Canada Grows to the 4 Plant Limit

Ok I ain't as bad as a TV show and when ya get up tomorrow or visit in the future and read this shit, it'll be together, hope yers is too!

Here is the materials laid out fur those with a brain, I'm working on another lamp now and I'm running late cause life happens. I'll post a bunch of detail here, but remember one essential detail, the COBs go on the fuck'n C channel not the square water cooling tube. I'm laying it out fur ya so you can see all the parts and how it looks. You can use screws and nuts with no tapping or drill & tap the material I'm using fur sure, lot's of meat fur thread. You would only need a 3/8" chuck drill, a power saw with a carbide tipped blade (USE SAFETY GOGGLES OR GLASSES, MIN FOR THIS) A wrench to screw the big pipe threaded fitting into the end to cut some thread and remove it. Clean with solvent, seal everything with jb weld epoxy, fill in the corners on the tubing when ya screw it back in. Take care to keep the fitting flush with the side in contact with the channel, when the epoxy hardens it's a bitch to even file off, plan and be careful.

Fittings and epoxy can be obtained from a hardware store, be nice to the old fart yer gonna look for and he will take care of the rest fur ya, if yer an arsehole, then life gets harder, it usually does!

The parts and ideas are laid out on this particular pair of aluminum extrusion profiles to show where holes will end up, the scale of things, where holes for Floodlight COBs and holders for quality COBs would go, no tapping required. Run a big system with a 1/2 outlet fountain pump, about 15 to 20 watts or more will do just fine and a car or truck heater core (junkyard) can cool the entire system fur a 1- 2 KW water cooled grow, cooling options are pretty wide on the other end of the system from the bars. Garden hose works nice to hook everything up too, or ya can plumb it with pex if ya want, but hose to raise and lower the rig and maybe to adjust the width, if yer smart! Use pipe threaded hose barbed brass fitting to cut thread and a nylon after if yer cheap and want to avoid electro galvanic corrosion in the system. Ya can run CLR through ta clean her up, but watch the pump, a bit of javex in the reservoir helps keep the slim away.

The fitting shown was what was at hand, not the size fitting you would buy, but the same type to fit 1/2 garden hose and 1" pipe (tapered) thread on the other, they come in plastic too. Cut the thread, clean and replace again or use plastic, slather in jb weld epoxy (lot's of choices) fill in the corners and try to keep the stress on the end fittings to a minimum, but they are strong fur sure. See the section on hydrostatic testing on the other thread and read about Jimbob and Cletus above to get some ideas on pressure testing smart and safe. The wire going across the channel is for those who wanna use paste and hold the square cooling tube to the channel with spring steel wires, across the tube and into holes on the channel. Use a couple of dabs of epoxy like welding tacks on the sides to hold it centered or use screws and yer imagination. I'll use CPU thermal tape (same thermal properties as cheap paste) fur the test and floodlight COBs fur thermal measurements. This is how I'm gonna adhere the cooling tube to the channel. Might pull the CLU042 citizen COB off the leftovers lamp and put that on too with a cheap modified holder like that shown. So I can take Tb temps of the positive contact (I believe ?) and compare Tb temps on the COB to the channel and the cooling tubs, I won't get too detailed on this stuff. Why should I, yer not brain dead, only stoned most of the time and I ain't writing a fuck'n scientific paper, one offs aren't worth the effort to draw out either.

Here is what a CLU 048 holder screw holes would look like, you can see that ya can use screws & nuts to mount the COBs with good paste, I'd recommend an Ideal COB holder, you can check the hole pattern dimensions online, or go to the thread and ask cobby, send him here, so he knows what the fuck yer talking about. He might even tell ya if this hair brained scheme will actually work, or not. He'll comment here if it won't! I owe him one fur the way I'm mistreating his COBs!

If yer stupid enough to use an AC driverless COB on a water cooled light, like this four buck special here (full spectrum phosphor) Then fur fuck sakes, electrically ground the fuck'n channel two different ways, one through the third prong plug and timer, and a separate wire to a water pipe, rad or something earthed (careful of pex pipe here) fer sure. Ya can get fried touching the cooler if the water is dirty enough in the system and conductive. The dielectric layer might break down over time and a COB package developes a ground fault, after say a 1000 thermal cycles or so, yer dead in yer grow real quick and the carbon filter will take care of the smell! Regular DC 100 watt flood light COBs have an identical hole pattern too, so both will fit, but if yer gonna use AC cobs they are dangerous and inefficient as Hell, but ya can use the heat in winter, fur as long as ya live that is...

