Defoliation Experiment - Side by Side Sister Clones


Active Member
Sam obviously you arnt grasping the point of a non biased expierment, all plants defoliated or not need the same light intensity whether it be at the top of the butchered plant or the bottom of the tallest plant.


Active Member
If the butchered plant is compensated for being short and lifted closer to the light it's only fair to give the taller plant equal lighting at the bottom where as a short plant won't have the problem of light penetrating that deep.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Sam obviously you arnt grasping the point of a non biased expierment, all plants defoliated or not need the same light intensity whether it be at the top of the butchered plant or the bottom of the tallest plant.
i think thats the point, they will be different with different techniques? except teh control which will be grown with usual gusto

i think what you dont get is no matter how much light is in a room , a plant can only photosythesize as much as it can

cant make a plant use more light than is available

two plants grown with over head lighting same distance from teh light....thats it pretty simple


Well-Known Member
if the test is defoliation it beneficial then no

you need to treat each plant as you would in normal conditions not specifically change anything from the control plant other then what you want to shows as a standout

this is basic

if you use supplemental on the control you do it on the test as well, only thing you do different is defoliate, or amount of defoliation......

i believe that is the point show all you do is remove leaves as necessary to gain better yields
I agree, I will also say that this experiment cannot be done in any kind of crowded grow, all plants need to have similar reflective light and reasonable spacing between them. I like that there are 4 plants, should make it easier to make sure this happens. Supplemental lighting request is again attempting to introduce bias...

I am confident that the defoliated plant will not yield as much, but making requests to supplement lighting for the non-defoliated plants...? Really?

Proper spacing and space for plants is all that is needed IMO. Agreed, that a crowded grow would not prove much...


Active Member
if the test is defoliation it beneficial then no

you need to treat each plant as you would in normal conditions not specifically change anything from the control plant other then what you want to shows as a standout

this is basic

if you use supplemental on the control you do it on the test as well, only thing you do different is defoliate, or amount of defoliation......

i believe that is the point show all you do is remove leaves as necessary to gain better yields
don't you get the feeling a few growers are worried that remove leaves as necessary to gain better yields actually works ?
why not just sit back and watch the grow

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
I agree, I will also say that this experiment cannot be done in any kind of crowded grow, all plants need to have similar reflective light and reasonable spacing between them. I like that there are 4 plants, should make it easier to make sure this happens. Supplemental lighting request is again attempting to introduce bias...

I am confident that the defoliated plant will not yield as much, but making requests to supplement lighting for the non-defoliated plants...? Really?

Proper spacing and space for plants is all that is needed IMO. Agreed, that a crowded grow would not prove much...
i agree, smae light per square inch, if you grow using overhead lighting, as long as the lumens per square foot are equal

then it shoudl show the difference in the resutls

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
don't you get the feeling a few growers are worried that remove leaves as necessary to gain better yields actually works ?
why not just sit back and watch the grow
i feel that its more of a macho man thing, some people profess and profess but are rarely willing to put their money where their mouth is becuase its easier to think you knwo then to discover what you know

aka regurgitation vs fundamental understanding of what is happenig

to many people using charts designed to generalize a very varying process based on a lot of factors

i have also ran a number of styles over the years all with similar but different results per my nutrient solution or medium or environment

inert ,soil,organic,che-lated,hydroton, hydro, DWC, RDWC, ebb flow, vertical, bare bulb, vertizontal, positive/negative night temp diff, high humidity(Vapour pressure deficit) low humidty, seeds clones im sure im missing a few, and many varations of these individual styles and other tech

i do what works best for my plants for the environment im in, and that can change from room to room to strain to strain and goal to goal


Well-Known Member
Let me get in on this and throw some feces as well! Jk but in hopes to settle this raised plant argument has the op thought about creating a seperated grow area with a divider in the middle to keep em apart just need two lights. I know this is asking a lot but it is the only solution i have thought of to all the nay sayers of an even canopy.

And to all arguing for a non even canopy idk why since you state that it wont come close to the control in stature (no duh trimming stunts plant growth, this is not breaking news and is actually why most people trim) without the equal distance from the light being establoshed.

I fully realize what i am recemmending is not easily achieved since it requires a faor ampunt of space but i dont see any other way to maintain an even canopy.... looking forward to this experiment although not sure what the results will be. Btw think that 2nd thread is needed now lol with all the bickering (which is to be expected with this topic) happy growing to all and keep it green

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Active Member
i agree, smae light per square inch, if you grow using overhead lighting, as long as the lumens per square foot are equal

then it shoudl show the difference in the resutls
so you know this information for a fact or are you just speculating? Is op running enough light to make this happen? First I hear that you need to lift the defol plant up because light intensity isn't the same. Well if you argue that point then the taller plant must be compensated as well. Light intensity reduces drastically indoors. If this was truly unbiased it would be done outdoor.


Active Member
yer that makes a lot of sense samwell, just like most things in the hydro shop, buy this as it will give you 20% more yield lol, most of its waste of money

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
if the only difference between two plants from soil, to nutrients to lighting (aka enviroment)is defoliation...then yes

the difference would be the defoliation

im a little high and had a bunch of coffee so if im missing somethign on this train of thought ...please clue me in how it wouldnt show the difference if my scenario played out


Active Member
So if I'm grasping what your saying the plants will receive the same amount of light quality whether it be a foot tall or 2 feet tall as long as they are even canopy?

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
We COULD just start slow. take 2 plants(unfucked with) grow them till there ready to flower. defoliate 1 according to the growweedeasy site tech. and see which 1 produces more bud.

I could care less about veg at this point.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
yes, lumens per square inch

as long as they are the same then you shoudl be fine

where i get a bit confused is if one plant grows larger then another do with even the canopy, or do you think the reults would be more accurate if they started equal canopy and then wahtever happens happens within reason, obviously if one plant grows to close to the light you would have to tie it down or raise the light

proper planing and preparation is essential

know the strain and its grow percentage in early flower is importatn

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
We COULD just start slow. take 2 plants(unfucked with) grow them till there ready to flower. defoliate 1 according to the growweedeasy site tech. and see which 1 produces more bud.

I could care less about veg at this point.
i like this, thing is part of the technique is gradual defoliation over time so the plant can adapt to teh stress, training it requires your time and effort with any technique some less intensive then others

best thing you can give your plants is your shadow, although set it and forget it grows are fun too


Active Member
yes, lumens per square inch

as long as they are the same then you shoudl be fine

where i get a bit confused is if one plant grows larger then another do with even the canopy, or do you think the reults would be more accurate if they started equal canopy and then wahtever happens happens within reason, obviously if one plant grows to close to the light you would have to tie it down or raise the light

proper planing and preparation is essential

know the strain and its grow percentage in early flower is importatn
doesn't work like that indoor but whatever. There is a reason I run both vertical and overhead lights.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
i like this, thing is part of the technique is gradual defoliation over time so the plant can adapt to teh stress, training it requires your time and effort with any technique some less intensive then others

best thing you can give your plants is your shadow, although set it and forget it grows are fun too
Then let's start at square 1. How much longer does it take in veg to train the plant before it's ready for flower? vs just supercropping or topping and if not that much more time,then, how much more does it yield? In flower, just do what would normally be done with the plant as far as distance, plucking and all that. The bottomline is just to find out if it's more economical to just not deleaf.


Active Member
image.jpgThere is no way my buds receive the same quality of light at the top as they do at the bottom. To make up for light penetration I run a vert bulb below, can you bleach plants if it gets too close, yes, but in reality you need equal lighting both top and bottom so all plants can use what they need.