Canada Grows to the 4 Plant Limit

I'm sorry you didn't stick around.

It seems most of our goals are in alignment. I'm doing this for those who come after us, who need clean good and medicine in an increasingly polluted and crowded world- and maybe someday, off the planet.

I'm not expecting a big reward personally. If I make enough of a living to keep doing what I do, I'll be happy.

Safe travels.
The good we do lives on after us my friend, as does the suffering imposed by evil. One heart and mind is my path, making a true connection with each.
The whole thread is a Dharma lesson in the traditional sense, and in the way it chronicles the last part of a interpersonal/intrapersonal journey of many years, if I knew then what i know now what a short one it would have been! I've smoked damn near a pound a month trying to convince friends of a lifetime to practice to improve happiness, but you have to be dead honest with yourself first and then have the courage to begin and stay there. The journey of a lifetime of happiness and a better world is only the first step away... keep moving though...
The Council of the Wise
I have changed my plans after seeking the wisdom of friends about the plants and my abrupt and surprising lifestyle change. I have found a new greater purpose, the needs of a poor friend who only sells to adults and has a circle of poor, mostly medical users, many without a prescriptions, he is my friend because of his high moral standards and big heart, a truly good man. He will be one of many beneficiaries because he will harvest at least 2 lb of good top quality bud for the needy. So tomorrow the work goes ahead with much speed and vigor after my meditation sit.

His was over today and established "ownership" and my prescription is only recently out of date and can be renewed, so no concerns there. I don't feel like smoking much now, but this way he owns them and any temptation will be removed, I would then be a thief in my own mind and have settled an ethical issue for now, thanks to the suggestion of the wise. I intend to leave the genetics with a friend and keep to the law, till it's legal and moral and ethical issues are resolved. I have been working on the "rules" of practice, not Buddhism, scientific insights have been pouring out of me for days through subconscious processes, we are truly more complex than I thought. The social/intrapersonal dynamic is so important for happiness, when I get a new manual written I'll share it free here, just like grow lights. Why here? I'm not developing a messianic complex, I hope not, cause I got friends who would crucify me if I did! Burned alive on the fuck'n cross, fur fuck'n sure! And I know just the feller who would spark up the goddam match! It's kinda like Jesus among his fellow outcasts, me and pot users/growers! I used large quantities of pot later in life while these subconscious forces raged, I was a nice guy all along, fer the most part! Ok I had a feller take a pair of scissors to me fur self defense, cause I fuck'n near had both ears chewed off em when I was high! I carried bandaids and left a trail of mutilated ears in my wake. For a few years my path became one of bloody ears!

I wanna support my "clan" leader, he deserves respect, because like his father before, he has heart and great courage and is a good decent man. His father was a mighty courageous warrior for his people and tried many years ago to change attitudes for not just pot users. He protected the weak and refounded the country, saved it in fact, from break up. He is one of the people I look up to and if anybody wants to have a logically based moral or ethical argument about it, it will reveal much about you and your motives and intentions to me. I will only defend his honor and integrity however, policy is free turf. So he is our leader in this and deserves our support, he's got the guts to do the job now, cause the time is right. Just look south for the opposite kind of "leader" and you'll see what I mean. Donald Trump couldn't lead a pack of dogs without getting torn apart! He would have starved if he wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth and will feature prominently in the guide as an example of prefrontal cortex damage. I couldn't do a thing fur Donald, he's doing himself!
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The Chump's biggest problem is that since he was born with that silver spoon stuck so far up his ass, he never had to grow up.

He's as successful as he is because America is a very narcissistic country.
I admire the job of "leadership" he's doing with the local female chief in Puerto Rico, I figure folks will have had enough, figure this will fuck him fur sure!
He's playing to his racist, nationalist jingoist base.

Worse, the mass media keeps giving him the platform.

We need to simply ignore him. That would be the very best revenge.
He's playing to his racist, nationalist jingoist base.

Worse, the mass media keeps giving him the platform.

We need to simply ignore him. That would be the very best revenge.

Folks elsewhere know the score too, we got TV. We sympathize fur sure, anybody can shit their pants in public, even uncle Sam!
And they might even have cob holders too, though flood light LEDs will do fur the test.

Fur sure, stay subbed. Pot never interfered with the heart (compassion= Max coop mode) and might be good fur training in the right amount! Not a goddam ounce a fuck'n week though! And the right age too, it's just like bodybuilding, not much different really, ya can use meditation at the gym too, like yoga, if done right.
Show n tell, let's see those lights!

I figure when it's legal here I might spend a bit of focus on the US, I gotta bit of a bone to pick with yer uncle Sam on this drug war business.
If you guys thought the russans were fuck'n with ya, wait till we get a grip on yer arse!;)
I figure when it's legal here I might spend a bit of focus on the US, I gotta bit of a bone to pick with yer uncle Sam on this drug war business.
If you guys thought the russans were fuck'n with ya, wait till we get a grip on yer arse!;)
Uncle Sams's eye's will bug out fur sure!
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Keep Posting

Keep posting the parts sources guys, I'm only going ethical fur a bit, I haven't found Jesus or anything, I'm still rational, don't be frightened!

