Blood and Soil

Trump Live Stream:





well at least you tried. Now go read a page from a dictionary or encyclopedia to gain back some brain cells

I could probably write a synopsis without watching it. It's always the same old sorry lying racist horseshit.

But Trump likes him. In February 2016 he said he didn't know about him much to Jake Tapper.

In 2000, Trump was unhappy that Duke was in the Reform party because he was racist, on an old NBC clip.

Think he forgot in 16 years?

The most horrible human being possible.
Both of them.

And there's blood on Trump's hands from this past weekend. 3 people are dead. Trump enabled the whole thing down there in Virginia. 2018 and 2020 can't come soon enough.
I didn't name the KKK initially because I needed to know the facts first.

“What about the 'alt-left' that came charging at, as you say, the (nazi's) 'alt-right'? Do they have any semblance of guilt?” Trump said. “They came charging with clubs in their hands,” he said of the counter-protesters.

Yo Tweetler, America's courage to charge at Nazi's is what it's all about, you fucking grovelling puppet.
I could probably write a synopsis without watching it. It's always the same old sorry lying racist horseshit.

But Trump likes him. In February 2016 he said he didn't know about him much to Jake Tapper.

In 2000, Trump was unhappy that Duke was in the Reform party because he was racist, on an old NBC clip.

Think he forgot in 16 years?

The most horrible human being possible.
Both of them.

And there's blood on Trump's hands from this past weekend. 3 people are dead. Trump enabled the whole thing down there in Virginia. 2018 and 2020 can't come soon enough.
I swear some of those guys in the white polo shirts look like the same ones who ride around in pairs preaching the word of the invisible man. Straight up one on one they would get the beat down each and every time.