• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

DYI - Ethics, Morality, Politics Patriotism and society


Well-Known Member
Watch trolls carefully, I'm nice to everybody, but assholes and trolls, no mercy for psycho's, even if I like them. I saw
Dr.Amber Trichome attacked the other day by @Glovelove , who publicly insulted a nice lady who posted a picture a beautiful of an award winning plant. This happened on my ethics thread. It was a despicable act and he will pay until a public apology is given and I encourage others to viciously personally attack this sock on sight.
If ya like Amber, and I do and stand with her, and for her, against a bully.
Here look at his shame click here
He insulted a lady over nothing and disrespected her. I told him he was fucked and meant every word of it.
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Well-Known Member
My response to @Glovelove member since Jan 13 2019. I would like a list of those banned posted on the site to track socks, who were banned, why and when @potroast. This is my humble request Lord from the preacher in the Pit of Hell, trying to improve the place, shouldn't be a policy issue, these clowns don't exist here anyway.

Your intention was to insult her, you did not compliment her on her beautiful award winning plant like a normal person would. You focused on other things in the picture she shared to insult her for nothing. Like I said, yer fucked, and it won't take too much effort on my part, soon it will be just cut and paste responses to morons. I cannot rest easy here with such people running around, time to deal with them effectively and appropriately.

I'm demanding apologies for consistent antisocial behavior, not attacks on trolls I'm looking for a few good men. You are a mere bully, like Trump and like all such creatures, you're also weak.

I don't consider
Rob Roy a troll, but an eccentric, same for the gram reaper and tty
Every community has such people, they bring color and they are no different than me, pushing a fruitcake agenda, but harmless.

Except I'm harmful to trolls, who behave antisocially, but I'll ask for an apology and contrition first, before I commit to protecting others, all out. This is my intention and these are my methods, so far.

Comments and suggestions from good folks are welcome
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Well-Known Member
The policy
Yep, I am trolling you, and I am in your face. Start talking or end up on a list (it will be verified) of antisocial elements. To get off requires contrition, a promise of honor and a public apology, that is to be the new policy, see above.

This is better than Buck's approach and if you feel Buck has been unjust to you, PM me. I want Buck to refine his focus to the real fucking problems. You might have to use the formula above, to get out of shit with him though, as far as I'm concerned. People who are just fucked up and not psycho's I invite to PM me for an honest and honorable chat. Buck is my friend here and we can speak as adults to one another, Buck has a heart and knows how to use it properly, I can teach nothing to Buck, he knows already.
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Well-Known Member
If @potroast has an issue with any of the above he can simply delete the posts, or PM me if he wants an argument.

I respect experience and as a preacher, won't fuck with the Lord, too much.;-)


Well-Known Member
Read my post history to know who I am. If ya want peace I can help. If ya come onto a thread with revenge as your intention, I'll fuck ya like the rest. Peace is up to you, if you have honor and good intentions. I can apply salve to your your sore arse hole, or a red hot poker, your choice. I won't troll you, if ya don't troll others and act like a fucking adult instead of a self centered child, who does not care about others and does not give a fuck about this place.


Well-Known Member
Ego and Practice
Don't mind personal shit at all I'll laugh along too. Only when others are hurt, or where I live is full of cockroaches, am I concerned, usually my anger is a contrivance, though not always.;-) I have an ego, but this 65 year old fart knows how to use it, to accomplish life goals and to be happy. I run the show, my ego is my servant, but one who will stab ya in the back, unless someone calls me an asshole, and they are right! Call me an asshole, I might agree!
I learn in all circumstances, I win any way ya look at it!;-)
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Well-Known Member
A little copy paste from Wikipedia:
Seven deadly sins

For actual Christians who support Trump (not many), not the fake Christians

Does Donald commit or has committed all of these sins?
Will God judge him and send him to Hell?

  • 1 Lust Yep and women have come forward
  • 2 Gluttony Yep, Cheese burger and coke fan
  • 3 Greed Oh yeah Bigly!
  • 4 Sloth He drives his golf carts onto the greens ( never worked a day in his life, or held a job, other than POTUS, and he fucked that up too!
  • 5 Wrath What do you think? Public attacks and twitter storms qualify
  • 6 Envy Obliviously (Obama, a superior man & POTUS in every respect)
  • 7 Pride Not much to be proud,of ,egotistical delusion (False Pride)
I wonder what those southern baptists, mega churchers, and born Yesterday Christians, who support Trump would think of the above?
It's called cognitive dissidence and that fires delusion and denial, what would be driving that I wonder?

