(CBRN) Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear

Random: These are the Giant CAr Bombs ISIS is using in right now, this one was captured by Peshmerga East of Mosul.



And here is the only people who see Combat, usually Seals or Marines, who are attacked. There aren't like people attacking ISIS, so there isn't really any chance of getting sent somewhere right now to shoot at anyone. And if it does happen at any point, it would probably be ISIS.

And ISIS is using Chemical weapons, so in that situation CBRN would possibly be needed. The only people with missions to kill anyone is drone pilots.
And I usually wouldn't give anyone on this site my address, but when I know my address for BCT I'll put my address here, on Facebook, on Twitter, on Google+, on Instagram, etc. so everyone can send letters in case anyone gets bored with me not posting for 9 weeks.

And I have emailed a recruiter now, just btw. And I am going to go up to one this week.
But I have also read a lot of people on twitter saying they are in Basic Training and got their phones back without expecting it, so it might not be a full 9 weeks of no posting.
But I have also read a lot of people on twitter saying they are in Basic Training and got their phones back without expecting it, so it might not be a full 9 weeks of no posting.

How will you able to litigate your current case if you're in boot camp?

What does your recruiter think of your current lawsuit claiming that weed is your sacrament?

Did you review any of those links I posted?
How will you able to litigate your current case if you're in boot camp?

What does your recruiter think of your current lawsuit claiming that weed is your sacrament?

Did you review any of those links I posted?
The Service Members Civil Relief Act allows for things like that to be postponed.

They don't care what my Religion is, there are no Religious tests and Hindu was an option in the Application. And All Hindus use Marijuana on Holi (and Shaivites use regularly), so it's not a claim I am making, it is a tradition I am recognizing. And if anyone understands recognizing Traditions, it's the Military.

And no, I didn't read them. But on the Application they just wanted to know if I had been to court in the past 7 years, and since both incidents were dropped for Religious reasons it says it probably won't be a problem.

Just because you don't understand or like my Religion doesn't mean court rooms and the Army won't/don't.
And the lawsuits have nothing to do with Marijuana. One is for an illegal search and seizure of Religious materials. And the other one is for them not allowing me to practice my Religion like the Christians were allowed to in jail, until I talked to the Programs Director, and even then they made a few rules that they let Christians break but wouldn't let me break. Basically they made rules in the jail that just applied to me.

So not even Marijuana related.
Stop acting like you know anything about me because you read a few posts online. If I started acting like I knew who you were just because of your posts you would probably laugh, which is what I do whenever you post things like this.
And here is the only people who see Combat, usually Seals or Marines, who are attacked. There aren't like people attacking ISIS, so there isn't really any chance of getting sent somewhere right now to shoot at anyone. And if it does happen at any point, it would probably be ISIS.

And ISIS is using Chemical weapons, so in that situation CBRN would possibly be needed. The only people with missions to kill anyone is drone pilots.

Wait til Hillary gets in, going to be lots of troops being deployed... I think you will have no problem getting in..they take almost anybody, I know a few gangbangers who got in, got a few buddies who went in and had records and convictions from multiple assaults to agg battery... I don't think you will like it, if you ain't. A yes man..things Will be rough. I don't think you could fall in line, you follow orders, no debating or negotiating.
Wait til Hillary gets in, going to be lots of troops being deployed... I think you will have no problem getting in..they take almost anybody, I know a few gangbangers who got in, got a few buddies who went in and had records and convictions from multiple assaults to agg battery... I don't think you will like it, if you ain't. A yes man..things Will be rough. I don't think you could fall in line, you follow orders, no debating or negotiating.
Lol. I have been in plenty of places where I had to work the system or take orders. Even in jail I am always the guards' favorite person because I never cause any problems, I just get people to gather to talk about stuff.

I don't know why everyone gets the idea that I am a "Fuck the Police" type person, I just get messed with by Police because of my Religion, and I am good at keeping them in check now that they have messed with me so much. And I do disagree with them, but it's not like I argue with them on the street, I do it in the court room. And you can do the same thing in the Military, if they go too far you just take it up the ranks or to the court room. But you have to make sure they are breaking a rule/law, you can do it though.

