BTT 2nd Grow Bagseed Soil


Well-Known Member
Pulled them out to take side pics and trained them some more.. Opened up the middle some and pulled some out to the edges so they can get more light. Can't wait till each hole is filled! Enjoy!



Well-Known Member
Glue the mylar to managable sized carboard panels.. I used a very thin starch paste, covered every square inch of the cardboard with it, then ironed out the mylar perfectly smoothly, and sealed the edges with tape to prevent peeling.. Extremely convenient, portable, modular, and can be reused for many setup changes..


Well-Known Member
Yea I remember you telling me that. But with the closet being so small and the bright 600HPS, I don't want to create hot spots for them.. Maybe just cut cardboard to cover the doors. And pieces to overhang over the gaps around the doors.


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with flat white.. I dunno which would be more convenient for those doors, painted cardboard, or panda film.. Probably the plastic..
Honestly though, I don't think you can get away with it if you intend to have visitors in that room for your pc.. There is a catch-22 between noise and odour control needed for a setup like that, and even if ppl don't suspect, if they hear something you'll get put on the spot with innocent questions.. Your only chance would be to launder the noise.. Replace your pc fans with whiney ones with messed up bearings, run a loud exhaust fan visibly and claim its for smoke, do whatever you can to to make the room annoyingly loud as long as you can rationalize it..
Still though, the larger the DMZ you can keep between your grow op, and your visitors the better..


Well-Known Member
Well I think I am going to stay with the CFL route just to be on the safe side. Picked up another 31 gal Rubb. tub for $10..

Lowes also has 65 watt soft white CFL's for $10 Not the spiral kind, the 4u. They had they spiral, but it was $17.. Thinking of getting 2 of them to put in for flowering.. Just worried about the heat with those. Right now with 5 cfl's 133wt total temps range from 77-82 tops. So with 2 65wt and 3 26wt I'll have just over 200wt with roughly 13,520 total Lumens.

Also going to build a screen outta pvc and some wire to maximize the space I have. Something like this: (Note: these are not my pics, just ref. cred. to Red_Greenery)

Now I just need to figure out how to stack the tubs together. Either, one on top of the other each facing up, or flip over one on top of the other.. I want to use the tub that I have now painted white as the top, cut a hole out of the bottom and put in ontop of the new tub w/lid cut out. But I want to be able to pull the whole tub w/screen and plants out to water, trim, etc..


Well-Known Member
Just watered them with plain pHed water 3 gal or so to give a good flush.. Looks like I had a bit of build up of nutes which was causing some burn/lockout on a few leaves. Nothing major.

Pics Tom.


Well-Known Member
Yea tell me about it. Took most of the day Saturday.. Still needs some work to seal the door up tight so no light escapes. Just cardboard and duct tape for now. Going to hook up a small fan to the intake to blow fresh air in. Temps hit 86 yesterday, better than I was expecting. With fresh air blowing in, it will cool it down a little more. Also might reroute the bathroom a/c duct down into the room so it blows cool fresh air into the bottom of the room..

Going to keep them going on 18/6 for another week or so till they get used to the light. Then depending on their growth flip to 12/12 to determine sex and clone...

I will then use the rubbermaid for clone/veg..


Well-Known Member
Watered this morning plain pHed water 2 gal. They are looking good so far. Lowered the HPS down about 6" or so..


Well-Known Member
Watered 2gal @ 1tsp/gl M/G, 1/2 tsp/gl of Bloom. pHed to 5.5 and ppm of 663.

Last 2 waters were plain water so back to the nutes!

Lowered the light about 8" more.. So now light is app. 3ft above the tallest plant.

Here's some pics with diff. flash modes on my cam:



Well-Known Member
Is that a 1K light?? By now I'd have thought they'd be happy closer if its less temperatures permitting.. Still though drop it slow if you do..


Well-Known Member
600w light. Temps are pretty high at the moment. 86* in the room right now.. Hit 93* yesterday. Going to pull an a/c duct from another closet and put it down into the room so it's blowing cool air in. Will do it in a day or two when I can get in the attic in the morn, and it's not 90* outside..


Well-Known Member
And now my room has central A/C! Took maybe 30min to reroute the duct down into the room.. It was F%^*ing HOTT in the attic that's for sure!!



Well-Known Member
I think you've got it pegged now then.. Your plants seem to like the current diet, and the level of heat stress a few were showing should go away quickly..

Edit: One thing I'd ensure though is that you're getting really nice air exchange in that tub they're in..


Well-Known Member
I think you've got it pegged now then.. Your plants seem to like the current diet, and the level of heat stress a few were showing should go away quickly..

Edit: One thing I'd ensure though is that you're getting really nice air exchange in that tub they're in..

Yea there is a pc fan blowing into the tub..

I will take them out and get a small osc. fan to put in there... And use the tub to clone/veg.


Well-Known Member
Watered 2 gal @ 1tsp/gl M/G and 1/2tsp gal Bloom, few drops of superthrive pHed to 6.2 600ppm.

Got them a osc. fan in there now..

Starting to see some alternating nodes which is good. I want these to stretch some so I can pull them apart and get the lower branches some light.

I predict 12/12 within 10 days. Want to get in the room when lights are off and check for light leaks on the inside.. Once everything is ready to go they will flip..

Also going to germ some other bagseed I have from some decent bud. Start them in the tub for 2-3 weeks or when they outgrow the tub, then flower them under the HPS.

