BTT 2nd Grow Bagseed Soil


Well-Known Member
I was planning on bogging them into a bigger container such as a milk jug or just a bigger pot. I will be moving the grow soon so I want to leave them in the red cups for another 2 weeks or so until I can get set up at the new location.

I then hope to get the HPS set back up again in a tent or closet and put them under the HPS.
Yeah I really want to see them in bigger pots and under that HPS.
I think if you can limp them through until then they'll really take off with some new room for the roots to grow.
I've over watered before and the only thing that really brings them back is a transplant into new medium.


Active Member
here r mine from 2 days ago, when i was watering daily. then i skipped 24 hours and watered them today: BIG difference!





Active Member
Day 14 for these:

And day 14 for most of these except soil which are closer to 22.. I think something is up with the soil.. Sucks because I have a whole other bag full unopened and it's not worth it to me to drive the 3hr round trip back to HTG Supply store in my area.

Those pix make me wanna cry



Well-Known Member
Perlite alone is a tricky medium to keep nice and stable, and also requires an absolutely complete fertilizer concoction since its pretty much the same thing as glass chemically and doesn't contain micros..


Well-Known Member
I am using Advance Nutrients Micro, Grow, and Bloom. I also have Big Bud and some Tiger Bloom from last grow I might throw in during flower.

I set the cups up in a container filled with perlite and 1 hole drilled on each side of square container about 1.5 inches up. I am now watering around the cups and they are sucking it up from the bottom. The cups the plants are in have holes in the very bottom as they were originally used for soil, so they have no resi for the water to stay. Now they are all sitting in a big resi and seem to like it.

Also turned around my fan so it is blowing air into the box rather than sucking it out. I then caught my finger in it and broke a fan blade off. Now it hums from vibrations.

They were placed in this new resi on 6/19 and I watered the resi with roughly 2 gal of nute water at ~1/2 tsp/gal of Grow/Micro/Bloom and a few drops of Superthrive pHed to 6.2.

Here they are just after being placed in their new home 3 days ago:

Amd here we are today 3 days later showing improvement:

Little Mutant:



Well-Known Member
I watered this morning 2 Gal with 1/2 tsp/gal of Micro/Grow/Bloom and some Superthrive with a ppm of 450 and pHed to 6.2.

My water out of the tap is around 175 ppm so I added about 275ppm of nutes.


Active Member
they sure as fuck look like they are healthy again..

keep it up till the hps bro once you get your new room set up you should be golden


Well-Known Member
6.2 isn't that high, but what is your early runoff pH?? I noticed your water is 175ppm.. What is its natural pH?? (Ideally after dechlorination, but thats a whole ball game we can cover later if you even care).. I'm assuming your natural pH is pretty high, and that it returns to higher values pretty quickly after pH downing it.. (What you use for pH down can dramatically affect the stability of pH.. Phosphoric acid is a great pH down because phosphate reactions created when the acid drops the pH are excellent 'buffers' of pH in our target pH range, but compounds typically found in harder water are excellent buffers at higher pH than we want..)
Basically what I'm saying is its all about buffers to create a more stable situation, so the more details you can explain about pH and fluctuations the better..


Well-Known Member
Not sure of the early run-off. Next time I water I will test and see. My water is 8.24 after sitting for about 4 days. I am using pH lower that contains phosphoric acid.

Hope to be setting up the HPS sometime next week at the new location. Might be getting a grow tent as well. Any suggestions make/model where to get one cheap? I have been looking on HTG supply at
It's 56"x56"x78" with 142 cu ft. I figure this should be plenty big for the 600w. Just hate shelling out another $210.. not including shipping..

If you know a place to get a better one or any suggestions please chime in.

I might look into building a cabinet of some sort. It has to somewhat stealth as well as being easy to tear down/rebuild and transport to another location if need be.


Well-Known Member
Get your skills down before blowing money on a tent, and honestly seeing as you're in straight perlite, I'd think about getting some alternate water bacause that extreme to the fact of what I was talking about.. They fucking love rainwater! set up a collector at one of your spouts.. Woulsn't surprise me if that fixed everything right away..


Well-Known Member
Hey man, great to see that your plants are starting to get healthy again. They are looking green now with lots of new growth. When were you planning to transplant to larger pots?


Well-Known Member
Not sure when I am going to transplant. I was thinking about bogging them into 1gal jugs, but I'm not too sure where I am going with this grow now. At the new location I need to keep everything confined.. I might just keep them in the cups add more bulbs and flower with CFL's.. Just need to wait till I can get over there and set everything up.

Pics Day 20:



Well-Known Member
2 Gal. Pour it all around the cups. The clear plastic tub has 1 hole on each side longways about 1 1/2" up. I water all 2 gals which goes about 1/2 to 3/4" above hole and let drain out. So when I place clear tub back under lights it has roughly 1 1/2" of water in the bottom. I put the clear tub inside of another clear tub so any excess drains in that.

And before last watering I went 4 days. Might wait a bit longer and wait for it to get a bit lighter. Just like the idea of having the root sit in water, and not go too long as to they get dry. There was no water at the bottom of tub when I watered yesterday..

I think it is also helping that they are sucking the water from the bottom. This keeps the bottom ~2" of the cup wet and the rest of the top dry to give plenty of oxygen.


Well-Known Member
Water more often and let them drain completely as quickly as possible.. Those planters are too small to have the roots constantly in contact with a water table of sorts.. If perlite can drain its virtually impossible to overwater..


Well-Known Member
Water more often and let them drain completely as quickly as possible.. Those planters are too small to have the roots constantly in contact with a water table of sorts.. If perlite can drain its virtually impossible to overwater..

It's funny because this was the method I was originally using as the cups have holes at the very bottom and sides so all water would completely drain, but they would not grow for shit.

Then I throw them in this container which gives them a bit of a resi and they turn around. Maybe it was the increase in nutes or the superthrive. They were all changed at once so it's hard to know what exactly made the positive impact on their recovery.

Just went to check and there is ~1/4" of water at the bottom of the clear container. The cups are not even completely on the bottom, there is a little bit of perlite in between the cups and bottom of tub. So the water is def going somewhere.


Well-Known Member
wow lookin so much are you going to grow these girls? in a tray? in pots? suggest taking your healthiest ones, give em the root space they need, and focus on them.