(CBRN) Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear

that's not really helped me 'not' think your still nuts though ryan :)

but you're a good guy so all's good is all i'm sayin.
Everyone thought it was crazy in jail that I wanted to be there for 6 months or longer, and that I didn't just take time served so I could leave after 7 days. But that will be one big difference between jail and the army, I wouldn't be the only one who wanted to be there.
Also, I just thought about it while reading back a few posts. It might create a power structure to have so much reach on Social Media. People might start seeing my posts on their feed, or on a feed they follow, or they might want to use my email lists, etc. And then people will want me to post stuff or want access to different stuff, like make a group on Facebook that people in there Admin or something. Having Social Media reach could be basically the same as teaching people their rights, because that pretty much expands their right to expression.
I also read that you can have copies of Rules, or Rights, and even Anti-War materials. So I could print everything out, read it a few times, then if anyone needed help with anything I could flip right to it. Usually when I read something a few times I remember about where everything in the text is, so then I can just flip through and find it real quick.
Everyone thought it was crazy in jail that I wanted to be there for 6 months or longer, and that I didn't just take time served so I could leave after 7 days. But that will be one big difference between jail and the army, I wouldn't be the only one who wanted to be there.
u r nuts :) that's great, i was a little carazy at your age buddy. :eyesmoke:

The brain goes normal eventually, i think oO' (don't quote me, i'm 65 today)

You know ryan, there's and age range for people like you with views and opinions who rebel from the rest for whatever reason whatsoever, but it only seems to be a certain age.

Do you feel you're rebelling against something that's never going to happen because the adults control all ?

Do you feel like this sometimes ?
And you can have books, so I am pretty sure I could have PIHKAL and TIHKAL, and having those 2 books and hanging out with a bunch of Chemistry minded people could only be a good thing.
u r nuts :) that's great, i was a little carazy at your age buddy. :eyesmoke:

The brain goes normal eventually, i think oO' (don't quote me, i'm 65 today)

You know ryan, there's and age range for people like you with views and opinions who rebel from the rest for whatever reason whatsoever, but it only seems to be a certain age.

Do you feel you're rebelling against something that's never going to happen because the adults control all ?

Do you feel like this sometimes ?
I'm not like just randomly rebelling, I'm not like a "Rebel without a cause" I am Hindu and have been since I was 14, and the Police harass and arrest me for it. And my 12 year old brother died and could have been saved by a cannabinoid (according to research papers from Israel) but the doctors said they would only use the exact molecule mentioned in the Research paper, and I had to get it, they didn't know where to get it.

If I rebel it is because there is harassment, wrongful arrests, and people dying. I don't rebel in other situations.
Like when I talk about Protesting, it's never just random. It's about people getting shot by Police, and people being in jail that shouldn't be.
don't you feel like you're fighting a losing battle like all the other guys in your situation at your age ?

from the adults ? or 'rulers' should i say.
don't you feel like you're fighting a losing battle like all the other guys in your situation at your age ?

from the adults ? or 'rulers' should i say.
No. I definitely feel like we are winning. The FBI director even came out and said "Police are afraid to do their jobs" aka Shoot random people, and called this change 'the Ferguson effect'.
And I am winning cases, and filing lawsuits.
The Federalist Papers #10 (Alexander Hamilton)
"By a faction, I understand a number of citizens, whether amounting to a majority or a minority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adversed to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community."

I don't think anyone should ever resort to violence against the Police, but as an example, if Police were afraid of getting Lynched or Hung if the Community they served didn't like them, I think we would have a much better Police force.
Also, about being on a base, with so many people living in one place it would probably be easy to get a cryptocurrency started. One of the biggest problems with most coins is that they are either created by groups of people who have never met, or small groups of people who know each other, there are some coins that have spread on College Campuses, but not many coins are launched somewhere where there are Hundreds of people that could mine it, and be involved in its creation. And I am pretty sure there are no Military based coins right now, or Battalion coins, or anything like that, so I don't think anyone has even thought of this yet.
And I don't see why people don't make coins for Politics. Like if Bernie Sanders would have made a coin, it would have made it where his supporters could earn money to donate to him. Or he could make a coin where he gets 20% of all coins mined, usually people wouldn't want to do that, but for a Presidential Candidate they would. Then you just create a website where people can trade your coin for Bitcoin, and maybe some other coins, and eventually a price gets created based on what people trade it for and what becomes the norm, and it will fluctuate up and down based on if there are more buyers or more sellers at any given time.

They are really just a perfect campaign tool.
I can pass whatever. I have had to do all kinds of stuff. I've been in jail for my Religion, when I was fighting the case I won. And Ive worked in an Avocado factory, and done labor and stuff. Basic would probably just be like way more intense versions of those, I had to go to a place for 8 months once when I was a kid because it was like a program where they tried to program you so it was really long and regimented, we couldn't talk or anything except like 2 hours a day and at night without permission. But I can't call anyone that soon, I have to get paid at the end of the month and get something replaced on my car. But
More intense. Lol.

Yea basic is intense and hard as fuck. I mean its easy, but its hard.

Four hours of sleep a night, run and exercise for many hours a day.