And I can take bullshit. When they started making rules in the jail that just applied to me, I could have gotten time served. But I stayed for longer than a month just so I could finish my case, and now that it is over I am suing them. So I can take bullshit and handle it later. It's not like someone can just mess with me and get me to explode, I'm not like that.
I honestly think that my biggest problem in BCT will be laughing. I am generally a very happy person, and I laugh at everything. And I have heard that they don't like laughing. So I am pretty sure I am going to be doing a lot of pushups for laughing at the funny things they yell in my face.
Lol. I have been in plenty of places where I had to work the system or take orders. Even in jail I am always the guards' favorite person because I never cause any problems, I just get people to gather to talk about stuff.

I don't know why everyone gets the idea that I am a "Fuck the Police" type person, I just get messed with by Police because of my Religion, and I am good at keeping them in check now that they have messed with me so much. And I do disagree with them, but it's not like I argue with them on the street, I do it in the court room. And you can do the same thing in the Military, if they go too far you just take it up the ranks or to the court room. But you have to make sure they are breaking a rule/law, you can do it though.

And I can take bullshit. When they started making rules in the jail that just applied to me, I could have gotten time served. But I stayed for longer than a month just so I could finish my case, and now that it is over I am suing them. So I can take bullshit and handle it later. It's not like someone can just mess with me and get me to explode, I'm not like that.
why do you keep comparing a military career to a month in county jail?.. all you do in jail is lay around and talk to retards. you might of helped a few people with their cases or whatever, but us who been in jail know how it is.. everybody in there is some kind of jail house lawyer.
I honestly think that my biggest problem in BCT will be laughing. I am generally a very happy person, and I laugh at everything. And I have heard that they don't like laughing. So I am pretty sure I am going to be doing a lot of pushups for laughing at the funny things they yell in my face.
youre going to get fucked up when your whole unit has to do extra shit because you think its a joke
And I don't know why, but I really do like waking up in the morning and living with like 100+ other people. Like I'm not the guy in jail who sits on his bunk and mean mug everyone hoping no one mean mugs back, or who sits all by themselves. I go straight over to a game of dominoes, or people watching TV, and talk, see who is gambling food, etc. and for example, start telling people about Double Jeopardy from the starting point of something like the Real Rick Ross or talking to people about Chemistry or Religion. In jail though everyone calls older people 'Old School'.

So I usually get to know everyone pretty quickly, and everyone knows who I am. I know it is stricter in Basic Training, but living at a Base wouldn't be so bad, and I have been through stuff where we could only talk 2 hours a day and at night for 8 months, or else we had to stay longer. So everyone was there for like long periods of time. There was one guy there for 4 years. But I have had to do like crazy strict rules before. We had to like turn on a certain foot and a certain way or else we had to stay longer, there were tons and tons of rules. It was really honestly worse than jail, because at least in jail you know when you are getting out. So I am pretty sure I can do this.
The Service Members Civil Relief Act allows for things like that to be postponed.

They don't care what my Religion is, there are no Religious tests and Hindu was an option in the Application. And All Hindus use Marijuana on Holi (and Shaivites use regularly), so it's not a claim I am making, it is a tradition I am recognizing. And if anyone understands recognizing Traditions, it's the Military.

And no, I didn't read them. But on the Application they just wanted to know if I had been to court in the past 7 years, and since both incidents were dropped for Religious reasons it says it probably won't be a problem.

Just because you don't understand or like my Religion doesn't mean court rooms and the Army won't/don't.

Whoa, hey, easy Disco.

1. I have no opinion about what you claim to be your religion.
2. You seem more upset with me than with posters who have posted very vile stuff about you and your family. Look into that.
3. The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act provides many protections. For various things like evictions, judgments, etc. And in civil proceedings if you are a DEFENDANT. And even then it's up to the discretion of the Judge. You are the Plaintiff.

Read some of those links I posted.

You're welcome.