The test lamp will probably have 4 floodlight COBs and the citizen in the middle and might replace the leftover lamp on the end of the grow table, after bench testing, might be able to hook it into the big lamps cooling system. I'll silicone 2 X 100 watt enclosed drivers for the flood light COBs on the cooling tube, but if I figure I can cool em with water too, I'll use CPU/LED thermal tape for this. Same goes for the 50 watt enclosed driver running the Citizen COB, so I might be able to cool the enclosed drivers, even if I gotta mount em upside down on the 1' square aluminum tube. Holes will be drilled in the channel for wires close to the COB contacts and wiring contained in the C channel for a neater job. All wire holes through aluminum will be deburred with a larger sized drill bit by hand and when the wiring run and finished, the holes with the wires filled with clear silicone adhesive for safety and best practice. AC will be supplied through a 40 C thermal cutoff switch wired in series with the drivers on the line side, to thermally protect the COBs.

Many types of C channel extrusion will work for this job, quality COBs are mounted directly under the cooling tube too. There's lots of thermal transfer area between the channel and the tube.Two kinds of effective ways to connect the cooling tube with the channel you could use paste or tape and spring steel wires too, if ya were a fanatic or something, She should as run as the coolant and the tb temps of the COBs will be as cool as ya want. Though ya might have to get stupid with the chiller to do it, but not required at all. Use COB holders and quality paste/pads, sand the surface under the COBs and torque the holder to spec and nobody will run COBs colder than you, if ya use antifreeze and are fuck'n nuts too.

I figure the test lamp bar will look pretty slick and the design will make a real neat job on the wiring too. If ya build one, it'll be something to show the relatives when it's legal and ya wanna crow! See I'm not completely useless, I got some talent, even if my eyes are red most of the time and I look real oriental!
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Insights and Practice
The subconscious forces aren't done with me yet and feel the need to share it with others and get it down, before the thoughts slipped away as I begin a busy day. I had a game plan last night, but life got in the way, don't wanna bother friends with this, cause most are confused and some are shocked, me too! I'm trying to skillfully council my older sister as she approaches the end of her life as we must all do. She is a courageous woman who will never see these words and has lived in constant pain for years. I tried many times to start her on a practice and I figure the time is right for both of us, now, I love her dearly, but I might not share too much with her. I wanna start her on cannabinoid therapy again and will talk to her about it as a training aid, to encourage development of her brain regions that allow us to cope in these situations.

I just got out of the shower and places like that are where insights occur, I need to share these for the same reason the old masters shared too. Traditionally meditation is taught one on one, with a true and deep loving relationship with student and master. Not many Donalds were murdered, they were most often told to get lost in a most skillful way. I don't really agree with this outlook, but who am I to judge, since folks like Donald occupy a special place outside my heart! Ever walk into a room and smell shit or vomit? Yer nose screws up and ya stop breathing automatically and ya can't train it away either!

What's going on with me is a hijacking of the natural parent child relationship, in tradition an older man or woman (the master) taught the apprentice, assisted by many "journeymen" monks with years of experience in the "trade" . A tradesman is the best metaphor for this combination of book learning and practice, doing is more important than reading here, but past wisdom and insights are valued too. The group is organized hierarchically usually by age and experience, novices have to wear white for a year and bow to everybody who's been there longer. In many cultures retired farmers etc are on the retirement program and don't practice, but have to be bowed to and treated with respect. This usually wittles most down to size even before they begin formal training, but they train along with the rest. Sitting, walking, metta and other mindfulness practices are part of the training in most cultures. Tibetan practices are called the new vehicle in the language, but I don't think it is better than the way of the elders, just more variety and a lot of scholarship. In Tibet they combine Buddhism with the native Gom religion and it is a synthesis of the newer indian forms of practice. The Chinese invasion of Tibet forced many masters and advanced students (masters are students too) to leave in a diaspora that is benefiting the world in general. They have much to teach and many are in Canada now and reside quietly as exceptional citizens and many have moved into family life too as householders. You didn't have to climb mountains to learn the secret of life, Winnipeg would do just fine, if you were looking that is.

Gotta go see my sister, but this will help me to remember other stuff and I might post some more on this topic. Not preaching here, just getting things down before I forget them and I write most effectively to others, not myself (social dynamic at work).

Key conclusions:
This is a hijacking of the parent child relationship and since villages raised children, the feelings can get spread wide, with training, it's like being on steroids
A multiplier effect on the intellectual areas of the brain that deal with the protection of others and children especially. The opposite is true when we act out of anger or excessive greed/need and are generally self interested. We can do work stuff,cause for the most part we're part of a group, but when we get too self interested we get stupid too. Evolution made us this way because it protects the group. People comment all the time on how stupid and childish such people are. Think of the Donald for an extreme example of this, but he too must be loved to a degree, to be understood. A roman general once said "We must love our enemies before we can understand and defeat them", ancient wisdom too...