Have a look at wikipeadia, this is how they used to tell who the assholes were, not too bad in my opinion.

Seven deadly sins


Well-Known Member
Just changed my icon to reflect my updated image as preacher to the heathen hordes of cannabis fiends;-)

Someone has ta keep ya poor bastards off the path to perdition, and set ya on the path to peace. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I'm here to do the Lord's work, when he has a brain fart, or is just doing his regular job, working fur his grub in the real world....
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Well-Known Member
To a confessed sock
Your problem will not be the number of socks yer using, but the same old asshole behind each one. Might as well drop this sock now, I've been watching too and can figure the rest real quick.

I want to see their post histories remain somewhere after they have been banned so I and others can use it for research, to deal with future socks. I'm interested in their likes too.;-)

Everybody has a right to be wrong, if they are sincere in their belief and have a heart. Especially if they defend their positions with arguments, even if I do not agree with them. I always treat such people with respect. Carry on, yer fun fur the boys, no matter how many socks ya got.
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Active Member
@dyi-hp-led On behalf of the fine members of this forum, I have made a substantial contribution to a charity ( Dr's without a diploma)that directly benefits you.
Hopefully this contribution continues to subsidize your living and will allow you to copy and post from Google, all day long. You're welcome.


Well-Known Member
@dyi-hp-led On behalf of the fine members of this forum, I have made a substantial contribution to a charity ( Dr's without a diploma)that directly benefits you.
Hopefully this contribution continues to subsidize your living and will allow you to copy and post from Google, all day long. You're welcome.
The Threads of Assholes and Trolls

What do you think of advising people here to not go to asshole's threads?
If the topic is interesting make yer own thread and steal the views and attention, let their threads have 0 visits, except by there own kind, or those who are sill confused and can be picked off one by one. A lot of these clowns create threads to get views and likes, starve those on the antisocial personality list, Will be cross posted to my morals thread for comments and criticism. No trolling here, just voluntary community cooperative action, if yer on one of their threads you'll be lonely except for assholes.

What do ya think Dongle? I wanna corner the racist, trolls and perverts, the only Trumpers left here who speak for them, or most often shit in public for them. Guy's like you Dongle and yer future socks, yer at the top of the antisocial personality list, your psychological profile will be updated and posted to make your life more miserable than it already is. I've only really started on this plan of attack, it has strategic as well as tactical elements. If I can enlist the support of others (I already have by PM) and can get the help of the ADMIN on my suggestions (they read them too), I think I can have a positive effect on the place, over time. I certainly don't want interfere with anybody's fun though, and won't visit those threads except to lurk and observe. If nobody posts to their threads, they will move to the back of the pack and will be quickly forgoteen, make them post to them to keep then alive, they won't be shitting all over your threads as much, and neither will I.

Wanna help by leaving now? And don't come back as a sock, I'll be waiting for you with your psychological profile, sociopaths are creatures of habit and are incapable of any meaningful growth or change, see yer sock son, bye. Next time it will be down to single words and graphics Dongle. Ya got brain parts missing son and are easy, you will be useful for practice by the apprentices I'm making here, just by my posts to you, thanks for that BTW


Well-Known Member
A suggestion, @potroast

If anybody normal, thinks I'm ruining their experience on this forum, create a thread, if a thread is created and themed in a negative manner by a troll, I will make a competing thread for answers on that thread, I will lurk on the troll's only. Normal people who create such a thread, I will visit and comment. Notify me please, I might be off for a spell.

Normal folks can PM me for a very friendly private discussion on this issue, I learn in all circumstances and will adjust my plans according to wise counsel. My goal is to make this a better place for the members, and lessen the work load on the volunteer ADMINS, who care enough to run the place, that is my intention here. Comments by them are welcome too, I heed wise counsel.

Politics means policy and that applies here and to me too, it's here in the politics section for now

Normal folks can create something like this without a rules violation.

Do You think DYI is making RIU a better place, or a worse one

I will leave no problem and go to the other section where I'm gonna create resources for my local teaching practice (advanced topics) and those on RIU who are interested in such esoteric things and personal development etc. One reason I choose the nick name DYI was for this purpose, it's on my new icon.

