Do Not Talk to the Police

I'm going to try it. But I know in my heart if I don't say something to an officer he's taking my ass to jail. I live in L.A., home of crooked cops. I can't believe he brought up Michael Vic
Now we all just need to practice because God knows that when the time comes our fear and nervousness will betray us.
Good Video. I've lived by this code since I was 12, 13 yrs old. I found out from my Public Pretender one time when I got in trouble as a youngn, that since I didn't make a statement when I got arrested, I was in the best situation I could possibly be in, because they don't have my side of the story, I could basically make up anything if it got took to trial. So I've known about that for along time. Crazy thing happened a couple weeks ago, this kid I know robbed a gas station, no weapon or anything, he just jumped the counter when the attendent opened the cash register and punched her in the face and took the money and took off running. He got away but 2 hrs later he found out the cops were looking for him for the robbery. Apparently the gas station attendant knew him. I think he went and bought cigs there everyday. Fckn Dope feind. So anyways I told him before he went to turn himself in DO NOT TO TALK TO THE COPS ANYTHING U SAY CAN AND WILL BE USED AGAINST U. Well I guess he didn't take my advice. He got out the next day with charges of misdemeanor theft, misdemeanor disorderly conduct and a $1000 signature bond. How can the cops justify dropping charges like that in exchange for info about other crimes? JUST INFO thats all he could of gave them and they dropped the charges like that. I've had many friends go away for 5-10 years for the exact thing. So my advice is, if their looking for info tell em about an imaginary drug cartel operating in your area just make it sound real good and believable and you might get off on some shit. Best advice though is to tell em thanks but no thanks like in the video.
wonderful video
i always used to think when i said
" i plea the 5th"
that the cops automatically try and screw you over.
but as i've grown over the years ive seen people be screwed over worse for saying anything.
just sit on the ground look up and don't say anything.
they'll try and twist your words and
keep your mouth shut always could have waled away from a suspend licenses beff but my ass told the truth now 1300 dollar fine but if i would of just keep my mouth shut it would of been thrown out learn my lesson mum is the word ok off to bed
about 8yrs ago i was my homies alibi in his attempted murder case....when it went to trial my boy got word 2 me 2 plead the 5th.some fuckin hoodrat skank fucked his case up by talking 2 the pigs. long story short i got sworn in & pleaded the 5th,but 2 my surprise the fuckin judge didnt allow me too.he told me if i didnt answer the ? he would find me in contempt of court & throw me in jail until i answered the ? or my homies case was settled! mind you the question i was asked was,"do you know the deffendant "******" and it was my boys public pretender asking me.i pleaded the 5th & that bitch threw my ass in jail for 6months until my homies case was over.would gladly do it over for a longer stint if i had to...but it just goes to show you these FUCKING HOGS play dirty!bongsmilie
about 8yrs ago i was my homies alibi in his attempted murder case....when it went to trial my boy got word 2 me 2 plead the 5th.some fuckin hoodrat skank fucked his case up by talking 2 the pigs. long story short i got sworn in & pleaded the 5th,but 2 my surprise the fuckin judge didnt allow me too.he told me if i didnt answer the ? he would find me in contempt of court & throw me in jail until i answered the ? or my homies case was settled! mind you the question i was asked was,"do you know the deffendant "******" and it was my boys public pretender asking me.i pleaded the 5th & that bitch threw my ass in jail for 6months until my homies case was over.would gladly do it over for a longer stint if i had to...but it just goes to show you these FUCKING HOGS play dirty!bongsmilie
They can require you to testify if they offer immunity and the 5th doesn't apply. If you aren't going to be prosecuted, then there is no self-incrimination. Keeping your mouth shut to protect your buddy was a righteous thing to do!
Respek! :clap:
"i plead the 5th"! ....hear no evil.....see no evil!!!!! and kids. if they are old enough to talk theyare old enough to tell!
What if you say " wah gwan rasta. Weh u a hot up mi head fa?" whats going on. Why are you stopping me?
I guess its open to interpretation to people who don't speak the language in court?

How does dialects and other languages translate into being used against you in the court of law?