New mothers are stupid! Why do they temporarily shave off IQ points? Simple, their brains are plastic and social stuff becomes really important for a mother who wants the support of the clan and raise children to survive such an environment, relatives help the most. Postpartum depression can exacerbate pre existing depressive states and really throw some for a loop and temporarily break the mother child relationship. This can be the root cause of difficulties for many and a cascade effect can occur, if one is repeatedly victimized. We retreat into a defensive crouch and it interferes with socialization and happiness because we have to feel right in our relations to others to be happy and well balanced. Though there are many causes for human suffering this is one of the more common. Any form of self interest with adults when it comes to children, is a sure sign that there's trouble ahead, most of the time it's just accidental though.

Since I got the blue tooth mouse from Hell, a cheap rat might be on the agenda today too, after I visit my sister, pick up the car at the garage and attend to important things, I'll work on the light. It's a good thing I'm using my breath and feet to feel bodily sensations automatically and can stay in the present moment easily. But I've gotta formally practice more, it's as hard as running 3 miles a day to maintain though. I'm fat, ugly and old, but figure if I can get something regular to tie it to, I'll manage. Regular students are a big help, cause ya often meditate with them. Ya gotta keep up to speed, cause some might try to get yer nuts, when they get good at it, then they will have arrived too. That might happen real quick for most people even if they smoke pot, cause they are part way there, or know a better way, which I and others are working on...
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Why are you utilizing water cooling vs passive or active? I thought the original intent of this thread was to help show other new canadian growers How to be able to build a set up that is cheap and effective and easy to assemble. The water cooling approach seems to be a ton of extra work.

And how do you deal with condensation buildup from seeping into electrical connections?
Why are you utilizing water cooling vs passive or active? I thought the original intent of this thread was to help show other new canadian growers How to be able to build a set up that is cheap and effective and easy to assemble. The water cooling approach seems to be a ton of extra work.

And how do you deal with condensation buildup from seeping into electrical connections?

Looks like I mighta hooked one on water! I live in Canada on an island at the end of the world and heatsink shipping costs would make ya shit yer pants! This is one of those necessity is the mother of invention things, the grow was too warm cause of inefficient floodlight COBs and the air cooled fixtures I was running, I tried to consolidate everything into an air cooled light but the expense and noise of moving air, mattered to me. So for that and other reasons I figured I'd like to play around with water cooling and get some hands on. I was talking to a buddy about getting tube ends welded, and properly taped fur pipe thread etc. I thought about his and the idea evolved with hands on experience to where it is now. It started as a test lamp to try out some ideas for sealing the tube ends cheaply and putting in fittings. Since I had everything I needed laying around the shop already and just had to buy fittings and do some local scrounging and repurposing etc. It went from there to Gen 2 bars which I think are pretty cheap and cool, not too many tools required and no drilling and taping. You only need a drill, a power saw (optional) to cut the extrusions and something to screw in the fitting with.

No pressure in the system, no thermal cycles, ambient temps, think in terms fish aquarium construction. Fittings and epoxy or even silicone is available at the local hardware store as is everything really, even the fountain pump can be ordered there. The only thing ordered online would be COBs, enclosed drivers, CPU Tape for the bars, COB holders etc, screws and nuts locally or ebay assortment along with the 40 or 50 C thermal cut off switch (pennies). So the cost of the cooling system is the bars, fountain pump ($20-30 CDN) buy an extra), car or truck heater core ($10 CDN)or radiator even, a big green garbage can as a reservoir and some garden hose pieces to hook the cooling system up. It works no pressure and at ambient temps and the water moves the heat to the reservoir and chiller outside the room, water is over 3000 times more effective at removing and moving heat than air, an order of magnitude difference! I can put the heat outside the grow in the basement and only have to run the carbon filter at a whisper on a timer to move humidity out and draw heat and fresh air into the grow. I was experimenting with CO2 supplementation too. At least until I found Jesus! Just kidding, I'm a science guy and have no time fur bullshit, when ya die yer dead, grow the fuck up ya snowflake attitude on that one.

