God and Science.

I have seen this also, and i think the reason being that if he did answer the questions he was avoiding, he would be forced to observe his own thought process... in doing so that would result in recognition of contradictory thinking, which is something that most in the world do everything in their ability to avoid.

In my experience, when i observe myself making a contradictory statement, or one that is false... i take pride in correcting myself and my thought process, that way next time i speak, i wont embarrass myself by making the same mistake twice. This allows me to learn more about myself, why i think the things i think, and how my emotions can really have an effect on mIy rational thought process.

It seems to me as if eagle is someone who lets emotions control the vast majority of what she thinks.

Ps. Please restate the question.

Its funny how I can raise a valid point (by your VERY narrow standards) and you have nothing to say to it lol Good job =)
Mad as in angry, hell no! Mad as in crazy, possibly.

Many of the proofs that are put forward by die-hard religious folks sound like argument #666 to me. The arguments that you proposed are too rational for many people and I wanted to be sure everyone has a place to hide from reason.

I have a character in mind for you in my 'Turd' story. You will be represented by the wise owl who tries to help Chef Beagle work through the inconsistencies in his beliefs. Of course he feels intimidated and hides his insecurities behind a wall of blather. Really gripping stuff.

Pee El You Es Rep <Riddle

If your point is that the human pineal gland produces large (or even any) quantities of dimethyltryptamine, this is not fact. It is instead a sort of urban myth perpetuated by wishful restatement of conjecture from Strassman's book "The Spirit Molecule". cn


Extremely observant and very informative, Rep button broken
Man, these atheists favourite place to hang out is a spiritual forum, its obvious what their intentions are here. Sure they could talk among like minded people in the science and technology forum but why would they do that when they can ridicule us spiritualists for believing in fairy tales and further create separation between us?.. I find it funny that this is their favourite place to hang out, atheists in a spiritual forum, like wtf... lol Get a life you scientific narrow minded die-hards, seriously.

I guess you need to be re-educated. Atheism has nothing to do with science. When and if an atheist feels they want to discuss something related to science, they can and do so in the appropriate forum. This forum is about spirituality, sexuality and philosophy. If an atheist wants to discuss anything related to those, including why they are NOT spiritual, which would actually be their personal philosophy, then this is the appropriate forum. If someone posts here and discusses their personal philosophy or outlook on spirituality, there is no reason that people should not be able to comment or even question that person as to how and why they came to the position they did. Most discussions here are quite civil and friendly. They tend to get heated when someone continues to make absolute claims they cannot support and act butt-hurt when those claims are dissected leading them to lash out at the critical thinkers whether they are atheists or not.

Once you can learn to act like an adult and not try to provoke people that disagree with you with personal insults, you will find most folks here are quite likeable and have a lot of good things to say.
Mad as in angry, hell no! Mad as in crazy, possibly.

Many of the proofs that are put forward by die-hard religious folks sound like argument #666 to me. The arguments that you proposed are too rational for many people and I wanted to be sure everyone has a place to hide from reason.

I have a character in mind for you in my 'Turd' story. You will be represented by the wise owl who tries to help Chef Beagle work through the inconsistencies in his beliefs. Of course he feels intimidated and hides his insecurities behind a wall of blather. Really gripping stuff.

