God and Science.

Cheif is now #1 on the dumbest most unreasonable contradictory thinker on RIU, just my opinion, and just wanted you to know. I usually don't say mean things, but your willed ignorance is unforgivable. Much love.

He's got nothin' on Finshaggy IMO, not yet.
Cheif is now #1 on the dumbest most unreasonable contradictory thinker on RIU, just my opinion, and just wanted you to know. I usually don't say mean things, but your willed ignorance is unforgivable. Much love.

If every person that believed in spirit laid out their explanation than you'd label EVERY one of them as idiots lol Im the only spiritualists on here who is as aggressive as you narrow minded atheists thus resulting on all this fun... Arent you the one who has lucid dreams? lol your so OBLIVIOUS! Your Third Eye (pineal gland) produces large amounts of DMT that causes you to have those experiences, and if you take DMT chances are that your gunna see geometric patterns of lines and circles surrounding you because that is what most people that use DMT experience... Hmmm... Geometric patterns of lines and circles... where does that ring a bell?... The Flower of Life?... naah couldnt be! xD You experience something spiritual on a regular basis and yet your one of the atheists on here that has a big head, OH THE IRONY lol I cant believe one of the biggest atheists I've come to encounter is a lucid dreamer... it almost doesnt make sense xD

Its either you or Heis that has those dreams... Cant remember... Cant really distinguish between you guys since you all have circle-jerks to readings of old scientists, also with your complete lack of personality that you guys share, seriously, how can I get offended when a cardboard box is calling stupid xD
I am no aethiest if that is even how its spelled. . . I am God and thats just how I think along with everyone else in the world I think they are they're own Gods in one sense or another I don't have crazy fucking cool powers to light bushes on fire and tell people to beat their wives and kill thier kids with mental ray beams I shoot our of my eyes and to me aethiests are dicks I get that to, Hell even I am a dick who isnt. but in all honesty its when people push thier views on to others that it gets annoying or when they get on and bash people for believing in what helps them. Whats wrong with believing in alittle extra help. . . nothing, another thing I believe is that I do think it helps people just as mine does to me so why don't yous just let it be?
I am no aethiest if that is even how its spelled. . . I am God and thats just how I think along with everyone else in the world I think they are they're own Gods in one sense or another I don't have crazy fucking cool powers to light bushes on fire and tell people to beat their wives and kill thier kids with mental ray beams I shoot our of my eyes and to me aethiests are dicks I get that to, Hell even I am a dick who isnt. but in all honesty its when people push thier views on to others that it gets annoying or when they get on and bash people for believing in what helps them. Whats wrong with believing in alittle extra help. . . nothing, another thing I believe is that I do think it helps people just as mine does to me so why don't yous just let it be?

Man, these atheists favourite place to hang out is a spiritual forum, its obvious what their intentions are here. Sure they could talk among like minded people in the science and technology forum but why would they do that when they can ridicule us spiritualists for believing in fairy tales and further create separation between us?.. I find it funny that this is their favourite place to hang out, atheists in a spiritual forum, like wtf... lol Get a life you scientific narrow minded die-hards, seriously.
Man, these atheists favourite place to hang out is a spiritual forum, its obvious what their intentions are here. Sure they could talk among like minded people in the science and technology forum but why would they do that when they can ridicule us spiritualists for believing in fairy tales and further create separation between us?.. I find it funny that this is their favourite place to hang out, atheists in a spiritual forum, like wtf... lol Get a life you scientific narrow minded die-hards, seriously.

So this is you NOT being defensive or upset? Interesting. Also interesting that your solution to atheists creating separation is to separate them into another forum. You have a beautiful mind.
So this is you NOT being defensive or upset? Interesting. Also interesting that your solution to atheists creating separation is to separate them into another forum. You have a beautiful mind.

Wanting you to go into another forum is contradicting myself how? lol Your presence here is only creating more hate, because its obvious you look to argue with anyone here that wants to speak of spirituality... Do you seriously feel compelled to lay down the science for us woo woo's in order to see things your way? If you think spirituality and religion is nonsensical then why are you here? You just have to tell us your point of view on how spirituality doesnt make sense?... It almost sounds like a religion trying to enforce their beliefs... Good job... you relate to one of the things you despise.
Heis is merely presenting ideas that are contradicting things that you say... which is why you want him gone. I don't want YOU gone, i like you here, i take a good amount of pleasure in reading your unintelligent ramblings, and also poking fun at them!

Without people who indulge in willed ignorance, what fun would a philosophy forum be?
Heis is merely presenting ideas that are contradicting things that you say... which is why you want him gone. I don't want YOU gone, i like you here, i take a good amount of pleasure in reading your unintelligent ramblings, and also poking fun at them!

Without people who indulge in willed ignorance, what fun would a philosophy forum be?

I love how you cant reply to the response I made for you lol

PLEASE dissect and label the response I made for you, I look forward to it.
Proof of God #162

(1) God exists.
(2) Therefore all physical evidence must show this.
(3) Therefore it does.
(4) Therefore, God exists.

Proof of God #215

(1) You claim the evidence for God is non-existent.
(2) But if there were lots of evidence, you would still not be convinced.
(3) Therefore, God exists.

Proof of God #565

(1) Any evidence would be against faith.
(2) Without faith, God is nothing.
(3) Faith exists.
(4) Therefore, God is not nothing and evidence for God's nonexistence cannot exist.
(5) Therefore, God exists.

