is there any reason we are trying to make enemies of each other?
Don't spread hate and suffering, don't defend Trump, he's going down and you don't need the grief.
The law evolves like science, policy and the courts are a reflection of modern society, as it was back in the 17th century. Laws and legal scholarship is in English today and has been for a long time. End up in court over hate crime laws and you will see what I mean.
If you are a Christian? My last correspondence with a minister friend, giving her ideas for the revival of her church (my former one) and help people too, form a community of happy people.
She has a link to this thread and a suggestion that she join!
Fire & Brimstone would be a good name!
Morning Rev (changed name)
Anglican = (Episcopalian in the States). The King was the the titular head of the church, the Queen is today.
Had a sit and I've got Morning Joe on in the background and the news is more appalling than ever, Donald Trump! 10,000's of Kurd's are about to be massacred, this morning, perhaps a genocide... Not too jolly today and I'm also seeing cognitive dissidence and delusion driven denial from his supporters, on corruption and literal treason, welcome to America! ( Loyal allies, the secular Kurd's, are being betrayed on the field of battle).
A Thought
I figure you know more about this and have thought more than me about this, I never even googled it or have much experience, a fresh ignorant perspective is sometimes interesting! Google can come later, so that original thoughts (those of worth, everything else is learned!) and others ideas can then complete a though. Most of the time someone figured it out before ya and it's on the web some where at a university more frequently and in the science section more often, psychology and sociology are mistakenly studied as separate topics in my opinion (others too and they got the letters, as in behind their names), so....
Congregation = community
People coalesce around a common belief that units them in purpose, offers a set of simple values, a hopeful vision of the future, supports a delusion of the denial of death (heaven, don't think too closely though). A connection to something larger than themselves, a version of reality (the truth), emotional support, social defense and support and of course good old fashioned warriors, with spears, guns and of late, ideas and words.
Any of the above that does not apply to your congregation? Did I miss anything? (outside of beliefs) core social values, and even preferred cognitive states, that we for the most part agree upon.
What is the intention behind a congregation? Spreading doctrine and dogma? Using the core message of Jesus to create a vibrant living community of people, with lot's of young disciples running every imaginable positive social activity for adults, families and children. Day care services should be eagerly sought they are problems for those you serve, but opportunities for you, not for dogma, but for their benefit. Sunday school goes with out mention, but it is also a way to get religion into schools! You would feel quite comfortable, dog collar or not, teaching a class or two in high school, line up yer ducks and go for the school board with a free sample lesson!
Mindfulness is about me and you, us and them, and feeling right with in ourselves, when we feel right with others, including families, friends, neighbors and communities (our churches too), if we have a reason to go. Remember feeling spiritual if quite natural. and even a hard boiled old atheist like me feels a strong presence of God after practicing.
Scientists talk like priests and saints in this business and have become angels among us, they are my true heroes, I walked the path with some, I'm really following along now... Start in the church basement and start small, the kids! Your teachings can be secular on Thursday and in a Christian context on Sunday in the basement, people still need rituals and music, sermons too, that's done up stairs. Why let the Buddhist have all the fun? They are screwing this stuff up too!
Use these materials to transform yourself, congregation, community and Church.
Follow first, then lead, bring some life into your world and that of those you serve, your parishioners and institution, both just trying to do the right thing.
With modern technology, people are lonely and need a sense of community, there seems to be a Christian social science experiment in community building and congregation building going on at an old school. Such zeal is usually fueled by fundamentalism and I would not wanna piss on the guy's parade, he's doing something positive also. He is operating out of an old school, growing fast and raising money, if the improvements to the property are anything to go by. Might drop by a Saturday event and privately corner the guy ( I'm a prospective heathen! Save me!) and check him out. Claiming Christian belief means little to me, respect depends on behavior as do my words. I'll be looking for a joyful heart myself, he appears to be working for others, a true believer, no sweat, even with a fundamentalist. Conversion is like trolling though and it works both ways. I love visits from Mormons, don't get any though, I invite them in and offer a hot coffee and tell'm we should speak honestly and with honor, then I speak of Joseph Smith and his real life. They leave quickly, the coffee is of course unmade, bullshit runs, but the truth sticks around. It's a mistake to try and convert me, the reverse usually happens, so I often remain silent.
Others first is the end of the path, yourself the beginning, the journey is what lies in between, your life. There are many ways up the mountain, find your path, you are most of the way there now, for your heart if pure and your passions quiet, it won't take ya long at all. All paths are blocked by hatred, fear and greed, those must be purged from the soul. If you do, all of the above and a whole lot more will be done too, for you, as well as others. I'm certain of that. Your work gives you a unique opportunity to not just be happy (you know this), but to have a heart full of joy and happiness. A practice builds wisdom and strength of the heart and soul, emulate Christ, love thy neighbor, as you would love yourself, the kingdom of heaven lies with in...
To enjoy the view, you must fist climb the mountain, there are many paths up the mountain all are blocked by hate. Compassion comes first.
This is useful for me to use as future notes, if my computer blows up it's on a google sever and it's easy to find to. I get to write to a big, smart heart and maybe put the bug in her ear too. Spread good deeds and words, not evil ones.
Hope it was useful and motivational too, edit and forward for counsel if you wish.
John (She is also a family friend)
My Christian name: John = to be gracious*.
To get into heaven, a Christian must first attain a state of grace, drop yer hate and baggage now.
I'm an atheist and do not believe in an eternal divine North Korea, at least ya can die there, God would be Donald!
Saints meditate to become saints, not because they started out like that, though some are lucky, I guess.
I'm not a Buddhist, or a Christian, I'm an atheist with training and values, others first as my intention, let's me play with the rule book a bit....
Kinda like Jesus and some saints I heard of.............
This my teaching
DYI = (Do Yerself In) @ RIU.
Bodhidharma = Awake to the way of the world, and us, me too! (formerly). Pali word, vernacular of Sanskrit.
Now, John, or Buddy, cuck, retard, or even asshole too! (Current & preferred). Notorious ear chewer too! I draw blood!
*My Christian name: English form of Iohannes, the Latin form of the Greek
name Ιωαννης (Ioannes), itself derived from the Hebrew
name יוֹחָנָן (Yochanan)
meaning "YAHWEH is gracious", from the roots יוֹ (yo) referring to the Hebrew God and חָנַן (chanan)
meaning "to be gracious".