Do Not Talk to the Police

I think more people need to read this. Not enough people know their rights. Watch the show "Cops" All those dumbasses dont know their rights and get themselves in trouble. all your doing is telling on yourselves lol. Seriously think about it.
Rule #1 Do Not say anything other than your name, ever
Rule #2 Do Not Blow, ever
Rule #3 Do not let cops into your house without a warrant, ever
Sucks that they can pretty much search your entire car without your permission now but they can, keep anything of question in the trunk.
Have a different place to grow then where you live especially if you have kids living with you. No biggie for us but Fuck the Law they are out to get innocent people.
Have a different place to grow then where you live especially if you have kids living with you. No biggie for us but Fuck the Law they are out to get innocent people.

I agree, to an extent, but then its probally the weed your smoking. Don't put yourself in those kind of sistuations where cops are attracted too you. Then you won't have those problems.

No, No, wait... Smoke lots of weed in front of the cop and see what he/she says. lol. What, if your smoking in front of a smoking hot cop, do you invite her home? or go to her place?
I have been caught with cannabis by cops bout dozen times over last 25 yrs. If you get caught and you know you are caught , ive tell the cops what im doin' kinda not the full truth just what they wanna hear. Never gotta a ticket,just tossed the pot break the bong etc...but i knew most so cal cops dont give a shit bout' pot but hate liars/5th takers. I usually acted really scared then finish smokin' after they leave.That being said ive told cops not to come into my house/party bout same amount of time. Never every admit bring stone and drivin'. LOl, the time i was on a ridiculous amout of mushrooms and almost ran over the cops was a different story, but didnt get a dui cause i wasnt on crack or cocaine like they thougt and they werent gonna do a spinal tap.
I was a solid case for a DUI several years ago.

I was out driving around, because of some stupid girl drama, after at least a good 36 hours of drinking without sleep. By that I mean, I was having a casual, scenic drive on the 55 mph section of highway a tad excited, but completely in control. I swear, I only drank one bottle of Jim and worked another bottle of gin.

Granted, I was pulled over because (as my arrest tape revealed) an informant called on me, but I was still just barely, lazily drifting by the state trooper at a measly 88 mph when he pulled me over. It was a Beetle though, so I guess that is kind of speeding for it.

Well, I've always gotten out of tickets and arrests by being straight with a sense of humor if they're good cops, but I didn't think he was going to overlook the two inches remaining in the fifth of Seagram's in the passenger seat. (Roaches were still in the cup holder when I got out of impound.) He appeared to be a gentleman and polite and all when he presented himself, so I just told him, "Just go ahead and put me in the back of the car." He asked why, and I told him "Because you're just going to anyway." So he looks at me with a look of fake confusion, and babbles some 'get me to talk' shit, but I just respond with, "I'm trying to work with you and be polite." This worked on him just right, and he said c'mon. He tried to give me some field sobriety tests, which I'm a master at (practice), but concluded it was too damn windy.

I refused all "scientific" tests, such as blood and the horribly inaccurate breathalyser (ask a cop if he'd take a breathalyser, it's funny). It was still a legal right to do so. *dries a tear*

When we get to County, I do the whole try to sleep in a hard ass chair, handcuffed thing for an hour and a half, then he pulls me in to sign a confession.
On the way there I did talk to him a little about the girl problems, and I was careful, but I would avoid such risky behavior if I did it again. I only told him a couple of sentences about the girl shit before I said, "I should probably not talk to you right now." He asked why, and I told him, "Because you're a cop."

Anyways, I was way too drunk and sleepy to read the confession he wrote out for me, so I just got to the point and said, "I'm not signing or saying anything without my lawyer (you don't need a lawyer to say that, I didn't have a current one). He asked if I was sure or some little beg like that, and I responded with "I'm taking advantage of my right to remain silent. Can I please have a pillow?"

I still have the DVD and I know how smashed I was. Witness/friends that saw me that night cannot believe it. I only got away with a plea, but it was for obstruction of a roadway or some retarded shit, and I didn't get a wrecking DUI strike. I didn't even keep my mouth closed correctly, but I now see the intense value of it.

Great link, thanks for spreading your love.

If there are any MADD like people that have a problem with me, please start another thread about it and I'll argue with you there, so as not to derail this useful thread. I just wanted to offer testimony in agreement with the advice of the thread.
Cool, congratulations! How'd you get by the fact that refusing the tests is automatically admission of guilt? It can easily be that alone that convicts you. It happened to more than one friend of mine. Did they even charge you with DUI?
It's not an automatic admission of guilt. It was a statement of my rights.

He asked me to take the tests, and I was trying to passively say no. He started up about making me look better, and what did I have to hide. I told him, "I refuse all tests." He tried to start back up, so I just politely repeated, "I refuse all voluntary tests." I have a naturally argumentative personality, but I always try to carry an air of upmost politeness in RL.

I was arrested for DUI, but I had a fucking awesome lawyer. He never charged me for personal counsel or counsel between me and him. The first time we met, we hung around and bullshitted and joked for over an hour. Not only that, my total fees to him ended up being $750 while my friend paid $2,500 a couple months later and got convicted.

After my lawyer talked to the DA and convinced her she couldn't get me for lack of evidence, she offered that obstruction of roadway plea. A class B misdemeanor, I think. When my lawyer told me about it, I screamed like a eight year old girl getting a pony with a pink ribbon on it, right there in the middle of the courthouse lawn.

I've have since gone out of my way to recommend friends to him.
Very, very cool. You must be in a liberal state. I had a friend go down in Fla where they are not voluntary tests, and refusal is an automatic confession and conviction. He lost exactly because he refused the tests. And he was very likely under the limit because he did not drink much and ate afterward. But he refused the breath, pee, and blood tests, so he got convicted. Bummer.
Well, the stars at night, are big and bright...

You can get a DUI without taking, or even while passing several sobriety tests. (DUI education seminar b.s. was part of my plea.) When it comes down to, or is threatened to come down to the jury level, anything can happen. People have passed sobriety tests, then get convicted on account of running their mouths. I'd say, refuse everything you're rightful entitled to. You're only giving them evidence and time to study it. We have rights for a reason. Reap the benefits of being an American. You just got to try to get that Kenny Rogers song, "The Gambler" stuck in your head.

Sucks about your friend in Florida. I personally tend to buy in to the whole "Germany or Florida" concept.