(CBRN) Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear

Ok, so the whole book is about the Art and Craft of Making Soma, which is the Hindu Drink of the Gods that you are supposed to Drink in Tribute to the Gods according to the most Ancient Hindu text, the Rig Veda. A 4,500 year old text.
The beginning explains Chemistry and Religion throughout History.

Then the first part of Modern Chemistry explains what smells are and what they look like on the Molecular level. And explains the names of the different Molecule groups of smells, then explains Chlorine and Iodine in nature.ex: Chloroplast in plants has Chlorine, and that is where all life on Earth basically comes from. Plants are the beginning of energy from the Sun.

Then it explains how if you give a Mushroom that makes 4-OH_DMT, some DMT. It will make more 4-OH-DMT. And if you give that same Mushroom DET (a molecule that does not exist in Nature), it will make 4-OH-DET (tests done by Sasha Shulgin and others). So now the question is , is 4-OH-DET a Synthetic Molecule anymore?

Then it goes on to explain how Cacti that make Mescaline will make other things if you give them Procursers (Tests done by Shasha Shulgin and Others), and a list of Cacti and what they make, because Presumably all Cacti that make things will make other things when Given Precursors. And I am not even saying Precursors to drugs, Nootropics can be made.

And at some point it tells you everything you need to have a good Bichemistry lab, and all the basic Carbon Bonds and stuff.

Then I am not sure if you have read the books Pihkal and Tihkal, but the first time you read them you don't catch everything. I have read them each at least 50 times. So I took all the secret techniques from that book and shared them in a way that is easier to digest form. Because those books are like 900 and 700 pages, mine is more just for people to learn Religious Chemistry, not as a Pharmaceutical Text or anything. But it gives you those 2 very Dense Biochemistry books by a world renowned Biochemist in a much easier to read form. Because when you first read those 2 books, you think it is just like a catalogue of drugs, but when you read it over and over and over, you realize that he is teaching you things you can do with any molecule. And not to make drugs, to make all kinds of stuff.

Then it gives you the Basic Elements, and explains how to feed them to plants to make the perfect Fertilizer..

Then it explains the Law in America regarding Religion according to the Supreme Court. Because this is how you make Soma. With the plants, and doing the Chemistry of the Plants.
If it's winter and someone's walking and you don't give them a ride, you can get a citation on post for it, or you could when I was there. The cold can kill you up there.
Is it true if a soldier is in danger of hypothermia the other soldiers must strip and jump in the sleeping bag with you?
Ok, so the whole book is about the Art and Craft of Making Soma, which is the Hindu Drink of the Gods that you are supposed to Drink in Tribute to the Gods according to the most Ancient Hindu text, the Rig Veda. A 4,500 year old text.
The beginning explains Chemistry and Religion throughout History.

Then the first part of Modern Chemistry explains what smells are and what they look like on the Molecular level. And explains the names of the different Molecule groups of smells, then explains Chlorine and Iodine in nature.ex: Chloroplast in plants has Chlorine, and that is where all life on Earth basically comes from. Plants are the beginning of energy from the Sun.

Then it explains how if you give a Mushroom that makes 4-OH_DMT, some DMT. It will make more 4-OH-DMT. And if you give that same Mushroom DET (a molecule that does not exist in Nature), it will make 4-OH-DET (tests done by Sasha Shulgin and others). So now the question is , is 4-OH-DET a Synthetic Molecule anymore?

Then it goes on to explain how Cacti that make Mescaline will make other things if you give them Procursers (Tests done by Shasha Shulgin and Others), and a list of Cacti and what they make, because Presumably all Cacti that make things will make other things when Given Precursors. And I am not even saying Precursors to drugs, Nootropics can be made.

And at some point it tells you everything you need to have a good Bichemistry lab, and all the basic Carbon Bonds and stuff.

Then I am not sure if you have read the books Pihkal and Tihkal, but the first time you read them you don't catch everything. I have read them each at least 50 times. So I took all the secret techniques from that book and shared them in a way that is easier to digest form. Because those books are like 900 and 700 pages, mine is more just for people to learn Religious Chemistry, not as a Pharmaceutical Text or anything. But it gives you those 2 very Dense Biochemistry books by a world renowned Biochemist in a much easier to read form. Because when you first read those 2 books, you think it is just like a catalogue of drugs, but when you read it over and over and over, you realize that he is teaching you things you can do with any molecule. And not to make drugs, to make all kinds of stuff.

Then it gives you the Basic Elements, and explains how to feed them to plants to make the perfect Fertilizer..

Then it explains the Law in America regarding Religion according to the Supreme Court. Because this is how you make Soma. With the plants, and doing the Chemistry of the Plants.
Soma's recipe has been lost, but they speculate it's close to Ayahuasca. I make Aya from Syrian Rue seed (MAOI) and Acacia formosa root bark (DMT), with 500mg of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C)
Not Army CBRN. No Degree required. I did see one other CBRN, I think it's Navy, and they require Degrees. But Army CBRN is just a 100 or higher in Skilled Technical on the ASVAB, and people say it's not even a hard test.
Its harder than what you think. I scored a 99 I think on it. 100 is a high score.

Just to give an example jobs like avionics require a 85 or higher.

Marine infantry requires a 53.