This is an exercise in community building and protection, part of my job as a meditation teacher. I'm protecting the clan from the predators, nothing against a little profit and fun, as long as you know where it ends up, like responsible citizens. If yer running a big grow op and selling it to responsible people and dispensaries, no problem. I figure ya should sell an min of a KG to the liquor/pot commission and will only act on my plan with the advice and consent of wise citizens. Anyway that protects kids is ok with me and I'm not particular about law in this regard either. Corporations will be my primary target then, just don't be stupid and sell to kids. That's about it on the subject, everything else is fine by me. Anybody but corporations who will bribe politicians and victimize the poor, then you'll have a strong ally. If ya wanna organise like humans and fight, likewise, I'll join the tribe, but ya gotta be smart enough to think of the kids first, in order to fight most effectively for your rights. It has to be, we can save the kids better than you greedy bastards orientated. Then you will win, stop whining like the Donald and start winning, think of others first and you will win this kind of fight every time.
Well then here is one for you. In my opinion, any led that requires a heat sink is a scam. It is money that should be spent on more light sources.

Simple rules to live by.

If Cobkits had the same arrangement with Bridgelux as he does with Citizen we would probably see more of the SE builds out there using many cobs and little heat sinking. Some people think running a 120w rated device at 10w is a waste but the real waste is the chunk of metal people stick it to.
from an amateur at best ........this fool knows nothing about light or electrical 101.

Internet wanna be Hero!(:
Just so you all know.
The guy knows squat about growing! :bigjoint:

cheers ..on your last legs ears! ;)
from an amateur at best ........this fool knows nothing about light or electrical 101.

Internet wanna be Hero!(:
Just so you all know.
The guy knows squat about growing! :bigjoint:

cheers ..on your last legs ears! ;)

He's just young and the gentle old master had ta dunk em till he near drowned, but if he's as smart as I think, he's lurking and hopefully learning.
The teaching story was fur him cause I figure he's around look'n ta get me by the nuts and though he is smart, he's still smarting from the experience. We're crafty like that... Ya learn till yer dead, or I might help with that too... Many Donalds never came back from the trip to the river and the gentle old master never lost a wink of sleep over it, cause like me, he lived in the present moment...

Gotta work on the lamp, others are depending on it now...
Uncle Sams's eye's will bug out fur sure!
Gen 2 Water Cooled Test Bar
See above in thread for more info and my other thread too.

Hey Yoda,
Yer subbed anyway, fur anybody else who's interested in water cooled grow lights too, see the previous posts here to learn about it, it ain't all preach'n and pray'n. I'm trying to move folks into the new reality, if ya figure they won't let ya grow, then I'm gonna be Hell on wheels on their arses. Go medical myself with a 5 gram a day (25 Plant) perscription, cause them old wounds and injuries is a act'n up again bigly. It's all about morals, ethics and doing the right thing, not personal greed, but I and my network of close personal friends will go to work. In the future, older adults will get max prescriptions fur free, easy, that's where I'm going if the government is no grow! I might not make personal money, but lot's of other good folks will fur sure, if yer under thirty, you'll be a rare bird who can't go to shoppers.

Now fur all the adults, I bought some materials fur a 3' long Gen2 water cooled test light bar. So here come some useful pictures and info if anybody is planing a water cooled test bar or even lamp, I might be able to help, but there should be enough info here and posted earlier if yer hands on at all or fix yer own house stuff. The BOM is as follows: 3" X 1.?" X 3' (look at the fuck'n pic) Structural aluminum C channel, You could use 2" X 1" architectural C channel too, lots of choices here. I choose this type cause it's all he had in the rack at the time and the 3' long piece cost $10 CDN + the usual, 3.33/ft fur the channel. You can order this in, in 20 ft lengths (standard) and most places will sell ya what ya need and keep the rest in the rack. Plan a big project to use around 20 ft lengths. This would work out to say a 3 bar lamp, with 6 foot log bars 3 feet wide or so (adjustable in this regard). So this kinda light using this channel would be about $70. CDN, 2" architectural C channel would be much cheaper and lighter and if yer using quality COBs would work just fine IMHO. This stuff will do a better thermal job, but might heat up the grow too, good or bad, who knows, heavy though and ya gotta lift the fucker!

The 3' long piece of 1" square tubing is structural too, I believe, and this particular profile has thick walls and rounded corners, which might be better than square, who knows at this point! Again it's what me metals Buddy (machine shop, trailers, etc) had in the rack when I dropped in fur a couple of minutes and watched him juggle tasks on the fly, reminded me of somebody. Anyway the square tubing cost $5 CDN + tax fur 3' sooo... fur the cypher'n challenged and severely stoned, it cost about $1.70 CDN/ft, if yer not stunted, ya can figure yer own costs from here. Don't be so fuck'n lazy and get off yer arse, go find out what shit costs, I can't keep spoon feed'n ya, smoke less dope!

So everything important for the test lamp, cost $15.00 even, but that might be because of my charming personality, though I doubt it, cause he was in business! I'm really wasting my time here, I should be writing humor fur Bill Maher or Colbert, what the fuck is wrong with ya people, paralyzed with fear. I know yer lurk'n and can see the views and I feel kinda like someone is a watch'n so I got me guns close by, jus incase...

Ok, onto the the test lamp, but for one more thing, notice how I'm leading from the front here, ethical shit, safety info, helping, sharing complete info, pics, descriptions, costs etc. Make it easy fur others to duplicate yer feat, cooperate to win cause yer human, goes fur politics too.

Next post fur the pictures, I gotta string ya heathen along somehow ta lead ya to the Lord! Make better folks outta ya in spite of yerself, like yer mommy I guess. Got no time fur snowflakes and will drill ya into the fuck'n ground too!
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