Put others before yourself (not psychos) in all things as your intention and if you have a clear mind, you can throw away the rule book. My buddy was scarred by a horrible childhood, and I heal hearts and souls. The student comes first in all things, all the professionals teach this way, lead by example.
I expect in 8 weeks of keeping him on it (and myself too!) he will be well on his way to happiness, that's enough payment for me.
He smokes pot too and a part of the garden (2 plants are for him) he needs it for his mood swings and other issues. He is a good man in spite of it all, he is caring for his teenage granddaughter and is a poor man with a heart of gold. He is my friend and I help him a lot, time I helped him effectively as a meditation teacher and we spoke today of practice and the garden. He's getting a house key soon as I find the goddamn spare!
He works in the garden for me now and is in training, I've been fucking the garden up since a change in focus, others depend on it too.
I'm ashamed to send pictures out of it!