Condensation would only be an issue if the coolant temp was below the dew point in the grow, I use the heat of the grow lights to help heat the house. Super chilling offers no benefits worth the while or expense. A few degrees warmer than the ambient location of the cooler is all ya need. A car heater core will dump tens of kilowatts out of a system if there's a 100 C temp differential. A heater core ($10 junkyard) will keep a couple of kilowatts of grow lights cool easily with a few degrees difference between the ambient air temp and the coolant temp. Unless yer runnin reds ya won't gain much from quality COBs, except they'll live fur ever. Typical heatsink temps are in the 40 c range, water cooling is as cool as ya want. Fountain pumps have head hight issues, but are simple and if well designed are cheap and incredibly durable.

Any questions ask away, my only concern in all this is keeping kids safe from habituation processes that can ruin the lives of some vulnerable types and it's a bad idea fur kids and young adults in general. We will have to see what science says about this, but it doesn't look good from some the literature I've seen, so I'm concerned, as is the government. Older adults might also benefit from this greatly and it might stop alzheimer's in it's tracks in many people. I'm certain it is harmless to adults and is less addictive than Tim's. An excellent choice for those who wanna twist their tails, no harm to you, yer mind or others. The more who smoke, the less who drink and if ya do both, ya get so fucked up ya usually pass out, fur ya can harm others. Many keep an "incase of emergency" fatty or two of real good bud, to skillfully deal with drunks who show up, unless the fucker barfs on yer carpet! But I'm compassionate about it, here's the paper towel, go fur it Buddy!

I'm a writing mood and need to rest me bones so yer lucky on this one, cause I'm a nerd at heart!
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Water Cooled Grow Light Rebuild Update
Work has slowed on the lamp a bit, cause life is getting in the way, but I've got a few tricks up my sleeve on that. I induced flowering today with a 12 hour cycle and have brought the sidelights and leftovers lamp into the game, this should give the slack to work on the lamp. Got enough red light fur now while the plants are adapting, the nutes are changed. Would have happened yesterday but I forgot the timer was set to outlet and even though I noticed later that evening it was of no real concern to me. Would have preferred to cut the photoperiod back gradually, but this is not art any more, merely necessity.

I might put the COBs on the center section tonight cause it's clean enough for me, when they are wired I'll flip it rightside up and support it on stands and will cover the COBS with painters tape to protect them during the work. This is the most time consuming part of the job, the outside bars are AC powered from the central electric box, and the thermal protection system is on the center bar too. I protect the cobs with a 40C thermal cut off switch in series with a 65C thermal fuse, thermally bonded to the cooling bar. These 120volt 10 amp devices are wired in series with the driver's power supply on the line side. A 50 C switch might be a better choice if yer running high amps through the thermal switch, cause it can heat up a bit due to internal resistance.

I got the fellow I'm giving it to help and learn too, and maybe chew on his ear about his practice while I'm teaching him some gardening. Two birds with one stone is wisdom too...

So I got some slack to be lazy in!
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If your typical heatsink temp is 40 Celsius than your heatsinks are too small. I have mine running at 78 degrees which is around 25 celcius. A couple 12v pc fans running keep it cool and next to no noise.

I was in aquariums for a long time and know a ton about water and cooling and for our purposes an active cooled fan on a heatsink will be much easier than anything for people to acquire. Especially if you live in far remote parts you can order from Amazon for pc heatsinks and fans. I like what your doing with the water cooling but feel it's too much. Living in Canada it's cold here for half the year so I'm using the heat distributed from leds to warm my grow cab. You do this by putting intake fan at top and exhaust at bottom so it forces heat down. So far I see if you switched that to water cooling I would loose the heat that I need.
I also think If this thread is to help out fellow canadian growers maybe we should discuss some other basics as well vs just light building. Like good seed sources, where to buy materials.
I've been trying to source the best places to get good seeds up here and I found a few.
If your in the GTA then look at scared seed, second nature hydroponics.
They carry some good stuff from Humboldt, dinafem, greenhouse, soma, and a few other top genetics.

Online I used a site called, I ordered Barneys farm critical kush. Seeds came in about 10 days. Was priced very cheap.
*However I searched specifically for Canadian Seed Banks. The site was based out of Winnipeg manitoba. However the seeds were sent to me internationally. Wtf? This was exact opposite of what I wanted. So I figured I was out 60$ cuz they went through England on way here. They eventually did show up however tracking info was useless. No help really from owners. Surprise surprise before I even receive my seeds the site is gone. Still answering emails however it seemed PayPal doesn't like being a payment source for weed seeds so they can block you. So this was a lucky but IMO a BAD online buying experience.

I want to try next but am a little skeptical about ordering seeds. I much prefer to buy in person.