heh, well if you want it to be accurate you will have the owl helping Chef Beagle only at certain times as he waits for refractory periods to diminish. ;)
Why are people always arguing between science and God? Why can't they be the same thing? In my mind this is how God and a Scientist would argue a randomly selected Bible story: God says "Those friggin people weren't listening. I told them to let my people go, and they wouldn't. So I sent ten plagues and kicked their asses. First I turned all their water to blood. Then I sent tons of frogs at once. Then gnats/lice on everyone. Then flies. Dead livestock. Boils. Thunder/Hail storm. Then a swarm of locusts. Then darkness. And finally I killed all their firstborn." And the scientist comes along and says "That's not true, I can explain all of this with my magnifying telecscoping microscopic study of pocket protecting. The pharoah had all the newborn babies thrown in the water and it had tons of blood in it and of course was heavily contaminated, and the fish died, leaving even more blood. So the frogs had to get out of the river or die. And they all came up onto the land. As the frogs started dying off, the little bugs and flies flew in for their feast of dead critters. The livestock were affected by the contaminated bugs and died, and the people got boils cuz, come on now, living with gnats and lice and frogs and flies is gross stuff. OK so everything is dying and in comes the hail storm and locusts. The locusts eat everything and then it's dark, which we believe was actually a sandstorm. The firstborn egyptian child of every family died, but they are also served the largest portions because they're the first born. So they would have gotten the largest portion of food that was certainly contaminated by now. So you see. It's all science." And then God is like "....Dude...that's what I just said."
Why are people always arguing between science and God? Why can't they be the same thing? In my mind this is how God and a Scientist would argue a randomly selected Bible story: God says "Those friggin people weren't listening. I told them to let my people go, and they wouldn't. So I sent ten plagues and kicked their asses. First I turned all their water to blood. Then I sent tons of frogs at once. Then gnats/lice on everyone. Then flies. Dead livestock. Boils. Thunder/Hail storm. Then a swarm of locusts. Then darkness. And finally I killed all their firstborn." And the scientist comes along and says "That's not true, I can explain all of this with my magnifying telecscoping microscopic study of pocket protecting. The pharoah had all the newborn babies thrown in the water and it had tons of blood in it and of course was heavily contaminated, and the fish died, leaving even more blood. So the frogs had to get out of the river or die. And they all came up onto the land. As the frogs started dying off, the little bugs and flies flew in for their feast of dead critters. The livestock were affected by the contaminated bugs and died, and the people got boils cuz, come on now, living with gnats and lice and frogs and flies is gross stuff. OK so everything is dying and in comes the hail storm and locusts. The locusts eat everything and then it's dark, which we believe was actually a sandstorm. The firstborn egyptian child of every family died, but they are also served the largest portions because they're the first born. So they would have gotten the largest portion of food that was certainly contaminated by now. So you see. It's all science." And then God is like "....Dude...that's what I just said."

You are free to define God as science if you wish, but you are no longer a theist if you do. A theist believes in an interactive supernatural deity. Anyone who is not a theist, is an atheist. If you believe in a supernatural deity, then your God is not science.
You are free to define God as science if you wish, but you are no longer a theist if you do. A theist believes in an interactive supernatural deity. Anyone who is not a theist, is an atheist. If you believe in a supernatural deity, then your God is not science.

Hmmm...having trouble wrapping my brain around that. What's not supernatural about being able to foresee the future, understand the consequences, and using the consequences to punish thousands of people at once? I do believe in a supernatural deity, however it leaves me defined I guess.
Hmmm...having trouble wrapping my brain around that. What's not supernatural about being able to foresee the future, understand the consequences, and using the consequences to punish thousands of people at once? I do believe in a supernatural deity, however it leaves me defined I guess.

I am saying you can define God however you wish, but most people's idea of god is outside of science, therefore to most people science and god are not the same.
try dmt they say the answer is in that? i will one day but in two weeks im headed to venis to submerge in epson salt chamber and try to figue it out.. ill let you know what happends k.
wow with quotes like" god is real like it or not" i think i am reminded of why i dont like god.... god is a goof and his followers are week and seeking answers for the things they cant understand...yet they fail to see anything from any perspective of other faiths,,,makes them closed minded and unable to process any debate, like an automoton beleiver......some cling to god ,others to polatics......both are just lies and deciet and are there to meet thier own ends.....and its usually money or power (to abuse)!...o by the way i have worked with downs syndrome damaged ppl and the mentally challenged, its suprising how similar some of the thought processes are to many god freaks...they often no it all, they are non beleiving of facts ( as they lack the mental capacity to process new things. what they dont kno or havnt learned)- (low IQ)..im gonna get slaughtered for my opinion this i kno....but i still live in a free speach zone . unlike the interior of most churches and so on.............name a religion that hasnt murdered thousands../ 100 k..maby millions......yep id say if he is real he is a sick fuk!.... ill take my chances as a believer in myself and my pagan god..mother earth....................jmho and?
well it is a really long post couldn't quiet read all of it. but about God & Science, since i am thinking more logically. i should say Science have already provided an answer for GOD. some say its the music resonating Through 11th Dimensional Hyperspace according to String Theory. and according to the God particle which was Discovered inside the large hadron Collide r