Belief reconciliation 101
Christian belief reconciliation (
helping you to reconcile beliefs? Writing a section pertaining to Christians? I want ministers to do this as part of training and be certified too, the below would be their training for the job, Christ's core message is all that really matters, faiths evolve, I would have been burned at the stake 300 year ago writing this to a male Anglican Minister, a baptist would have fire the kindling much quicker!
Interested in being a leader in the evolution of Christian belief, Christians are regular people too the learn and apt to life experience? Add this to yer tool box in a creative way, practice and move to the top of the field, bet there are others? Use google or other resources to find them and join the team, form a community online, bet it exists already.
Useful, or it it hearsay? Good or evil? doubts? Why? Figure it will help or hinder the passage though the pearly gates of a just God?
One whose image man is made in,
mental image too, read the old testament, God was a social being too.
Does this real violate the intent of the sermon on the mount? the Ten commandments? God was a real prick back the, but it seems he evolved a bit with Jesus, having kids must be psychologically healthy I guess, cause he sure go better at social and emotional shit! Maybe he took up a practice married the holy ghost and had a family, he kinda grew up, like most men. The Buddha made through the gates 500 years before and must have been pleased, but him and the old Lord would have had words! Maybe the Lord took up a practice too!
Cognate on these issues and ideas to resolve our conflicts of belief. Meditate to solve logical paradoxes and riddles.
Scholarship for myself, belief reconciliation 101,
what I do, advanced studies, for some....
Often a few emails of this nature are quite helpful to the compassionate and wise,
women are way better than men at this stuff too, bigger hearts... 1 Hr video
Use any text ya want and forward as required, or as ya dare
"While walking in the garden watching my breath come to and fro..." Francis loved animals too...
Practice has many tie in's with Christianity too, Ya know, Asoka, the emperor of India and a Buddhist convert, sent groups of monks to Alexandria in Egypt as an embassy. The
word therapy Greek word comes from it too, (as in
Theravada, way of the elders) they ran the show in Egypt the Ptolemy dynasty, with Cleo (not great looking but smart as a whip, multi lingual too) the last of the line, death by asp. A big library was there for centuries too, invited wisdom from everywhere Alexander conquered too,
Chandragupta Maurya was a kid who meet Alexander in his camp, his grand son became
Asoka, recently discovered. All the images and statues of the Buddha are Greek, before that only symbols were allowed monks on the pat,h or the way as it is known. Even to this day and traditional instruction is passed from Master to student. I don't like barriers, I'm a friend instead, makes it easier to get on the inside, sharing and caring, that's also the core message of Christ (sermon of the mount).
Now legend (Can we know what the original gospel manuscripts really said? Yes, we can. We can have confidence that the critical Greek texts of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John represent, with a very high degree of probability, what the autographs of the gospels actually contained*.) has it.
Jesus wandered around these parts as a lad a Aramaic speaking ad who grew up the Jewish son of a simple tradesman, who knew some Greek culture (It was Hellenistic) in a Land conquered by Rome 50 years before** He also knew some Hebrew and his faith and core values, I recall he went on a rampage in the temple of God over greed?
Just some ideas check it out Google awaits, so does yer practice too. Also other purposes into the future and spreading out from you, as you help others along the path of life, prayer and practice.
Pray before you sit, All good Christians do. Meditation is also God's work
Pray to beseech the Lord thy God, meditate to listen to his voice, listen more than talk
* Reference
**Pontius Pilate, Latin in full Marcus Pontius Pilatus, (died after 36 ce), Roman prefect (governor) of Judaea (26–36 ce) under the
emperor Tiberius who presided at the trial of
Jesus and gave the order for his crucifixion.
Crucifixion was a Roman method of execution, not a Jewish one, blame the goddamn Italians will ya!
Belief reconciliation
If ya wanna relate practice to Christianity, these are yer boys, lived in the Egyptian dessert to avoid the established church! They was a gospel burning back then, Christian burning too, when the weren't feeding them to lions fur fun and laughs. (Shits & giggles, in the popular vernacular)
Desert Fathers
They were near Alexandra too, and those pesky Theravada monks from India that Asoka sent, same ones Jesus might have meet, or their lay (householder) disciples...????
Good ideas get passed around ya know!
Do you really think a guy like Jesus would over look something like this in Egypt? Do ya think Jesus was moron? Or a pretty smart and perceptive guy. One who picked up a little bit of wisdom when he saw it and compared them to his core beliefs? Everybody else was wrong? He feared only his conscience, pissed off the money lenders/changers, the Pharisees (Jewish priests), an Romans too! Didn't take him long either, he could look em in the eye and tell them they were full of bullshit with out fear. The only thing Jesus feared was his father, the lord thy God who he listened to and obeyed, all the time...
How I would teach a Christian man to be a better person (sample idea only) and Christian too, I would get him through the golden gates quicker than most who take cash in the plate (egotistical personal opinion? one fur me)! A working stiff too, a skilled tradesman or even a professional who was a christian coping in the modern world, with fucked up core values, temporary state, like stupidity in this business... I can get away with calling a Christian a fool, if i put him first and figure I'm pretty safe from Hell fire too, a fool is a temporary state. Jesus knew this about fools too, "forgive them father for they know not what they do", they are not mindful and cannot see the love... need I go on....
This my teaching yer friend
DYI - Wisdom is always free, so is bullshit...
Need and Greed
Think I could make any money out of this shit Help heathen Americans out with a new fad, charisma is a temptation I don't have or want. Fatal to the ego in almost all cases, fame is dangerous fur use peasants too. Geed and need we constantly battle with and there are many ways up that particular mountain. Look what Bill & Melinda Gates are doing, Bill is a smart guy, got wise after his mom died, she had big heart and got a computer for his high school, she cared, now he does too, as does his wife! His wife is probably costing Bill a lot of money too, but not in cloths and jewels... Bill is a happy retired man about my age, he seems at peace too. He is smart enough to enjoy his money and a big part of how he does that, is by giving it away, while caring deeply about doing the most good with it, on into the future, Bill has a greater purpose too.
As a windows user over decades and bugs, I used to curse Bill gates enough, to turn the poor fucker ta dust! People evolve, me too!
DYI Don't you lie either, ya all cursed at Windows! 
Others before ones self is the path to peace. Just make sure yer doing all that you possibly can for others while living in balance with your personal needs. Know the difference between greed and need (not you). Clarify your mind, heart and soul, with God's gift, your breath of life. He gave it to you so that you could here him more clearly, he speaks to you all the time,shut up and listen for change...
I don't look too close at the well adjusted, who am I to judge? Or even friends, no need. Most are better people than me anyway, but I'm good enough for my purposes, peace of mind with God as my best friend! Just like some born yesterday fundamentalist fools, who practice delusion instead of religion, their faith is devoid of common sense... Jesus is their imaginary friend, not their real one, a real friend would not let you make a fool of your self in public! Just on RIU!
This my teaching
DYI - Wisdom is always free, so is bullshit, be mindful, know the difference.
As you're mostly Christians, it's pretty sad that an old guttersnipe and heathen like me has to teach you fine upstanding citizens and Christians, why so many of yer fellows are assholes!