Any other seed help in Canada?
I've been trying to source the best places to get good seeds up here and I found a few.
If your in the GTA then look at scared seed, second nature hydroponics.
They carry some good stuff from Humboldt, dinafem, greenhouse, soma, and a few other top genetics.

Online I used a site called, I ordered Barneys farm critical kush. Seeds came in about 10 days. Was priced very cheap.
*However I searched specifically for Canadian Seed Banks. The site was based out of Winnipeg manitoba. However the seeds were sent to me internationally. Wtf? This was exact opposite of what I wanted. So I figured I was out 60$ cuz they went through England on way here. They eventually did show up however tracking info was useless. No help really from owners. Surprise surprise before I even receive my seeds the site is gone. Still answering emails however it seemed PayPal doesn't like being a payment source for weed seeds so they can block you. So this was a lucky but IMO a BAD online buying experience.

I want to try next but am a little skeptical about ordering seeds. I much prefer to buy in person.

Any other seed help in Canada?

I've ordered twice from hempdepot. Just received my dinafem CBD seeds and some freebies in ~36 hours. Can wait to try out that dinafem!
I've ordered twice from hempdepot. Just received my dinafem CBD seeds and some freebies in ~36 hours. Can wait to try out that dinafem!

Do the seeds come to you from within Canada? I'm assuming you get tracking info does the shipment look like it all takes place domestically? I don't want another fiasco of thinking it's coming from within Canada and then surprise.
Dear Diary
If your typical heatsink temp is 40 Celsius than your heatsinks are too small. I have mine running at 78 degrees which is around 25 celcius. A couple 12v pc fans running keep it cool and next to no noise.

I was in aquariums for a long time and know a ton about water and cooling and for our purposes an active cooled fan on a heatsink will be much easier than anything for people to acquire. Especially if you live in far remote parts you can order from Amazon for pc heatsinks and fans. I like what your doing with the water cooling but feel it's too much. Living in Canada it's cold here for half the year so I'm using the heat distributed from leds to warm my grow cab. You do this by putting intake fan at top and exhaust at bottom so it forces heat down. So far I see if you switched that to water cooling I would loose the heat that I need.

I agree. Only for those with a shop and like to have fun, though a small one could be an apartment job. It has a lot of advantages for a lamp that covers a typical grow table. Environmental control, ease of build, cost, heat recovery and silence, were the things I liked. I figure this "hobby" might suck in a few who have their lights built, but wanna have fun! I hope others develop it further, it's kinda a Canadian hands on guy thing, I just move heat with a simple system, others will use more elaborate pumping systems in the future.

Yer gonna see a variety of approaches to this issue, including dollar store 100 (15) watt Globe brand bulbs ($1US+$4 CDN!), so for 21 bucks American (day trip fur many) you can have a nice efficient 315 watt grow light. The drivers in these bulbs are about 90% efficient and the 14 watts to the light engine produces about 117 lm/watt. One of the fellows who was posting earlier has a cool plan fur this and you can read the discussion a few pages back. Cheapest and best I've seen yet, real simple too. Blow a house fan on it if ya wanna cool it. Three of these bulbs are equal to the driven power and efficiency of many quality COBs

If anybody wants to start a Canadian thread and post it here and lift out my designs and other's part sources, feel free. Make something nice and compact fur others, don't forget to mention the light bulb design and give credit to the guy. Folks shouldn't have to wade through my internal bullshit to get what they want! I figure it would be a great idea, just follow some simple rules. I figure when it's legal more regular folks will show up and this thread might surprise a few including some politicians. I wanna have an impressive community of folks who are good people and can think fur themselves and will tell me to fuck off when I'm wrong!
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Do the seeds come to you from within Canada? I'm assuming you get tracking info does the shipment look like it all takes place domestically? I don't want another fiasco of thinking it's coming from within Canada and then surprise.

Yeah that would be no good. They ship within the country for sure.
Dear Diary

I agree. Only for those with a shop and like to have fun, though a small one could be an apartment job. It has a lot of advantages for a lamp that covers a typical grow table. Environmental control, ease of build, cost, heat recovery and silence, were the things I liked. I figure this "hobby" might suck in a few who have their lights built, but wanna have fun! I hope others develop it further, it's kinda a Canadian hands on guy thing, I just move heat with a simple system, others will use more elaborate pumping systems in the future.

