Defoliation Experiment - Side by Side Sister Clones


Well-Known Member
And here the same people flame a decent thread with the same old shit....bla bla bla. calling and bashing....can't one of these discussions be void of such thing?

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
lol seedswell. yOU are too funny. seriously. You gonna tell me you veg for several months and then claim you are efficient??ROFLMAO! try again! FAIL

or throw some more insults to finish your post ;) Prove to us all how you have to win :)

hmmm, I have sticky I have. I don't have to do those things you speak of to indoor plants yet my girls still end up roughly the same dimensions as yours with comparable yield when you factor in the less veg. time....hmmmm
if me telling you to take your sophistry back to your mommas house is a insult then i guess ill just leav eit at that, i wouldn't want to upset your fragile state of being in a conversation/discussion with someone with a contrary opinion

i dont know weather its naivety or just plain ignorance and stubbornness but you are a fool, no sense arguing with someone who cant see the forest for the trees

you don't use it and wouldnt if you story

and ya i grow my stuff for around 1.27 a gram after cost, and my yields are always right around .75-1 gram a watt, so ya id say my cost benefit analysis would suggest i grow efficiently

my patients sure appreciate the free bud they get

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
whaaat? no sticks or anything in my butt. I assure you ;)

and I have a lux meter. SO you are telling me a lower plant that is shaded gets the same amount of light? because this will surely happen as the larger plants with leaves start taking over. they will become shaded and produce squat.

and I also don't see how defoliating would allow disease to take hold. Especially if it is like ssw says there is no difference between defoliation and pruning/topping/thinning, that it is all about the redistribution of auxins and such.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
and I also don't see how defoliating would allow disease to take hold. Especially if it is like ssw says there is no difference between defoliation and pruning/topping/thinning, that it is all about the redistribution of auxins and such.

seems to be a lot you dont see.........stay golden


Well-Known Member
whaaat? no sticks or anything in my butt. I assure you ;)

and I have a lux meter. SO you are telling me a lower plant that is shaded gets the same amount of light? because this will surely happen as the larger plants with leaves start taking over. they will become shaded and produce squat.

and I also don't see how defoliating would allow disease to take hold. Especially if it is like ssw says there is no difference between defoliation and pruning/topping/thinning, that it is all about the redistribution of auxins and such.
Who said anything about the lower plant being in the shade?

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
I love you too, just have no idea why you are so opposed to someone doing a test.
hes a troll, look at his threads he created all problem this or problem with that or what do i do or how shoudl i do this

hes a novice grower like myself who's glass is need to learn what where and why when you can just follow the recommended guides and poor one solution into another and claim the fame

who needs to know plant chemistry and why it does this or that, when you can talk about light per square inch and shading like it measn anything

ive had 6 foot plants in my vert room with shaded branches from teh bottom produce teh smae size nugs as the top, wierd how i do that...must be magic beans


Well-Known Member
Okay, so why again should we not make sure that each plant gets the same light intensity at the canopy? You seem to be arguing for the light intensity being another variable.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
hes a troll, look at his threads he created all problem this or problem with that or what do i do or how shoudl i do this

hes a novice grower like myself who's glass is need to learn what where and why when you can just follow the recommended guides and poor one solution into another and claim the fame

who needs to know plant chemistry and why it does this or that, when you can talk about light per square inch and shading like it measn anything

ive had 6 foot plants in my vert room with shaded branches from teh bottom produce teh smae size nugs as the top, wierd how i do that...must be magic beans

what??? yes look at my started threads list......again please. the only problem thread I started was due to root aphids....that is all

who is trolling? YOU

as far as novice. Sure I guess so. I've been at this for close to a decade now but am quite happy to say there is much I can learn. Unlike you good sir who quite obviously has it all figured out.

people like you are the ones to watch out for

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member

people like you are the ones to watch out for
ya people like me sharing my expiernce and what i have learned vs the guy with 2 more years of growing under his belt whos first response to someone elses hard work is to shoot it down and try to make it seem less credible then say...what you would do

apparently you are the kind of person who having little to know experience with a technique can give sound advise as to why not to do it ...makes perfect sense

i always listen to those who have no experience in something

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Okay, so why again should we not make sure that each plant gets the same light intensity at the canopy? You seem to be arguing for the light intensity being another variable.

to put it simply variable if you start lifting pots here and spreading things out there or giving more nutes to one plant than another where is the objectivity?

and yes, I am quite aware of what will happen if you don't lift the defoliated plants up.


Well-Known Member
Okay, we can agree to disagree. We have both made our arguments and cast our votes. Moving on now...

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
ya people like me sharing my expiernce and what i have learned vs the guy with 2 more years of growing under his belt whos first response to someone elses hard work is to shoot it down and try to make it seem less credible then say...what you would do

apparently you are the kind of person who having little to know experience with a technique can give sound advise as to why not to do it ...makes perfect sense

i always listen to those who have no experience in something

you sir are a fucking fool and are only trolling @ this point. I have stated previously in several of these threads that I have tried defoliation before.

but in your narrow minded pursuit to flame anyone who disagrees with you. you have overlooked this. Just like you cherry pick certain statements out of my responses to suit your purposes.

You are transparent seedless. Keep posting ;) show us all who you are so there is no question for those on the fence about you.