Chief Walkin Eagle
Well-Known Member
I have seen this also, and i think the reason being that if he did answer the questions he was avoiding, he would be forced to observe his own thought process... in doing so that would result in recognition of contradictory thinking, which is something that most in the world do everything in their ability to avoid.
In my experience, when i observe myself making a contradictory statement, or one that is false... i take pride in correcting myself and my thought process, that way next time i speak, i wont embarrass myself by making the same mistake twice. This allows me to learn more about myself, why i think the things i think, and how my emotions can really have an effect on mIy rational thought process.
It seems to me as if eagle is someone who lets emotions control the vast majority of what she thinks.
Ps. Please restate the question.
Its funny how I can raise a valid point (by your VERY narrow standards) and you have nothing to say to it lol Good job =)