Yer gonna see a variety of approaches to this issue, including dollar store 100 (15) watt Globe brand bulbs ($1US+$4 CDN!), so for 21 bucks American (day trip fur many) you can have a nice efficient 315 watt grow light. the drivers in these bulbs are about 90% effecient and the 14 watts to the light engine produces about 117 lm/watt. One of the fellows who was posting earlier has a cool plan fur this and you can read the discussion a few pages back. Cheapest and best I've seen yet, real simple too. Blow a house fan on it if ya wanna cool it. Three of these bulbs are equal to the driven power and efficiency of many quality COBs

If anybody wants to start a Canadian thread and post it here and lift out my designs and other's part sources, feel free. Make something nice and compact fur others, don't forget to mention the light bulb design and give credit to the guy. Folks shouldn't have to wade through my internal bullshit to get what they want! I figure it would be a great idea, just follow some simple rules. I figure when it's legal more regular folks will show up and this thread might surprise a few including some politicians. I wanna have an impressive community of folks who are good people and can think fur themselves and will tell me the fuck off when I'm wrong!

PS Go heavy on good citizenship and be positive, others with different values may show up soon. Cross post and link here too! Don't forget health alerts and safety issues, change hearts and minds while yer at it too. The federal government has got big balls on this, so support them any way ya can fur sure. We'll deal with the provinces one at a time using a, others first, winning social approach. Winn will feel the heat then, not to worry, they will be spending a fortune in court and looking like shit, with the right approach. They will need a little dunking and I know just how to grab em by the scruff of the neck! You've seen the approach at work here, attend to yer experience.
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Politics and Business
When the Feds legalize and if grows are legal, who who would check ya and how? If ya sold to kids and crooks ya might be in fer a warrant. If ya get stumbled on fur a few plants over the line, ya might get a fine at first, intent will be everything. Keep inside the law and keep a low profile supply yer buddies and friends however ya like, free or cash. If ya can grow ya can give it to others free! You can probably run a sideline like this and make a few bucks on the side fur a while, keep it small scale among friends and work contacts. They will buy from you, if they like and trust ya, less public than the store and people tend to stay, if they like ya. You're gonna get into the customer service business with delivery by car, as it is now in some places. You'll have more competition fur sure and that will affect price and quality. Don't sell pesticide or bud rot, or folks will drop a dime on ya and rightly so.

When it becomes legal many experienced people may wanna cash in on a whole bunch of stuff starting on the ground floor. One way to make some cash would be to offer complete grow packages locally with free seminars to sell or advise alternatives to the smart. They will have friends and relatives and if you can form a helpful and honest relationship with them, they will turn friends, acquaintances your way. "Grow Master's", for instance, would provide a range of services, from coming in like a tradesman and planing and setting up the grow, even sell lights, pots, seeds and giveaway clones, if legal or on the side as goodwill, if the cops challenge ya, tell em you and the growers associations are looking for a federal test case to go to the supremes and the provincial and local cops might lose interest in you. In a large urban area a couple of growers with the right plan and preparation could clean up in a low cost service business setup, around setting up grows. A good home based business to start with too, throw all yer receipts in a shoe box and dump em on the accountant's desk at tax time!

If ya get fucked by the province fur production rights, it's great revenge and might be very profitable too, more than even a real big grow. We will win against Winn and other provinces, one at a time, when we win in one, we gang up on another and go fur the low hanging fruit first. The lawyers, grow associations and web sites will do some of the job here and advise on the targets. Defeat one, gang up on the next weakest and so on, by the time ya get to the toughest nut, ya got lots of backing and experience. Don't forget others, when ya get what ya want at home, get pissed and keep going for others, you'll feel good about that too.

It might even be like the exercise equipment business, they buy, but lose interest, ya made yer money anyway, it's their choice...

A good plan fur a large prescription holder and a couple of friend/partners to spread the risk a bit at first. Go yer own way with business experience later, combine into a team of trust worthy people to get started, more heads and hands are better than one. All that is required is honesty with each other, a bit of forgiveness and a sense of honor among the participants, soon as someone gets greedy, a plan to get rid them, should be part of the plan too, or they will destroy the enterprise with stupidity.

One common way of asshole removal is to form a small private corporation and outvote him and fire him as well, no dividends are paid out, so he has to sell the worthless stock to ya, he can't interfere either. You and the rest of the humans will make all the money. Asshole removal 101
Such methods are often used by the evil against the good, but it can work both ways, and is a great way to enforce previously agreed upon rules, on paper, clear and unambiguous! Some are still greedy and stupid though...
OVERGROW the government!
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If your typical heatsink temp is 40 Celsius than your heatsinks are too small. I have mine running at 78 degrees which is around 25 celcius. A couple 12v pc fans running keep it cool and next to no noise.