I will not compromise my principals and values however. I will help Buck on request and any other, even those critical of me, if yer honest and normal.


Well-Known Member
@dyi-hp-led On behalf of the fine members of this forum, I have made a substantial contribution to a charity ( Dr's without a diploma)that directly benefits you.
Hopefully this contribution continues to subsidize your living and will allow you to copy and post from Google, all day long. You're welcome.
You don't speak for anybody, including yourself, that is a big part of your problem (yer an asshole) and why you are doing menial labor. I suggest you work the fields Dongle, learn to speak Spanish, it will make your job easier, but might get the shit beat out of ya daily, just like when ya use English, so poorly and with such evil intent.

Yer arse hole has bled pints of blood here son, and yer still thirsting for more, an sure sign of a low IQ. I'm a just
mindfulness practitioner & teacher, you need a Catholic priest to fuck yer arse properly, ya need a reel hard master Dongle, just like growing up with out love, only worse.


Well-Known Member
Yer call Foggy, ya can depend on my support when dealing with racists, I know yer capable and if yer having fun, PM me on what ya want me to do, I take wise counsel my friends, yours included and will not interfere with a good thrashing.;-)

Create the thread I suggested and I'll let it run fur a spell, rather have you do it than a troll, I'll comment on your thread, but not a trolls, see the usual spot for details. Criticisms by normal folks will be meet honestly and with kindness, you know that. If other honorable and honest people don't want me in the section I'll move, but I will fight evil wherever I find it. If anybody does not want me to comment on their thread, or would like me to restrict my comments to current events on their threads PM me, I won't even visit your thread to lurk if requested, by honest normal people.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I don't consider Rob Roy a troll, but an eccentric, same for the gram reaper and tty
Every community has such people, they bring color and they are no different than me, pushing a fruitcake agenda, but harmless.

Dude...I don't even like fruitcake!


Well-Known Member
This is a good teaching story and it will show ya how I operate.
I have a friend who is sacred by a truly horrible childhood, that I will leave to your imagination and empathy. I put a spare plant in the yard using soil and air pruning grow bag (this is a pot forum), it's around 3 1/2 ft and suffering from low temps and a bit of frost bite, nice little buds on it. So about an hour ago, I was looking out the kitchen widow at the plant, while it awaited slaying tomorrow by scissor, I was moved by compassion, for the plant and my buddy! I had a brain fart! An idea!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Sometimes folks have shitty ideas, like Donald does.

I figure we should move the barbie put a rod across the top over the plant, hang a spare DIY 350? watt lamp (label in a pic on another thread) over the fucker, about a foot and a half high over it (wait for the responses!). It will be on during day light light only and go out an hour before dusk and dawn. It will have a small ceramic heater for night time temps (own thermostat) and cover the whole thing in vapor barrier plastic and scrape plywood (I am aware of the fire hazard and will take reasonable precautions, my lamps are in metal boxes and are built well, argue with me). The lawn mower cord powers it for a month max ( a solution that might interest some Canadian's! Right now!)
Daylight photo period shrinks, so adjust! Also we are gonna spread and lower the plant height by training.

Ya think pot heads are stupid?

I smoked a joint before doing this, my buddies problem is solved, it's his plant, I'm here to help. We start the MBSR together on Monday week one, prepping all week and gardening, he is now my gardening partner and is in training now, both as a path walker and a gardener, who likes to have a puff too, but has a big heart and knows how to use it, he needs to harness it's power with in him, so do you. Other before one's self, compassion, not concentration my friend, that is the real secret to happiness, it's all about me and you, mindfulness.

Security is by PIR alarm and baseball bat, they have a choice (on the ground). It's my buddy's plant, he needs it, if it were mine, I'd let the poor fucker take it!

Nothing goes back in my grow after being outdoors.
I had spider mites (in February!) not any more, it takes a break and cleaning everything for eradication, so far so good. Only leave clones and used bug spray too, right up to young plants 3 inches high stage, then I stopped, did it with the first generation only.

