Where Latin meets English

Lord Bonkey

Well-Known Member
Perhaps we could hear you i

Perhaps we could hear your ideas on ethical and moral behavior? I don't expect to hear any though, you seem to be made emotionally and socially retarded by and inflated defensive ego.

I believe Brown people and Muslims are just as good as anybody else most are better people than Englishmen and many in England agree too. Do you Agree, disagree? Do you support Donald Trump and what he stands for or disagree? Are you a racist? A neo Nazi? A fucking fool? If you try to weasel out of these questions, yer also a liar, a fool a traitor and coward, a racist and of course and asshole.

See I can be mean too.

Play nice and I will too. First we speak of intentions and motives though.

I've been corresponding with a female Anglican ( Church of England) minister about adapting mindfulness to a christian environment. What did you do to day? Prove to everybody mister lawyer that ya can argue the case, or I might toss some Latin back at you, a words like Movre or even Moveo, Movere, Movi, Motus.

What was your intention with this comment?
Why are you here?
Start at the top of the thread?
Were you looking to make friends?
Perhaps you could be more specific in your criticism of my approach?

Act like an adult and I at least will treat you as one, with in limits of course.

Too complicated a concept to grasp?

The Latin Dictionary
Where Latin meets English
I speak and read latin as fluently as possible with out immersion :)
same with 4 other languages and french and english perfectly.

The Anglican church has fallen the same as the catholic church is now falling.

"seem to be made emotionally and socially retarded by and inflated defensive ego"
you are max level uneducated, probably a labour larping pop psy from the 70s like a moron.

me intentions are made plain in my actions... you know since you think you are a barrister and hold what maitland called the mystery lol

but keep talking about nobody, maybe people will be fooled and not see you as pollution.(can you tell what highschool/undergrad level books I am referencing there? no? because you are retarded?


Well-Known Member
I would not want to be the poor sonsofbitch who has to configure this upgrade on the server and try and get it to run for an hour with out it going tits up or near dying!


Well-Known Member
I speak and read latin as fluently as possible with out immersion :)
same with 4 other languages and french and english perfectly.

The Anglican church has fallen the same as the catholic church is now falling.

"seem to be made emotionally and socially retarded by and inflated defensive ego"
you are max level uneducated, probably a labour larping pop psy from the 70s like a moron.

me intentions are made plain in my actions... you know since you think you are a barrister and hold what maitland called the mystery lol

but keep talking about nobody, maybe people will be fooled and not see you as pollution.(can you tell what highschool/undergrad level books I am referencing there? no? because you are retarded?

Just reading between the lines
A classical education is rare these days an not even RC priests speak it well, fluency is difficult unless you inhabit a peculiar academic social niche.
Let's continue on
An potes, et liberaliter educatus Latine vere dicere?