I was in aquariums for a long time and know a ton about water and cooling and for our purposes an active cooled fan on a heatsink will be much easier than anything for people to acquire. Especially if you live in far remote parts you can order from Amazon for pc heatsinks and fans. I like what your doing with the water cooling but feel it's too much. Living in Canada it's cold here for half the year so I'm using the heat distributed from leds to warm my grow cab. You do this by putting intake fan at top and exhaust at bottom so it forces heat down. So far I see if you switched that to water cooling I would loose the heat that I need.

I like to live dangerously! With flood light COBs anyway, I get creative at junkyards with the boys and did you know they like to smoke pot! Used to visit every friday and you'd be amazed at what they can set aside fur ya. The "junkyard dogs" tails were wagging and their tongues were hanging out, cause I had milk bones fur them too. I got 200 watts of mostly heat on a fixture with shitty AC COBs fur a test lamp and it runs at 40-45 C with a .25 amp 5" fan at about 11 volts. See the pics on my thread. I figure I could run 150 watts of regular floodlight cobs on it and it would run in the low thirties with 100 watts into 2 floodlight cobs it would run passive, or real low fan stuff. Old microwave amp rack mounts, from a microwave tower station back in the stone age, at the junk yard for years cause they were a bitch to get apart. Got 31 LED streetlights, many new and about 70% fully working, great 5000K boards again on the other thread. I'm thrifty and wanna have fun just for a game though, my arse ain't as tight as I say!

It's more than just spending money to get what ya want, but about being creative in several different ways, blame my practice. Even though I'm 62, I believe I have the mental flexibility of 30 year old, or so science says. Thicker cerebral cortex than the average bear, physical changes to prefrontal cortex etc. Not bragging, just promoting. Though I might really be a narrow minded old fart, like all the rest!
Start a new Canada Thread
If anybody wants to start the parts, seeds source, etc version of this site go a head. Copy safety info or my designs etc.
Cross post and promote it here and I'll send folks to a compact source of the best stuff and prices depending on the income. From LED bulb builds to COB rigs DIY to store bought. If ya got some seed sources, snatch the seed stuff earlier in the thread as a preamble for the section. Use bold headers for sections etc. If ya wanna PM or contact me on the thread I can do some writing assignments for ya for sections or lift whataya want from here. Get yer shit together with two tabs going and go to work and put a couple of neat pages or more packed with useful info, much drawn from here. I don't care, but attribution to myself and others would be nice and indicate less self interest and more success. This thread is turning increasingly into a writing exercise as I've got a bit of that ahead of me too. Might snatch some text from here for it too. The thread theme is drifting a bit too much, cause I'm more self absorbed than usual and should stick more to the greater purpose. I expect my interest will wane over time, so snatch and run! Or come here and take over if I'm not around, just be nice and remember, others might be watching now and in the future. Keep it helpful, on topic and shit on egotism, you'll be fine.
It started out as a parts source and community building effort along the way it delved into policy politics and the fact that you can use pot if yer older at least and still do something profoundly positive for your brain (important) I try to keep it light hearted and funny as I can. Some might like my approach to life growing etc, more so in the future perhaps. I was gonna start a thread with the same name and add on "how to" or "sources of stuff", but others can if they aren't too stoned, lazy and illiterate, a bad combo fur sure! Com'on, overcome the chesterfield lock and drop the cheetos. You and Chester have been spending a little too much time quality time together. And fur fuck sakes don't thumb it out on a goddam phone!
Learn to Meditate For Fun & Profit!
Ok I can't resist, I don't take the meditation stuff too seriously it's just a sport type thing to me and I'm more a coach, to most folks, people with more serious concerns like depression need some one on one or group therapy type meditation stuff. Corporations also use mindfulness, though I don't know how, but I might have stumbled on to it myself here. It's tribe and clan based, become a clan cause it's legal and you can do amazing things together. If you wanna be a 60 day wonder who maintains a practice in the morning before work, at lunch during work, and pays attention to yer job experience, mindful walking, exercise etc. There are many useful free websites, I'll look through some bookmarks fur a sec Ya can puff and practice too, tie it to work and try a bit on the weekends

Here is my favorite Buddhist nerd, Doctor Kelly Mcgonagall for a scientific view of the subject. Entertaining educational and a good place to start, might be the best 20 minutes of your life. Very general and easy on the head, good stoned entertainment fur nerds.

Another fast paced and really good video with a lot of tips and motivation, guy does other neat topics, worth a look 15 min

A wise master go to youtube for more

That should do ya fur now, if ya wanna start I'll post some university websites that have free practice programs etc. Kinda like the way I operate on grow lights. I'm here to help and enjoy teaching, here in general, or PM for private issues. Have a look, just because ya smoke pot, don't think it isn't for you.

