Blood and Soil

Tiki Tweetler


Trump, who has issued scores of tweets without benefit of accurate information, explained his initial unwillingness to single out the white supremacist who drove into a crowd of demonstrators: “Before I make a statement, I like to know the facts.”

Trump, who has criticized others for failing to use the phrase “radical Islamic terrorism,” declined to call the incident terrorism, dismissing the question as “legal semantics.”

Asked about the culpability of the “alt-right” in the Charlottesville attack, Trump replied: “Okay, what about the alt-left that came charging them?”

Political violence, by anybody, is wrong. But to equate neo-Nazis with those who oppose them is, even for our alt-right president, a new low.
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Yeah, he was so horrible to make sure old people of all races got $50 a month in the middle of a depression.

He also sent his wife down south to try to stop the lynchings in the '30's.
Against your family's beliefs, I'm sure.

Tell us about the age of consent again Rob. It's very insightful. NAMBLA meeting tonight out there?

It's easy to give away other people s money, even for a racist like FDR.

My family is not a lock step thinking unit. it is comprised of individuals. So your statement is meaningless.

I'm more than happy to discuss what consent is and isn't. For example the United States does not ask for or seem to require your consent to enslave you or others. Wouldn't you agree ?
Why do you molest young children though?

Your penis only looks big next to the 8 year olds you rape.

Your insult creativity is lacking. I'm sorry but if it doesn't improve, I'm going to complain to your mother when I go down to the basement to feed her.
Your insult creativity is lacking. I'm sorry but if it doesn't improve, I'm going to complain to your mother when I go down to the basement to feed her.
My mom isn't 8 years old. You wouldn't be interested pedo.

Now, wipe the children's semen off your lips and crawl back into the hole you slithered out of.

Rob Roy molests children and it's a proven fact. I'm going to let Your work know.
My mom isn't 8 years old. You wouldn't be interested pedo.

Now, wipe the children's semen off your lips and crawl back into the hole you slithered out of.

Rob Roy molests children and it's a proven fact. I'm going to let Your work know.

That sounded rather vengeful. Lighten up, you could get a penis prosthetic and in dim light and with a drunken partner, you might be able to pretend you are normally endowed.

No, your mom is not 8 years old, but when she wears that cheer leader outfit she really gets the crowd going.
That sounded rather vengeful. Lighten up, you could get a penis prosthetic and in dim light and with a drunken partner, you might be able to pretend you are normally endowed.

No, your mom is not 8 years old, but when she wears that cheer leader outfit she really gets the crowd going.
You really suck at this.

Maybe if you spent less time touching little boys buttholes you'd have better comebacks.

Who touched you and made you this way? Was it uncle? Dad?

Why do you need young boys penises in your mouth?

Help me understand.
That sounded rather vengeful. Lighten up, you could get a penis prosthetic and in dim light and with a drunken partner, you might be able to pretend you are normally endowed.

No, your mom is not 8 years old, but when she wears that cheer leader outfit she really gets the crowd going.

Pedo promoters all suck.

What makes you think you're different?

You're not funny, clever or bright. Your political views went out of style 150 yrs. ago.

You damn dirty ape.