Proof of God #461

(1) There is overwhelming evidence for the existence of God.
(2) No, I'm not going to tell you what it is.
(3) The only possible explanation for your lack of knowledge is that you haven't studied enough.
(4) Or maybe your atheistic presupposition is blinding you to the truth.
(5) But trust me — it's overwhelming.
(6) It's so overwhelming that no reasonable person can honestly reach the conclusion that God does not exist.
(7) Therefore, God exists.

Proof of God #666

(1) God exists.
(2) I told you God exists so what the fuck else do you want.
(3) I'm sorry you're going to Hell but God exists.
(4) You don't know anything about God so shut the fuck up and go buy yourself an asbestos suit, asshole.
(5) Jesus was sacrificed for people like you and you can't even be grateful. Do you realize that he was God's only son?
(6) Therefore God exists and you're going to Hell. I wish you well.
Proof of God #666

(1) God exists.
(2) I told you God exists so what the fuck else do you want.
(3) I'm sorry you're going to Hell but God exists.
(4) You don't know anything about God so shut the fuck up and go buy yourself an asbestos suit, asshole.
(5) Jesus was sacrificed for people like you and you can't even be grateful. Do you realize that he was God's only son?
(6) Therefore God exists and you're going to Hell. I wish you well.

I was wondering where the peanut gallery went =p
Me and the Chief are pretty good friends now. Your questions upset him, and so in an effort to get people to stop pestering him, i'll try to offer some insight. Afterall, he loves when others think of him.

1. how do you distinguish between any claims?

You Tube videos, Self Bias, Novelty, Anti-establishment sentiment, Difficulty of Comprehension.

2. how do you know there isn't a hell but there is reincarnation?

Hell is too mainstream and reincarnation is fun and more appealing.

3. If you won't apply skeptical thought, then all claims become reasonable and probable don't they?

You used the word 'skeptical'. This removes all chance that the question will be considered and allows access to diatribe. Your limited view of spirituality is obvious by your honest attempt at communicating a simple question.

4. Why were you not worshiping Sathya Sai Baba, a living god according to his followers?

5. Or maybe Mitsuo Matayoshi or Claude Vorilhon for that matter?

These are the dumbest questions of all, who has ever heard of this stuff?

6. Why do you reject these claims?

You act as if something is only truthful when it's accurate. Your closed minded thinking is causing you to separate fantasy from reality. Silly atheist.

Rep button broken, but I would if I could...
Cheif is now #1 on the dumbest most unreasonable contradictory thinker on RIU, just my opinion, and just wanted you to know. I usually don't say mean things, but your willed ignorance is unforgivable. Much love.

  • If every person that believed in spirit laid out their explanation than you'd label EVERY one of them as idiots lol Im the only spiritualists on here who is as aggressive as you narrow minded atheists thus resulting on all this fun... Arent you the one who has lucid dreams? lol your so OBLIVIOUS! Your Third Eye (pineal gland) produces large amounts of DMT that causes you to have those experiences, and if you take DMT chances are that your gunna see geometric patterns of lines and circles surrounding you because that is what most people that use DMT experience... Hmmm... Geometric patterns of lines and circles... where does that ring a bell?... The Flower of Life?... naah couldnt be! xD You experience something spiritual on a regular basis and yet your one of the atheists on here that has a big head, OH THE IRONY lol I cant believe one of the biggest atheists I've come to encounter is a lucid dreamer... it almost doesnt make sense xD

    Its either you or Heis that has those dreams... Cant remember... Cant really distinguish between you guys since you all have circle-jerks to readings of old scientists, also with your complete lack of personality that you guys share, seriously, how can I get offended when a cardboard box is calling stupid xD

    Still waiting...

Proof of God #666

(1) God exists.
(2) I told you God exists so what the fuck else do you want.
(3) I'm sorry you're going to Hell but God exists.
(4) You don't know anything about God so shut the fuck up and go buy yourself an asbestos suit, asshole.
(5) Jesus was sacrificed for people like you and you can't even be grateful. Do you realize that he was God's only son?
(6) Therefore God exists and you're going to Hell. I wish you well.

You mad bro? ;)
saw this one coming a mile away... it always ends in threats...

just ridiculous... kinda like the vid i posted a while back on creationists first time on the internet...

oh well its quite sad when people see it as a "personal attack" when it is nothing of the sort...:roll:
But you do not extend the same courtesy to others. cn

I have seen this also, and i think the reason being that if he did answer the questions he was avoiding, he would be forced to observe his own thought process... in doing so that would result in recognition of contradictory thinking, which is something that most in the world do everything in their ability to avoid.

In my experience, when i observe myself making a contradictory statement, or one that is false... i take pride in correcting myself and my thought process, that way next time i speak, i wont embarrass myself by making the same mistake twice. This allows me to learn more about myself, why i think the things i think, and how my emotions can really have an effect on my rational thought process.

It seems to me as if eagle is someone who lets emotions control the vast majority of what she thinks.

Ps. Please restate the question. And if i one would choose to categorize my denomination, you could describe me best using the word nihilist instead of atheist.

(Zaehet is completely oppisite of my true personality, i use this as a fantasy personality for online expression entirely for my pleasure... not yours)
You mad bro? ;)

Mad as in angry, hell no! Mad as in crazy, possibly.

Many of the proofs that are put forward by die-hard religious folks sound like argument #666 to me. The arguments that you proposed are too rational for many people and I wanted to be sure everyone has a place to hide from reason.

I have a character in mind for you in my 'Turd' story. You will be represented by the wise owl who tries to help Chef Beagle work through the inconsistencies in his beliefs. Of course he feels intimidated and hides his insecurities behind a wall of blather. Really gripping stuff.