Recommended by me, a friend on the path and a professional, a man of honorable intent.
Online Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
This online MBSR training course is 100% free, created by a fully certified MBSR instructor, and is based on the program founded by Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

Online MBSR/Mindfulness (Free)


Here is the problem... Advice welcome, PLANT ONLY :lol::lol::lol::lol: Yeah, I'm a slob, no old lady to whip my ass, typical man...
Sativa dominate unstabilized, Tangerine Dream , put it out late, didn't want a monster in the 18 hour days of June
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Well-Known Member
Wisdom is always free, sometimes it hurts, me too, just like yer goddamn mommy!
I will sometimes spank yer ass, don't mean I don't love ya!
Ya got brothers and sisters?

Interact with others in the real world much? Social media too, like here.

Or is yer head in the net or your phone or good old fashioned TV? Garbage in Garbage out, applies to you.
Feel connected to your body and something bigger?
Are you here and now, connected with your senses and your arising and fading emotional states moment to moment?
Are you joyful, energetic and happy, content?

Are you at peace, or do you need background distraction?

Hate others for no valid reason and act on that that hate, to cause suffering to other innocent people by your actions, words, or deeds?

Are you a bigot?

Get over it, Black or White is not an issue here, one has more reason.

Hate stops progress cold, you relax and feel better only, until you deal with core values, with your conscience as your judge and whipper in chief, the cruelest of the cruel, a torturer! Make him/her your best friend, one who tells the truth, self improvement 101, DYI.

Maybe there is a reason yer a snowflake?

It's about me, you and others, Mindfulness,
it just starts with you first.
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Well-Known Member
Will be providing help and friendship to those here with hearts, who want to self improve themselves in many cognitive ways, using exercise and dedication, nothing is for free. To enjoy the view, you must first climb the mountain, there are many path's up the mountain. All are blocked by fear, hatred, greed and delusion, honorable intent is everything, you're only fooling yourself. - DYI


Well-Known Member
If this does not piss you off, why? What makes Donald different for many white people? Normal rules don't apply to him, do they? Why?
Don't be stupid and try to bullshit yer way out either, normal people are not as stupid as you.
Presidential Candidates Offered Soviet Assistance 'Rejected It ... Consistently' | MTP Daily | MSNBC



Well-Known Member
Human behavior 101- DYI
If Nazi's with clubs and shields walked into a Black neighborhood to cause mayhem, social violence and the real thing. What would the response of the community's young men/women too (any community). Would sensible people with wisdom (the chiefs, any race) not harness and organize such courage and zeal. Such love and energy of warriors with their families and communities at their back, it's hard to defeat people, when organized and properly directed. It can make a community as a whole, look and in fact be, intelligent, strong and decisive, (any community) in the face a stupid emotionally and socially retarded group of savages. This is good in the context of the larger nation too, it show these people are wise, it also divides those who would hate you and your wife and children, for who you are, a human being.

Ya need generals too, wise ones are best, just like chiefs ( any group of humans), that's who they are really are. Commander and chief comes to mind, thought not the current one. Donald couldn't lead a pack of wild dogs, they would be wise enough to rip him to pieces and have a nice meal too, even dogs can be creative and solve two problems at once, with cooperative social action. Let's see if American's are smart as a fucking dog! Some won't be, they are the trolls, racists, psycho's and trolls, those driven by fear and the hate it generates, and that cause the view of reality to get fucked up, along with the cowardly asshole holding delusional the view.

That does not mean a group of thugs might not leave a community naked, with the shit beat out of them and wearing hot tar or molasses (as you please) and chicken feathers with with plastic wire ties on their wrists, behind their backs too! . It would make the NAZI's look real stupid for the TV cameras, their shame would live forever on YouTube too. Courts have a hard time with that too, if a good defense team and good intent is presented, better than killing the cocksucker's yer honor! I was one of the nice ones! Great on appeal and damn good PR!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

This old white fart feels good about that one, guilt is good, causes us white folks to act like fucking human beings, bet the racist and Nazi's love the above teaching story.

What do ya think?

What would be the effect of such a lesson on other morons who see the video and hear the laughter?

Better than killing the bastards or not, would ya laugh more in the end?

How about telling that one to yer children and grand children?

Would it feel good or bad?

What would they think? Would they laugh too?

Would you laugh if ya heard about it and saw the pictures of a bunch of klansmen from 50 years back in 1969? ( The Panthers did it!) "T
he Black Pussies" might do it in the future ( great PR name too, hard ta make ya out as a threat then, remember the Panthers though!) skillful means my friends...;-)
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