If grow you might start hanging around the dispensaries to make new friends! If ya practice, you'll be less fear driven and see trouble coming easier. Read people easy and if ya wanna quit puffing the best way is to practice at work. You will automatically quit after a bit of regular hour long (2 x 30 min) and practice mindfulness through the day and you might start at the gym! Assuming ya don't feel like someone hit ya in the forehead with a pan shovel in the morning. An old head can wake and bake and have a sit before long and a good one too. It's how big yer heart is that counts for happiness, not how big yer brain is. Think about this for a second, we do everything in life to be happy, it has no ulterior motive. Many mistake pleasure for happiness there's a difference, pleasure is ephemeral and usually needs an external source. Happiness like peace comes from with in. Even fly fishing can be a meditation if done right, or weight training. Yoga is the mindfulness choice for women, cause it gives'm a nice butt to boot! Women is smarter than men at this shit too, ask any husband!

Curios? or Dead young? Gimme a buzz on grow lights or mindfulness practice and I'll send ya to the right places fur both. The web is full of this shit and I can offer some guidance. If you suffer from depression or the blues, definitely look into this. It's for normal people who have been fucked over by life and don't like it, fuck'n near everyone! Depression and chronic pain are the biggest things this does medically, but the health benefits are endless, just like any exercise, only this one ya sit on yer arse and feel yer body and attend to yer experience, start slow and train like a fanatic, if you thought pot was fun, wait till ya see what this can do to ya in 8 weeks. Enjoy the videos and post me a reply fur more stuff ta get you or anybody on the way.
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I'm trying to get to the lamp since it only really needs 5 to 8 man hours of work to have it over the grow table. The plants are on flower induction and won't be doing much other than stretching and the 5000K veg light will slow that down. The other warm white light on the grow will help with flower initiation, though there are better ways to do this.

I've been doing some other work on another new thread that deals with meditation in a location on the forum, Medical Marijuana Patients, section where people might be more interested. Lot's of people who use pot are depressed, in pain, just wanna be happier, or even smoke less and enjoy more, as every seasoned pot user knows is the best approach, cause ya get blown away by a little. I'm working on a section on depression now and it's a place to help and get ideas down while writing to a potential audience. When enough organized stuff is gathered or produced fresh, a new, same name plus how to, will be created with organized useful information and links in the top of the thread. Depressed people are at risk, but since they are really meditating on negativity anyway, I will do no real harm to suggest an alternative approach and supply some sources of professional online help.

This is some of the stuff that a mindfulness teacher does. Have a look if ya want, or if you know somebody who might need help, send them the link below in an email message. They must have a heart and be capable of rising beyond their own self interest, to be helped or even to be helpful to themselves. Donald Trump types would not be interested, and neither am I. I'm still compassionate, but no heart no hope, comes from tradition and is fully backed up by science.

Mindfulness Meditation For Medical Users

Topic Related
So I'm gonna be living on the medical end of the forum for a while, writing and teaching. I'll do a report on the light rebuild, because I promised and I know others wanna know about it. Not too much cooling and lamp thermal performance, other than the difference if any, between the cooling tube and the channel, on build and test of the Gen 2 three foot bar and post some data on Tb vs Cooling bar temp, for others too, soon as I find the time for some fun. I figure Gen 2 water cooling bars, enclosed drivers and COB holders are the way to go for a water cooled grow light rig, to cover a typical one or two plant grow table for max yield while keeping plant counts down. I figure this will become a high art and competitive game among legal growers, who can get the most off a plant, in a given period of time and with a set amount of light. Grams per watt etc. will be replaced by another set of metrics to measure excellent and expert performance in the new legal environment.

You might even get a blue ribbon and really stoned at the garden club meeting as ya try to beat yer rivals in good clean fun, where others benefit from you pushing the envelope of what's possible. I look forward to the picture of ya with yer plant, blue ribbon, smile and red eyes on the local TV news one day!

I'm gonna stay on topic here and move the other stuff over to the new thread from here on out, come on by to learn about meditation or if yer blue, and if ya know of others email the link to them to help.

I'll still keep an eye here so keep posting stuff that might be of use to others until I or someone else makes a help thread and takes the info for other Canadians. If you wanna screw the corporations who hold all the cards, encourage others to grow and support them anyway you can, including here or another Canadian thread. Cooperate like humans to win, behave like animals to go extinct. Humans support and care about each other and the children of others are a concern to them too, at least the ones that are worth a fuck to others and themselves, works both ways. Caring for others takes time and I'm running out happy!
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